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Bots question


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I just popped 50 on my Bots/FF MM. I'm contemplating a respec. Here's my question(s). Other than the Protector Bot throwing a heal now and then, is there any reason to slot Upgrade Robot over Maintenance Drone? I rarely see the PB heal any of my other bots. The Maintenance Drone on the other hand is an absolute beast at healing. Am I missing something, or is the Maintenance Drone the better power to slot?

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Maintenance Drone is better. Though arguably, no additional slots in either is still solid. I did some MD testing awhile ago and slotting an IO set increases it's heal value. It does not increase MD's HP, frequency of heals, quantity of heals etc.


MD heals 4 times before self destructing regardless of slotting.


MD base heal is 267.72 hp per heal. 
Single IO (+42.4%) - 381.23 hp.
Boosted single IO (+53%) - 409.61 hp
Double IO (+83.3%) - 490.73 hp
Boosted double IO (+95.9%) - 524.5 hp
Triple IO (+99.1% heal) - 532.5 hp.
Full IO set (+97.5%) - 528.75 hp



Did a bit of testing. Group Fly and falling from max height in AP. Just to see how often Protector Bots heal until MD self destructs. 


10:06 - MD 4 heals/PB 3 heals
10:08 - MD 4/PB 2
10:11 - MD 4/PB 3
10:13 - MD 4/PB 1
10:15 - MD 3/PB 4


Crossed out 2 PB heals at 10:13/10:14 as MD self destructed already. 10:15 MD just did nothing after 3 heals. Info shows PB Repair has a 30s recharge, MD shows a 2s recharge.




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Another question...Repulsion Bolt or Damping Bubble?? I wouldn't even question it except the new Repulsion Bolt has a -15% resistance for 30 seconds. That and the Damping bubble numbers seems a bit anemic. Just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

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58 minutes ago, Achilles6 said:

Another question...Repulsion Bolt or Damping Bubble?? I wouldn't even question it except the new Repulsion Bolt has a -15% resistance for 30 seconds. That and the Damping bubble numbers seems a bit anemic. Just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

I'd take both to be honest, -15% res stacks with the -11.25% res of force bomb. Dampening Bubble not only helps you out, but has a  substantial debuff to enemies tohit. Unslotted, that's like making any enemy standing in the dampening Bubble need to overcome 25.95% defense to hit you. Tohitdebuffs are great, although they do get affected by the purple patch and some mobs have resistance to tohitdebiffa.

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The real reason to slot Maintenance Drone is IMO for Recharge (and enhancement set bonuses). I would absolutely take Repulsion bolt for the -Resistance. I think you also ought to be taking the Primary attacks for the same reason. I would probably only slot Repulsion Bolt with a KB->KD and 50+5 or Superior Acc/Dam/End piece (I don't think there is an option for just Acc/End).


Dampening Bubble can hold some Defense globals, so don't skip it out of spite.

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OOOF!!! I hadn't even considered "enhancable" DDR. Hmmmm...what are we looking at....maybe 20% fully enhanced? That's not too bad...if I had slots. As of right now either Damping Bubble single-slotted or Repulsion Bolt single-slotted. Damn tough decision...Looking at Mid's, with 1 50+5 Def IO, it shows 17.11%


On another note...I did take all 3 primary attacks (tidge).


I do not have Repulsion Bomb (SeraphimKensai).


I did take Repulsion Field...which I love!

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