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Countdown Timer Buffs for Certain Powersets

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So first of all, loving the cooldown timers on powers. Took some getting used to for old toons where my brain was used to reading the shrinking power timers but especially on new characters it's eliminated a lot of the guessing game on whether or not I'll have a short duration power up in time to be used next. I have an idea to exploit the cooldown timers -- it's kind of a hacky implementation, but anything not hacky might require too much of an overhaul to the buff display frames.


I was thinking that with certain powersets that deeply rely on short-duration buffs like Titan Weapons, a null power gained at level 1 that has no activation time and does nothing but go on cooldown when the buff is active -- in the specific case of Titan Weapons, Momentum -- could be used as a hacky workaround to track the duration of the remaining time by putting it in the power bar and then just not activating it. This might only be easily doable in Titan Weapons if it's doable at all because the set is already designed to have powers that read the presence of a specific buff on your character, but if it can be done -- I think it'd be a great QoL touch for the set.



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