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Foathim the Kind Dispersion bubble not working


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I was running the mission, "Find Olivia Darque and Escape" when I noticed that the dispersion FF bubble FtK was projecting wasn't increasing my defense.  Is this by design or a bug?


Also want to say that the ambush at the VERY END of the mission was absolutely uncalled for. Zero deaths and while I'm doing my touchdown dance... WHAM!  Next thing I know I'm in a hospital with the doctor telling me that he needs to wake me up before he go goes. UNCALLED for!

Foathim the Kind -- No defense bonus 1.jpg

Foathim the Kind -- No defense bonus 2.jpg

Foathim the Kind -- No defense bonus 3.jpg

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You seem to only be looking at the base defense or positional (melee/ranged/AoE) defenses. If you look down at smashing defense, it does indeed increase from 27.45% to 57.45% when in the dispersion bubble. This is because Faathim's (and most NPCs, even allies) dispersion bubble is the old version that only has typed defenses. Another thread recently was pointing out the same problem with Lt. Sefu Tendaji's dispersion bubble in the RWZ arcs.

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From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

Raid leader for 'Everlasting TFs'.

Mains: Trickery Girl (Ill/Rad Controller), Burk (Sword/Shield Stalker), and 7 other complete badge characters.

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1 hour ago, Burk said:

You seem to only be looking at the base defense or positional (melee/ranged/AoE) defenses. If you look down at smashing defense, it does indeed increase from 27.45% to 57.45% when in the dispersion bubble. This is because Faathim's (and most NPCs, even allies) dispersion bubble is the old version that only has typed defenses. Another thread recently was pointing out the same problem with Lt. Sefu Tendaji's dispersion bubble in the RWZ arcs.


Oh, I thought the dispersion bubble covered every type of defense. Didn't know that. THANKS!


((Really? No comment on Wham? /smh))  🙂

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1 hour ago, TimesSeven said:

((Really? No comment on Wham? /smh))  🙂


Sure, I'll comment....


I like the ambush and think it should stay.  It keeps things interesting and not monotonous.  It also provides a challenge which keeps the game engaging.  But, sorry you didn't like it.  🙂  

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50 minutes ago, Frozen Burn said:


Sure, I'll comment....


I like the ambush and think it should stay.  It keeps things interesting and not monotonous.  It also provides a challenge which keeps the game engaging.  But, sorry you didn't like it.  🙂  


Sigh, How old are you? Bet you're under thirty.


And an ambush AFTER the mission was won? Sorry, not a fan. Feels like cheating. Glad you like it though. 

Edited by TimesSeven
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3 hours ago, TimesSeven said:


Sigh, How old are you? Bet you're under thirty.


And an ambush AFTER the mission was won? Sorry, not a fan. Feels like cheating. Glad you like it though. 


Lol.  I'm 52 - almost 53.  


I get it.  You don't like it.  And that's okay.  I totally respect that.  But you asked about other's opinions and I gave mine.  You don't have to be belittling about an opinion opposite of yours, though.

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On 12/3/2023 at 12:04 AM, Frozen Burn said:


Lol.  I'm 52 - almost 53.  


I get it.  You don't like it.  And that's okay.  I totally respect that.  But you asked about other's opinions and I gave mine.  You don't have to be belittling about an opinion opposite of yours, though.

I wasn’t belittling.  My age reference was about my reference to the eighties group, Wham when I said “wake me up before you go.” And I was replying to Burk. Not you.  

Secondly, I wasn’t asking for opinions. I asked if the dispersion field was a bug. You GAVE your opinion, which I said, “glad you like it though.”


sorry you saw all of this the wrong way. 

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17 minutes ago, TimesSeven said:

I wasn’t belittling.  My age reference was about my reference to the eighties group, Wham when I said “wake me up before you go.” And I was replying to Burk. Not you.  

Secondly, I wasn’t asking for opinions. I asked if the dispersion field was a bug. You GAVE your opinion, which I said, “glad you like it though.”


sorry you saw all of this the wrong way. 


No worries.  Clearly this is misunderstanding all around.  Sorry, you took mine the wrong way too.  


While I was a teen in the '80s, your opening post made it seem like your "Wham" reference was more about the ambush.  You stated:  "WHAM!  Next thing I know I'm in a hospital... Uncalled for!"  Yes, you make the song reference/pun in there (clever! - I love a good pun!), but the overall tone and intent of what you wrote was more about not liking the ambush.  So, it was easy to take your comment that way versus the '80s group and their song.  


And asking "Really? No comment on Wham? /smh"  IS asking for an opinion.  And in an open forum like this, comments are for everyone to weigh in on - otherwise, there is a Direct Messaging system for private messages.  And it didn't make sense to me that you would ask more about why someone didn't comment about the '80s group and their song versus the ambush... so, that is why I offered my opinion about the ambush.  


Again... sorry you didn't like any of that.  But there was also nothing damaging or hurtful in my post.  You gave me a  "sad' emoji, and could have left it at that and nothing further needed to be said.  But...


Asking/stating:  "Sigh, How old are you? Bet you're under thirty"  IS belittling and rude.  Sure, you may not have meant it that way, but that's how it came across.  You clearly could see I didn't catch your meaning, so all you had to do was instead say, "Oh, I meant the '80s group and their song" and all this misunderstanding could have been cleared up immediately, and we could have had a laugh much sooner.  


Sorry I misinterpreted your meaning.  And again, sorry you took mine in the wrong way too.  I meant no ill intent either.  A sincere, Happy Holidays to you!  🙂  

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