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Posted (edited)

First off, I dont want to use purples, ATOs, and pvp sets. I also know you always build a dom for recharge to try to hit perma dom. While I will get incarnates, I don't want to base the build around them because I think most of the time I'd be running exemplared.


I don't know where to start aside from adding recharge, recovery, accuracy, and damage. I tried to build it like a blaster but I don't need the mez protection if I have domination up, I don't want to add in def/res cause its not a scapper or a brute but a little wont hurt but I don't want to add types that aren't significant. There's so many options and I'm too ADHD to make a choice lol HELP ME!



Celina Wild - Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault).mbdFetching info...


Edited by LKN-351
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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)


Any reason you don't want to use purples, ATOs and PvP sets?  If you're going to be exemplared a lot, those are the only sets that will work from level 1-50.


Other than that, what are your other build priorities?  Like, do you prefer to do more damage at the expense of defense/resists?  

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If and when I exemplar, I don't generally go under 20ish and I doubt you need a IO'd out build under that anyways.

I don't farm at all... ever... lol and I havent always had that much luck playing the market. I know its easy to get influence but I just don't play with the goal of making it. If it takes too long to get the build full of IOs, I'm going to get bored and frustrated with it and leave it on the shelf.


The priorities are recharge, accuracy/tohit, damage, and recovery. I think my recovery may be ok at mid to low 3/s, I usually run melee toons at high 3/s or low 4/s, but the end useage of darkest night worries me.

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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

  On 5/3/2024 at 6:14 PM, LKN-351 said:

First off, I dont want to use purples, ATOs, and pvp sets. I also know you always build a dom for recharge to try to hit perma dom. While I will get incarnates, I don't want to base the build around them because I think most of the time I'd be running exemplared.


I don't know where to start aside from adding recharge, recovery, accuracy, and damage. I tried to build it like a blaster but I don't need the mez protection if I have domination up, I don't want to add in def/res cause its not a scapper or a brute but a little wont hurt but I don't want to add types that aren't significant. There's so many options and I'm too ADHD to make a choice lol HELP ME!



Celina Wild - Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault).mbd 44.25 kB · 1 download



Purples are immune to set bonuses being nerfed due to exemplaring, likewise ATOs and PvP.  You can build (if not easily, it is doable) a perma dom exemp friendly build.  


Life has cheat codes.

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What about the pets? The pets from Haunt aren't always up but they can be up more often with recharge, but if I put the pet bonus auras in them does it effect both of them or does it just effect the one that the set is slotted into? In case that doesnt make sense, if I put Expedient Reinforcement with the bonus resist aura in Umbra Beast does that aura effect Haunt or just Umbra Beast?

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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)


Take a look at this.  There's probably more that can be done, but this will massively increase your recharge rate.  I don't think I added too much damage outside of what you'll gain from recharge.  I did have to swap out the teleport pool and soul consumption for the stealth pool to mule LotG.  I think you'll be fine with perma-dom and 3.5 end/s.  Other than that, I tried to leave everything else alone.  I do recommend trying out the melee powers at some point.

Celina Wild - Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault).mbdFetching info...

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  On 5/3/2024 at 9:56 PM, LKN-351 said:

I haven't looked at the one you just posted yet but I changed some things around. I'm not really sure what recharge numbers tell me how close I am or even if I'm at perma-dom though.



So take a look at the build I posted.  It's perma-dom and perma-hasten.  You need at least 122.5% recharge to get perma-dom and that leaves no wiggle room (activating powers just as dom comes off cooldown will make you miss the window).  This means you're not at perma-dom with your latest build.  If you're including hasten to get perma-dom, you need a comfortable buffer over 122.5% because you won't have hasten up all the time.

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Posted (edited)

I combined the last one I posted with the one you posted and ended up at 193.75% without hasten, little more S/L on def and resist and kept the TP pool and have some debuff resistance.


I'm really trying to teach myself to use Combat TP in all my builds and it was going well last night on a +4 ITF. I've got CTP usage down on my melee toons but I set the binds up a bit differently on the squishier toons and theres a bit of learning to do with it.


I may not want to set the build up around incarnates, I do always have some trouble picking which one would give the most bang for each toon. Any suggestions?


Celina Wild - Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault).mbdFetching info...

Edited by LKN-351
Who put that word in there! lol
  • Like 1

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

  On 5/3/2024 at 6:14 PM, LKN-351 said:

First off, I dont want to use purples, ATOs, and pvp sets. I also know you always build a dom for recharge to try to hit perma dom. While I will get incarnates, I don't want to base the build around them because I think most of the time I'd be running exemplared.



The more I think about this sentence the more confused I get.  it would be different if you said "because they are expensive"  But all of these sets are immune to exemplar removing set bonuses.


Like hearing someone say "I want to build a boat.  But I don want it to be water tight of use materials that float.  Because what happens when it loses water tightness or the materials get water logged?     And no submarines either.  might lose power.  No, I need something that works!

  • Like 1

But Snarky it IS because they are expensive! LOL If I used those three I mentioned in my builds, I'd still be working on the two builds I did last week.


The other reason is cause sometimes I add things into a build before I'm 50. Like that Claws/regen scrapper I was doing last week, he wasn't 50 yet and he was mostly built by the time he hit it. Hell, by the thirties I already have Miracles, Numis, the Performance Shifter proc, and one or two LotGs slotted in.

I know, that only counts the purples but still... they're expensive lol

I could honestly probably figure out a method to add in purples, ATOs, and PVP sets but I've survived this long without them so meh lol

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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

  On 5/3/2024 at 11:16 PM, LKN-351 said:

But Snarky it IS because they are expensive! LOL If I used those three I mentioned in my builds, I'd still be working on the two builds I did last week.


The other reason is cause sometimes I add things into a build before I'm 50. Like that Claws/regen scrapper I was doing last week, he wasn't 50 yet and he was mostly built by the time he hit it. Hell, by the thirties I already have Miracles, Numis, the Performance Shifter proc, and one or two LotGs slotted in.

I know, that only counts the purples but still... they're expensive lol

I could honestly probably figure out a method to add in purples, ATOs, and PVP sets but I've survived this long without them so meh lol


now it makes sense.  okay, thx for clearing up.  have fun

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  On 5/3/2024 at 10:56 PM, LKN-351 said:

I combined the last one I posted with the one you posted and ended up at 193.75% without hasten, little more S/L on def and resist and kept the TP pool and have some debuff resistance.


I'm really trying to teach myself to use Combat TP in all my builds and it was going well last night on a +4 ITF. I've got CTP usage down on my melee toons but I set the binds up a bit differently on the squishier toons and theres a bit of learning to do with it.


I may not want to set the build up around incarnates, I do always have some trouble picking which one would give the most bang for each toon. Any suggestions?


Celina Wild - Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault).mbd 47.71 kB · 2 downloads


So, I'm really not sure I understand what you're going for here.  Your changes neuter the damage from Life Drain and lower the damage from gloom and Moon Beam, all your hardest hitting attacks.  Why are you trying to use combat teleport but not taking your melee attacks?  I'm not trying to be harsh, I just don't think I understand what your goal is.  


As far as perma-dom goes, your latest build should have it, but you'll have to be on top of refreshing hasten ASAP and making sure you're not too busy button mashing to allow domination to cast.

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Posted (edited)
  On 5/3/2024 at 11:16 PM, LKN-351 said:

But Snarky it IS because they are expensive! LOL If I used those three I mentioned in my builds, I'd still be working on the two builds I did last week.


The other reason is cause sometimes I add things into a build before I'm 50. Like that Claws/regen scrapper I was doing last week, he wasn't 50 yet and he was mostly built by the time he hit it. Hell, by the thirties I already have Miracles, Numis, the Performance Shifter proc, and one or two LotGs slotted in.

I know, that only counts the purples but still... they're expensive lol

I could honestly probably figure out a method to add in purples, ATOs, and PVP sets but I've survived this long without them so meh lol


If you run task forces and strike forces fairly regularly, then you'll accumulate a lot of merits. You can exchange merits directly for purple recipes at 100 merits for one purple recipe at a conversion booth. Often that's less efficient than marketeering would be. But, if you'd rather not deal with marketeering and you've got a lot of merits laying around then that's one way of getting purple IOs. You can also purchase winter set IOs with merits. Usually winter sets are a better deal for the merits it takes to buy them because their price on the auction house will tend to be higher most of the time, compared to the cost of purple IOs. There are conversion booths in Talos Island near the train station (across the street from the main entrance to the train station, up against a building) and in RWZ not that far from Lady Grey (just circle around the area she is in and eventually you'll see it).


You can also convert merits into hero merits at a conversion booth (hero merits are bought with 50 merits and convert back to 50 merits when redeemed at a conversion booth, thus having no cost in the end). Hero merits can be put into an email that you send to your global account, which can then be taken by any character on that account. That allows you to share merits between characters at the cost of a small amount of time, and nothing else. Thus, it can be worthwhile to check out your older characters that you don't play anymore and see if you've got merits sitting there doing nothing. 

ATOs often cost about 7 or 8 million inf and unless they are not available at all through the auction house it will virtually always be a substantially better deal to get them through the auction house than to buy them with merits at a conversion booth. On that note, when not in missions or a base try out typing "/ah" (without the quotes) in the in-game chat window and hitting "return." You'll see the interface for the auction house pop up and you can sell things or place bids from there. 

Also, the first time you complete the market crash trial on a character you always get a purple recipe as a reward. Make certain to have quite a few empty recipe slots before you start one of those because otherwise you can finish up and realize that you couldn't receive a purple recipe because your character was already at their recipe storage limit; it sucks when that happens, as that "one time" reward per character will never be offered again if you miss it the first time. 

Hopefully this helps. 

Edited by EnjoyTheJourney
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  On 5/4/2024 at 1:26 PM, RelativeQuanta said:

So, I'm really not sure I understand what you're going for here.  Your changes neuter the damage from Life Drain and lower the damage from gloom and Moon Beam, all your hardest hitting attacks.  Why are you trying to use combat teleport but not taking your melee attacks?  I'm not trying to be harsh, I just don't think I understand what your goal is.  




I actually didn't notice I sloted Moonbeam differently than you and I fixed that. With Gloom I specifically didn't want the movement speed increase, but I did change around the slotting so I had a higher DPS from thar power. for some reason I didn't notice the dps values in MIDS even though I did realize it doesn't show damage with the rest of the values.

Life Drain... I've known since I got that power that its a heavy hitter but I've always just used it as a heal when I need it.


With CTP, you're thinking "in" which is how I use it on my melee toons. With Blasters and Doms I use it as an "out". Move in and fire off some PBAoE powers and get out. On my ice dom I have the melee powers, but IMO Shadow Field seems unreliable (hence the lockdown mag 2) so I'm reluctant to stay in melee range and want a reliable healing power that heals well (Life drain with a heal slotted and Soul Consumption) and I'm hoping once I get done slotting it that I can close that gap a bit. Once its slotted I can do another respec if I feel like things need to be changed more.

As I've leveled this dark Dom it seems more like a longer ranged character due to how the powers work. My Ice/Ice Dom can get in melee range no problem with the reliable hard controls. My elec/fire Dom is more mid range.

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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

  On 5/4/2024 at 4:32 PM, LKN-351 said:


I actually didn't notice I sloted Moonbeam differently than you and I fixed that. With Gloom I specifically didn't want the movement speed increase, but I did change around the slotting so I had a higher DPS from thar power. for some reason I didn't notice the dps values in MIDS even though I did realize it doesn't show damage with the rest of the values.

Life Drain... I've known since I got that power that its a heavy hitter but I've always just used it as a heal when I need it.


With CTP, you're thinking "in" which is how I use it on my melee toons. With Blasters and Doms I use it as an "out". Move in and fire off some PBAoE powers and get out. On my ice dom I have the melee powers, but IMO Shadow Field seems unreliable (hence the lockdown mag 2) so I'm reluctant to stay in melee range and want a reliable healing power that heals well (Life drain with a heal slotted and Soul Consumption) and I'm hoping once I get done slotting it that I can close that gap a bit. Once its slotted I can do another respec if I feel like things need to be changed more.

As I've leveled this dark Dom it seems more like a longer ranged character due to how the powers work. My Ice/Ice Dom can get in melee range no problem with the reliable hard controls. My elec/fire Dom is more mid range.


Ah, ok.  So, the gloom slotting was more to get the ranged defense than the movement increase.  Since you're not melee adverse, I do highly recommend you use at least smite, it's got a really good DPA.

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I did actually try a version of the toon in MIDS with higher movement speeds, I didn't like what I'd have to sacrifice to get sprint speeds without sprint. That's an idea I'd like to implement into a build when it's viable, but this isn't the place. While I was attempting that I did stumble across the debuff resistance on the Synapse end mod set bonus' though so that's a plus.


I see what you're saying about Smite, and it would come in handy with Combat TP but I'd have to lose something else. At this point I can't fathom what I'd lose to have it. I like the two PBAoE attacks cause they spread -tohit all around and one of them has a control function. Smite may hit hard but it's an ST attack and those PBAoE powers help more than just myself.

Thinking about it, I may have to set a bind to get into the mob and then back out. Right now I've got back 60ft and L/R 20ft. hmm, pondering.


Overall though, I have to playtest the build and see what needs tweaked further.

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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

  On 5/4/2024 at 3:01 PM, EnjoyTheJourney said:

If you run task forces and strike forces fairly regularly, then you'll accumulate a lot of merits. You can exchange merits directly for purple recipes at 100 merits for one purple recipe at a conversion booth. Often that's less efficient than marketeering would be. But, if you'd rather not deal with marketeering and you've got a lot of merits laying around then that's one way of getting purple IOs. You can also purchase winter set IOs with merits. Usually winter sets are a better deal for the merits it takes to buy them because their price on the auction house will tend to be higher most of the time, compared to the cost of purple IOs. There are conversion booths in Talos Island near the train station (across the street from the main entrance to the train station, up against a building) and in RWZ not that far from Lady Grey (just circle around the area she is in and eventually you'll see it).


You can also convert merits into hero merits at a conversion booth (hero merits are bought with 50 merits and convert back to 50 merits when redeemed at a conversion booth, thus having no cost in the end). Hero merits can be put into an email that you send to your global account, which can then be taken by any character on that account. That allows you to share merits between characters at the cost of a small amount of time, and nothing else. Thus, it can be worthwhile to check out your older characters that you don't play anymore and see if you've got merits sitting there doing nothing. 

ATOs often cost about 7 or 8 million inf and unless they are not available at all through the auction house it will virtually always be a substantially better deal to get them through the auction house than to buy them with merits at a conversion booth. On that note, when not in missions or a base try out typing "/ah" (without the quotes) in the in-game chat window and hitting "return." You'll see the interface for the auction house pop up and you can sell things or place bids from there. 

Also, the first time you complete the market crash trial on a character you always get a purple recipe as a reward. Make certain to have quite a few empty recipe slots before you start one of those because otherwise you can finish up and realize that you couldn't receive a purple recipe because your character was already at their recipe storage limit; it sucks when that happens, as that "one time" reward per character will never be offered again if you miss it the first time. 

Hopefully this helps. 




For the mostpart, all I do is Task Forces. Its a fair bit of merits rewarded, unless it happens to be WST. I start all my toons off working towards Task Force Commander as well as any TFs that give credits towards accolades (Moonfire for example). By the late 30s I generally have 300ish merits (probably more if I get the explore badges), but why get 3 purples I can't use then when I could get 6 recipes for a build?

I do like the mention of using Hero merits to transfer regular merits though, I wasn't aware of that. Thats way better than transfering a merit at a time, I'll have to use that tip. Speaking of tips, I was so glad when I found out about the /ah command, I hope more people have learned about that change. Still, too bad it doesn't work in SG bases.


MC is a great place to get purples. All of my toons run one by the time they hit 50. You're at the mercy of RNG though, and I may have close to ten from this method but no full set of any that are availible. I don't spend enough time playing endgame content to fill in the gaps from MC RNG, I much prefer the content from the late 20s, 30s, and early 40s. I'm pretty sure that lowers my chances of getting a purple drop though, but I could be wrong.


I'm sorry, nothings going to convince me to grind out for purples/ATOs. This build was more expensive than I had hoped and if I like it as much as I think I'm gunna have to go back and rebuild my Ice Dom. The only reason I had the infl on hand was from the mapserver event and I only did that cause I couldnt get people to join my TFs so I got bored.

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Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

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