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as the title suggests, i need help with this build, my goal is to maximise my damage and defence 

thank you all for responding in advance


There is no cookie cutter build that will answer your wants because play goals vary.  That said, what are your play goals beyond the damage defense( ie what many would of course want)? solo? groups? highest challenging post 50 content?  Casual? etc. Also this is a simplification as some build for even very specific content only too.


There have been various builds here and on the mids discord for both power sets and of course you can use mids as well to play around with what you may want to have.  Since you best know your wants, coming up with a build yourself, posting here on the forums for feedback, and specifying your play goals specifically can help.


That all said, Infinitum has a whole thread dedicated to tank builds for your to read all the pages through for insights as well:




well, i want it to be for solo mainly, but if it is possible, it can work as well in groups
as for causal or lvl 50?...i would say casual, afterall, i want to have fun with him too


Not knowing what your bank account is, I threw together something on the discount end.  No purples, no ATOs, and no Winters, so it could absolutely be refined a ton to deal more damage/recharge.  The lack of those IOs also means your fire/cold resistance is a bit lacking.  That said, you would absolutely be able to run solo, group, or most TFs without issue, and the build could be bought for relatively little investment.  A week or two of casual market flipping and you should be good.



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