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Posted (edited)


Ok... I've got some mission stuff figured out.  However, my problem now lies with the STORY.  Now, I'm going to describe the story, so if you would rather not see it (spoilers, of course), then that's fine... don't read on.  If you do read on, perhaps you can offer some advice regarding how to progress the story.



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Edited by Ultimo
Posted (edited)

Initial thoughts (and then some...I kinda started rolling along).:-)

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Edited by cranebump
  • Thumbs Up 1

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


Thanks for the feedback and ideas!

I can see #1 working... the Galactus vs Nullifier idea could work really quite well, since one of the heroes to be rescued is a Reed Richards homage character...


#2 probably wouldn't work, because the child of the big bad is based on Kalibak... and he's not the most diplomatic, relatable type.

#3 is nifty, as a fan of HG Wells (indeed, I have a gang of low level villains I've named "The Noobs," one of whom is named Herbert G. Verne), but I don't want to wipe out the Brass Men... plus it's kind of been done before.  Moreover, I love the idea of having Dr. Vazhilok working on the side of the angels.


#5 is kind of the direction I had been going in... but I'm not sure quite how to get there.  The idea is the heroes would do something to draw out the leaders of the Brass Men, and then draw out Malephar himself by defeating them.  As I say, I just don't quite know how to get to that point... but you've given me some great ideas to work with!


Uuuuuughhh.  Just CANNOT get the balancing right.


Since it seemed the enemies were too easy, I added a couple of powers here and there, and now they're completely unplayable.  A slight tweak, and they go from doing 40-50 damage per attack to 500-900 per attack.  They're now basically oneshotting my Brute.  If he can't stand up to them, how would my Controller manage?  My Mastermind?  Just impossible to balance this damn thing.

  • 1 month later

Ok... new problem.


The first mission is about done... but it has a couple of problems I can't seem to sort out.


First, there's a boss to fight, but he's supposed to run away at 75%.  Instead, he stops fighting and just stands there.  I can't figure out why he won't run away.

Second, there's a bunch of captives to free.  I'd like THEM to run away once freed... but they ALSO won't move.


Finally, is there a way to make an NPC  say stuff IN the mission?  In a later mission, the PCs would rescue someone and he would give them a new briefing... a mission within the mission.

Posted (edited)

Not sure of the first 2 issues (seems like a glitch or a map problem), but you can use the attached Clues screen to have rescues “talk.” I usually color code the text yellow to indicate speech. You’re limited to 300 characters though. Bosses have a significant amount of dialogue text, so you could make a friendly boss and use some of that. But the player doesn’t get a notification as they do with Clues, so they d need to be paying attention to NPC chatter.


I’d use the clues screen, then have the new “mission” objective chained to the rescue. It would then appear in the Nav text (i.e. “Find Nemo!”

Edited by cranebump

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

Posted (edited)

As @cranebump says, the first two issues may be map related. I know, for example, on Croatoa maps where there are no doors, they have nowhere to escape too and that can cause issues. 


As to the second one. Here's tactics I have used/seen

  1. Escorts are a way to have someone say something during part of a mission when they reach their objective. Make them non-required, but still give them rescue Nav text and then you skirt the issue of the mission failing if they die.
  2. Like @cranebump suggested clues are another.
  3. One I have never tried, but saw in "The news of my death is not exaggerated" (or similarly named dev's choice), is to have the rescue not flee, but instead stand there with some sort of clue to you to read their description to converse with them. Clever way to get 1000 characters or whatever the limit is there.
Edited by Ankylosaur

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  • 5 weeks later

Ok, I changed the first map, the new one is better anyway.


So, I published it.  There's five missions, but only the first one is really playable.  I'm hoping people will play the first mission and give some feedback.  It's up to you if you try the other missions, but they're very unfinished at present.


Any thoughts would be useful.  If you DO play the subsequent missions, I'm most concerned by the difficulty of the bosses.


It's all VERY MUCH a work in progress... but I appreciate any thoughts or criticisms.


I could really use some feedback on this first mission... I just tried it with my Tanker and found I couldn't do damage to the boss (Angrief) AT ALL... and the boss has no defensive abilities at all.  He's supposed to be one of the WEAKER bosses... if he's completely invulnerable to any character, then I'm concerned at the difficulty.

Posted (edited)

Which mish is it? There are two posted.


Disregard. I'm in the right one.

Edited by cranebump

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


Okay, so I took out Marko, but it was a fairly tough fight. The other boss (starts with a T), I waded into a bunch of adds without seeing them. REALLY had a tough time. Gobbled insps, did a strategic withdraw. Picked off the beamers where I could, then ID'ed him. Stunned him right off, then slugged him down, but he hit pretty hard.


I don't think it's the bosses as much as it is the bosses AND the minions. The beamers set you up, and if you haven't taken care of the boss (or the minions), you're in for a fight. Bear in mind, I'm running with a L50 Nrgy/Rad Tank who, while not optimized, is pretty damned tough. 


Feels like this should be a L50 mish. It's a a full-scale invasion, for one thing. I wouldn't sweat getting the bosses "right." They were tough enough on the big map. And I was only running 0/x2.

  • Like 1

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


Ya, I should have posted, I've added the second mission in the arc, it was pretty straightforward.


I had to fix Angrief in the first mission, he nearly oneshotted my Tank character (who is L30 and pretty decently tough), so I had to change his power sets.  I gave him the Electric Control set, but I'm finding he is still kind of overpowered against melee characters, because he zeroes their endurance in 2 seconds, no matter what they do... which means you can't do anything against him... and I HATE that in any enemy.  If the players aren't allowed to do anything, there's no GAME, if you see what I mean.


I may reset the game scale so it's all L50... that DOES raise lower level characters to that point, yes?

  On 9/29/2023 at 7:52 PM, cranebump said:

Okay, so I took out Marko, but it was a fairly tough fight. The other boss (starts with a T), I waded into a bunch of adds without seeing them. REALLY had a tough time. Gobbled insps, did a strategic withdraw. Picked off the beamers where I could, then ID'ed him. Stunned him right off, then slugged him down, but he hit pretty hard.


I don't think it's the bosses as much as it is the bosses AND the minions. The beamers set you up, and if you haven't taken care of the boss (or the minions), you're in for a fight. Bear in mind, I'm running with a L50 Nrgy/Rad Tank who, while not optimized, is pretty damned tough. 


Feels like this should be a L50 mish. It's a a full-scale invasion, for one thing. I wouldn't sweat getting the bosses "right." They were tough enough on the big map. And I was only running 0/x2.


Tasker.  Ya, I took my L15 Brute in there, and ALMOST got him, but then found myself permastunned, slept, held, and then stunned some more.  He was down to around 10% health, too.

It's the Psionic attacks, they definitely sting.


Correct. It will exemplar you up to min. mish level.

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

  On 9/30/2023 at 3:42 AM, Ultimo said:

Tasker.  Ya, I took my L15 Brute in there, and ALMOST got him, but then found myself permastunned, slept, held, and then stunned some more.  He was down to around 10% health, too.

It's the Psionic attacks, they definitely sting.


Does one of them use Dual Pistols?

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

  On 9/30/2023 at 3:43 AM, cranebump said:

Does one of them use Dual Pistols?


Ya, that's Marko.  He hits pretty hard too... certain power sets are like that, Beam Rifle (which the minions use) is another that hits kind of hard... but at least the minions use only one or two attacks.


Ok!  Up to three missions now.  Working on the fourth one.  First three are published if anyone wants to try them, and provide some feedback.


Thanks again!


  On 9/30/2023 at 7:22 PM, Ultimo said:

Ya, that's Marko.  He hits pretty hard too... 


Believe me...I noticed...:-)

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

  On 10/2/2023 at 11:54 AM, cranebump said:

Believe me...I noticed...:-)


I've actually changed him up a bit.  He's based on my Warhammer 40k Chaos Lord, who had a daemonic sword that devoured souls.... so I really prefer him having a sword.  Ideally, he'd have a pistol to supplement the sword, but that's not possible, so I gave him some blasts instead.  This should also make him a little easier to take down, because there's no more Invulnerability on him.  Let me know if he's too easy now.



All five missions are up, and ready for some testing!  Give it a try, and let me know what you think.  In particular:


Are the enemies too difficult?  Too easy?

Are there any obvious flaws in the plot, or spelling errors.

Are any of the custom characters (many of whom are based on existing characters) TOO similar to the characters they're based on?

Can you suggest any changes to the mechanics of the missions that might better represent what's going on in the story.


Of course, I welcome any and all feedback!




Well, unpublished it.  Fourth mission is misbehaving.


There are a bunch of patrols that aren't supposed to start until after you complete the first objective... yet for some reason they're present immediately, before the objective has been reached.  Same with a couple of bosses.


I checked the settings, and everything looks correct... any idea why it might be doing this?

  On 10/10/2023 at 2:53 AM, Ultimo said:

Well, unpublished it.  Fourth mission is misbehaving.


There are a bunch of patrols that aren't supposed to start until after you complete the first objective... yet for some reason they're present immediately, before the objective has been reached.  Same with a couple of bosses.


I checked the settings, and everything looks correct... any idea why it might be doing this?


What is the first objective?

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


The mission is supposed to play like this:


You're trying to lure the enemy into a trap.  In your base is false information you want them to capture, that will bait them into the trap, which is sprung in mission 5.


You enter the mission, and the map is empty except for a few other heroes (allies you can collect if you wish) and allied patrols.  The first objective is to talk to Citadel, who is waiting at the back.  The second objective is to activate the computer that contains the bait.


When you activate the computer, there's an ambush you need to fight off.  I would have preferred to have all the enemies spawn at the same time, but you can only attach one event (the ambush) to the computer objective, so I attached the enemies to your meeting with Citadel.


So, the way it's supposed to go, you go through the empty base and rendezvous with Citadel.  This is supposed to make all the enemy patrols and bosses spawn.

You then go to the computer and interact with it, which spawns the ambush.


You then need to fight your way to the entrance, defeating patrols and bosses along the way.


The problem is that the patrols and bosses aren't spawning when you talk to Citadel, they're spawning immediately, and so are already in the mission before you ever reach him.

I checked the triggers and they seem to be correct... so I'm at something of a loss.


I may end up redesigning the whole mission.

Posted (edited)

I assume Citadel is an ally with no enemies around him? If so, the objective is autocompleting when you enter mish, since there’s no need to rescue him from anyone (it considers the enemies “defeated). Once he’s “rescued,” attached objective enemies spawn automatically, preceding the use of bait in your chain. They end up on the map immediately.

Assuming I have this right, I’d suggest keying the enemy patrols and boss spawns to the bait. Since they aren’t ambushes, they should all be attachable to the bait.Attach nothing to Citadel. 

Edited by cranebump

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


Ya, he's an ally... but it was working correctly before I published it.


The other allies also have ambushes attached to them, but THOSE don't appear until you go to them.  It's not consistent.


I'll have to tinker with it some more... this thing is taking forever to make properly.

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