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Arsenal Control/Arsenal Assault Build Dominator ??


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Ok here are the powers i find that i enjoy.  My bread and butter:  Tranquilizer and Cryo Freeze Ray.  Other powers that i find useful are:  Liquid Nitrogen, Cloaking Device, Smoke Canister, Flash Bang, Sleep Grenade, Tear Gas, and Tri Cannon.  From the secondary Arsenal Assault, i'm not sure i like any of the powers except for Targetting Drone.  I only just recently picked up Ignite.  

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Can't speak for Control, I don't have it built on a Dom, but for Assault I took everything but Elbow Strike on my Illusion/Arsenal.  Five slots in all attacks, six in Buttstroke, Buckshot, and Trip Mine; Buckshot and Trip Mine are only six to fit a Sudden Acceleration KB>KD (Trip Mine needs it since it's a 100% chance to scatter the crowd, especially bad with Arsenal Control's focus on patches), they otherwise run Positron's Blast and Obliteration for the Recharge set bonuses.  Buttstroke's sixth slot is the Ascendancy ATO proc but the rest of the slots are Crushing Impact or Hecatomb (level and finances dependent).  Power Up is the standard two recharges, Targeting Drone I had to low slot just because I didn't have enough to spread but it has a Gaussian's Build Up in it along with a Cytoskeleton HO.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Levelling up is annoying me with respect to the ranged DPS:  you get the tier 1 burst and a narrow cone AOE in the buckshot, and that is it until the sniper attack at T8?!?  Wow.  But 5 slotted in both powers it at least keeps me busy.  The endurance drain from using buckshot like it is a single target attack adds up in the lower levels.   Ironically /arsenal is probably better paired with the more traditional control sets that are chok-full of middleton blasts to give controllers attack powers - I'm just used to leaning on assault for attacks and control sets for controls.

I've wondered what it would be like to take the fighting pool and make a full melee attach chain, but not enough to try it yet.  

One thing I do appreciate in the late 20s thus far is a lot of the AOE controls are useful without additional slots, making it easier to focus slots on the holds and assault powers as I see fit.  I'm drooling over hitting the volume of slots that come available in the 30s.

I like playing the combo so far, soloing is interesting, but on a well equipped team I have a tendency to rely on flashbang (the AOE stun) because it is targeted, and most of the other AOEs are location targeted and that just takes too long.  The plethora of location targeted AOEs is terribly helpful for ambushes and other dynamic encounters, many options for area control and denial.

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  • 1 month later
On 4/22/2024 at 5:14 AM, Dauntless said:

on a well equipped team I have a tendency to rely on flashbang (the AOE stun) because it is targeted, and most of the other AOEs are location targeted and that just takes too long.

Slight Necro, but are you still finding that Flashbang is your goto?
I'm honestly leaning towards skipping it entirely.

I'll admit I've been using a few binds to make the location-targeting powers into foe-targeting though.
/bind A "powexec_location target smoke canister"
/bind B "powexec_location target sleep grenade"
/bind C "powexec_location target liquid nitrogen"
(Tear Gas is already foe-targeted)

I'm finding that Sleep Grenade in particular is a complete monster when procced out.

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