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 As the title suggests, could we get an alternate casting animation available for the "Medicine" powers added. Of course use the same casting time, but do away with pulling out the device from your "pocket" and instead cast the heals on your target much like a regular healer would do. I'm sure the animations are already there, but I don't know the technical details and limitations of adding an animation to a power.


 I do understand what the power is supposed to be, this is just a flavor request cause I would like my character to look as if it is doing the healing, not the medical tricorder.


 Thanks for reading,



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Agreed and seconded.

I think a generic “face target and extend both hands” for the animation/interrupt time of Aid Other and that sorta “foerarms arms up flex” when you activate Aid Self would be sufficient for 90% of builds that don’t want a green medical tricorder.


If it has to include drawing an object for some reason, I’d suggest a wand/staff or medicine bag as an alternate to the tricorder would probably cover most of the use cases where a tech-ish option makes sense.

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Generic animations/models open up tons more concept ideas, 100% in favour of generic options for things.

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"Minimal FX Everything!"


I love this game. I'm eternally grateful that it was brought back.


"It's not enough that I win, somebody else has to lose" is not the attitude of a Hero.


A more visible animation for Resuscitation would be nice too - I can't even tell you how often I've been rezzing someone, only to have someone else also start casting a rez because they thought I was just standing there.


(And yes, very long overdue!)


 How do we get this in front of the eyes of the people that can make this happen? 😛


...............(I'm sure everyone who makes a suggestion wonders this).............

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