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Posted (edited)

If this is buried in the minutiae of the patch notes, then I missed it and I apologize, but the level 50 mission completion rewards are slightly lower than they were before the update.


Previously completion xp and influence for completing a +4 difficulty mission was 65,000 and change.  I don't remember the amount of change (the number in the hundreds) but I've seen the 65k number so many times it's etched into my memory.  These numbers could adjust up due to day job bonuses but 65k was the baseline reward.


Now I'm getting:

You gain 62,332 experience and 62,332 influence.


Not much but it's less and I don't know if that's intended.


Let me head off a couple of "well what about..." counters from other posters:

1) Team size doesn't affect this bonus.  Even if it did I saw the new number for +4 team size 8

2) I don't have any bonuses, day jobs or anything could possibly be affecting this.


I'll also note doing a handful of autocompletion is a standard part of my day so I know for sure that 65k is the number I've been getting over the years.  Now it's 62 and change.


Editing to give some additional data:


The mission complete bonus on Excel, with both day jobs active (Arachnos base and Police Station) was 93,497.  Divide by 1.5 (the 2 day jobs are each 25% and add to 50%) and you get 62331.333

With no day job on Excel I got the aforementioned 62,332.


On Indomitable, with no day job bonuses, I got 124,664.  Indom has 2xp so divide by 2 to get 62,332.


Edited by Hedgefund

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