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Hybrid Control +1 Mag to Controls not working as advertised

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So below is the intended chances for the various effects of the Control Hybrid tree.




But looking at City of Data, those chances for +1 Mag are not accurate. Each Control branch with the +1 Mag ability grants a Global Chance mod that affects any power tagged a 'ControlProc'. The 'chance for damage to a controlled enemy' effects use this tag and are correctly boosted by the Global Chance mod to the percent that is stated in the power description.


However, all of the +1 Mag effects are tagged 'HybridWeaken', a tag that is not affected by any other power and instead all of the various +1 Mags have a flat 33% chance at all tiers. See below for visual aid of what I'm saying, in case it doesn't make sense.




Additionally, Control Radial Genome says it has a 35% chance for a mag 2 Fear, but is actually only 30%, and the bonus Stun effect of Radial Embodiment, which is supposed to be a 100% chance if the target is already Feared and Immobilized, is actually only 90%. And for PvP, those qualifiers are missing so you just always have a 90% chance to Stun.

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Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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  • been testing the hybrid control powers... maybe a small chart is in the works.  (no % testing).  came up with some different findings than you posted.

          tested on lvl 50 enemies CoT in PI Portal Corp. parking lot.


  • control radial embodiment:  chance to mez.... the stun does not trigger at all (0%) after the immobilize and terrorize both trigger in pve, the "control" message may or may not appear on the screen, when it does appear, think that enemies are being stunned at a greater magnitude.... but one cannot tell in game because there is no indicator other than the "control" message.  this may be additive stacking based on how many applications of the control were cast on the enemy.  (not exactly sure how this works). 
  • control core embodiment:  +1 mag must need a tohit check, but definitely is being triggered.   waylay only mainly only triggers on minions and but can, though very very infrequently trigger on LTs.
  • the status protection figures in-game combat attributes say that both core and radial embodiment offer 28.57% status protection, not 40% as seen in the chart above..  not sure if a game attribute issue or just a description issue.



  • would use core embodiment is if you are concerned with damage.  (personally would skip this hybrid altogether, was hoping it was better than is).
  • but caution:  core works well, but i need more testing to determine if it is also stifling my procs in 'world of confusion.'  with more testing it seems to me that the proc i have in 'world of confusion' will not trigger when either the hybrid core and/or radial is toggled on.



Edited by shortguy on indom
updated... 3rd and final round of testing completed 06/12/24

PvP Capture the Flag!  Bring some fun into it....

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