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Optional camera offsets

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The character being directly in the center of the field of view is visually obstructive. It would be cool if there was an option to adjust the position of the camera.


This is mostly an issue in enclosed spaces, and especially with hover/fly.

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I may be misunderstanding your request.


But this is currently possible in the game.

I am constantly shifting the camera angle.

You set it in keymapping to move the camera. 


Sometimes I will go first-person shooter-style. 

I think the B key zooms in and out.


I am open to more options ....



/e poofgone



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As far as I can tell all the game supports is changing the camera's orientation and distance. What I want to be able to do is apply a vertical or horizontal offset so the camera can be made to look over the character rather than directly at the character, as is the case in almost all third person games.

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While not what you are asking for, you can go into 1st person view. Then your character isn't obstructing your view any more. (Though you do lose peripheral awareness around your character.)

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I hope some photos help

Under controls have Free camera movement enabled


Screenshot 2024-01-30 114236.png


Under Key Mapping set a button to control the camera

It is under View, and I use the middle mouse button. I press it down. I set scroll for zooming in and out You can set it however you wish.

I do recommend a camera reset button of choice. I use page down.



Edited by JasperStone

/e poofgone



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With free camera movement, you can set the camera basically where you want it, and you can zoom in and out.


You are limited with indoor maps at how far you can zoom out.


I often run with my camera set  as you see in the second image and vary the zoom

/e poofgone



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1 hour ago, JasperStone said:

I hope some photos help


Those are just the basic camera controls, all they let you do is rotate the camera and zoom in/out. I want to be able to move the camera up and down and side to side. Not just rotate the view up and down and side to side, but actually move the camera's anchor point such that it's no longer pointing directly at your character at all times.


That God of War screenshot is a good example. You can't orient the camera that way with CoX's camera controls, if you zoomed it in that far the character would completely block your view. The camera in that screenshot has been moved horizontally so that it points past the character rather than at the character.

Edited by nzer
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The God of War screenshot was just the first one that popped out to me to send as an example.


I believe that type of camera is usually referred to as over-the-shoulder? It's prominent in modern third-person shooters.


(Dunno that I'd use it myself but +1 to the request; it's a solid viewport choice.)

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