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It's always been this way - a tank's true role


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From my building methods now having Harmonic Mind helped me build more "cooler" Tanks. Since Dark Armor is one of my favorite sets the same with Bio yet I didn't know what to pick once I got into the "end game" 35+ so I'm able to take Tough and the Leadership trinity which is something I have skipped in many a build. So in my current Bio/Dark/Psi build I have 3 Performance Shifter and Power Transfer procs. Combing that with Panacea I'm getting like a free 350hp and 30% end every few other seconds. So that crafting method allowed me to skip Dark Consumption since Bio wants slots. So what you're looking for in a Tanker is Bio/Dark/Psi it does EVERYTHING you want. I've even been running into fights without my Adaption on and there's still enough float that you won't get alpha'd. You still need to understand when and where to "stance switch" to help debuffing, dps and sustain. To me, the role of a tanker is a melee controller, yes the setup I'm giving barely has any such hard control if you want "control" go Dark/Ice and you can basically stand and enemies will fall and won't get up, especially in teams

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I do not under stand why you want to just... taunt and.. stand there.  that stuff went away in like issue 4 and its currently issue 27.  taunt has been at 5 targets for like 18 or 19 years.  the original team did it early, the sc0re team kept it, the homecoming team kept it.


it was NEVER that way.  back then we had fire armor tanks burning everything


in everquest warriors had trouble holding agro without high damage or expensive procs

in warcraft warriors had their dagger in hand spamming sunder and revenge

in swg we had taunt spamming brawlers losing agro to commandos and combat medics

in ff14 tanks are a nice solid place dealing damage


new armors to the game enhance damage somehow

against all odds/shield charge, meltdown/ground zero, offensive adaptation, brimstone armor(!)


go punch something or hit it with a stick

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