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Aloha everyone.


I just wanted to drop by to share with everyone that I've released all of the "old code" that I wrote when I was in the "CoH scene" to the public with an Apache 2.0 license on GitHub. It's all pretty old stuff, and I've learned a LOT since I wrote most of it, but some might find bits of it useful if they want to make their own CoH related programs. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about any of it.


Here's the URL to the repository:



And here's a quick breakdown of what each program "was":

  • COH WARC Handler: A program to take the WARC files from Archive.org's backup copy of the forums, and to extract from them the actual original files. (https://archive.org/details/archiveteam-city-of-heroes-main). Really worked! Too bad millions of flatfiles are a nightmare to try to cross-link and organize...
  • CoH Forums Parser: Project Spelunker! A prototype/earlier attempt to get the forums into a usable state that was searchable. This was a database solution attempt.
  • CoH Forums Parser - HTML: A prototype/earlier version of the COH WARC Handler. Nonfunctional if I recall correctly. No clue why I kept so many similar versions of the same thing, but I thought they should be stored for posterity.
  • CoH Modder: You all know this one. Has been supplanted by the City Mod Installer
  • DeGeotizer: Aborted attempt to start to parse .geo files the same way I parsed .texture files
  • DeTexturizer: Many of you know this one - extracts the actual image file from a text file, and re-inserts it.
  • Def File Translator: Translates a ".def" file into a more easily readable grid. Still works, as far as I know. An interesting curiosity for those interested in CoH programming.
  • DevTracker: Before we got the new forum software, this program was able to parse the HTML of the old forums to find Dev posts and order them on a website by the datetime posted.
  • GetPowerSounds: This one might be really interesting for a few people - the code I wrote to create the (in)famouse Rosetta Stone Spreadsheet. Would still work I think, if I had some updated ".def" files!
  • Old CoH Forums Viewer: Was meant to show the results from the stuff made by the CoH Forums Parser. It worked... sort of.
  • PK's Field Trainer: My aborted attempt to replace Mid's with an online, shared "hero planner". It was meant to have both a Desktop and Web version that shared the same code base. I got pretty far along, but got "stuck", and gave up.
  • PowersChecker: I believe that this program pre-dated the Def File Translator, when I was only interested in the player powers and what they did, and make it display onscreen in an easy to use format. This I believe led to the creation of the more generic "Def File Translator".
  • ScanSpelunker: A one time script that I made to scan the Project Spelunker folders and files and collect the data to give proper attribution to those that helped in the process.


Good luck everyone, and thanks for all the fish! =D

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I'm out.
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You sir are a steely-eyed missile man and a booster.

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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