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RP/RP Friendly: Moderate-to-heavy RP


Theme/Era: "Heroes Touched by Magic"  Mystic Heroes thrust into an Urban Setting


The DAUNTLESS REVERIE is a fellowship of Heroes whose lives have been touched in some way by magic, who seek in their own ways to help others.

They have been multitudes:  creatures of legend, descendants of the divine, beings blessed and cursed, visitors from fantastic worlds, tormented hellspawn, students of the arcane. 

But they have all been Dauntless:  Mystic Heroes thrust into an Urban Setting.


When the game was live, the DAUNTLESS REVERIE existed from Beta till shutdown.  It has always been a Moderate-to-Heavy RP group, and at times had quite a large membership, and a very large base.  Now, with the return of COH and the advent of the Homecoming Servers, the DAUNTLESS REVERIE is once again seeking members, Mystic Heroes who have been “touched by Magic”.


The base is in the process of being restored, and at present has a full set of teleportals, a worshop for crafting & Storage, and a medical facility, and should be completely furnished over the next week or two.


If you have characters you feel might be a good fit for this theme, and you're interested in RP as well as general missions, I’d enjoy talking / RPing with you. 

For questions or further info, or just a good spot of RP, you can always drop a tell to my global,  @Nyghtshade

or Message me here.




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