Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Silencing/Modifying specific game sounds | Pt. I Revived from the archived forums: "How to silence specific game sounds" - By Impkin I pulled these posts from the archived forums. Impkin's instructions are largely intact and I cleaned and dredged through the thread down to the files identified up to the last post. I try to keep it updated with sfx files that others have managed to identify and if you are only interested in changing a few sounds, it'll do fine but if you plan on changing a whole host of sfx and more I highly recommend the tool below. UPDATE: If you intend on changing more than a few sounds or adding multiple mods then I highly recommend heading over to @Michiyo's modding tool thread, where you can change more than just game sounds. If you are returning to the thread and just want to jump straight to the sounds: Sounds Location and file names | Pt. I - Bases and Emotes Sounds Location and file names | Pt. II - Enviro and UI Sounds Location and file names | Pt. III - Powers: Air Superiority - Hasten Sounds Location and file names | Pt. IV - Powers: Havoc - Psionics Sounds Location and file names | Pt. V - Powers: Radiation - Willpower Sounds Location and file names | Pt. VI - Systems User-Created Sound Mods Formerly know as 'The Philotic Knight's' Short Visual Guide OK, OK! I get it. So how do I silence a sound? These instructions are meant for anyone with minimal Windows knowledge. I want to provide enough information so that every CoH player can improve their personal game play experience. Do not be daunted by the post's length. If you can play CoH you can do this. The way to kill any game sound is to put another sound file in the correct directory with the name of the sound file used to make that noise. This replacement file must be in the Ogg Vorbis format and it can not be of zero length. In other words, to kill a sound you replace it with one second of silence. Where do I get one second of silence in the *.ogg format? However you want to. How I did it was to use a free program called Audacity. Since Audacity has been bought and now has all sorts of privacy issues, I have removed the link. I recommend finding another suitable sound editing software. Run your chosen audio editor program. (The following instructions may very depending on the program.) Click on the "Generate" menu. Choose "Silence". It should have created 30 seconds of silence. Use your mouse and highlight about one second. This doesn't have to be exact. Click on the "Edit" menu. Choose "Trim". There is also a button following the "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" buttons called "Trim outside selection" that does the same thing. Click on the "File" menu. Choose "Export As Ogg Vorbis..." Call the file whatever you want and save it anyplace you want. I recommend calling it "silence.ogg" and saving it to the Desktop. You will be copying this file to folders you create and renaming it so keep that in mind when deciding what to call it and where to save it. Exit Audacity. You won't need to use Audacity again (for this) unless there is something wrong with that "silence.ogg" you just made. I have attached two files to this post: '_silence.ogg' and 'bloop.ogg'. I use the 'bloop' file to verify the sound I'm replacing is the one I'm looking for, since it's a lot easier to notice than silence. OK, now that I have a silent sound what do I do with it? You need to know where to copy it and what to rename it as so the game will use your silent sound file instead of the default sound file. The base location for all your silenced sound files is: C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data\sound\ogg\ This assumes that you installed the game to its default directory. If you installed it someplace else then you should know enough to adapt these instructions to fit your custom installation. *You are not making any changes to any files owned/installed by CoH*. Simply put: if any of the following folders already exist then you or a 3rd party put them there. If you do not see the folders, you or the 3rd party would need to create them as follows: Open the "City of Heroes" folder and create a new folder called "data". Open the "data" folder you just created and add a new folder called "sound". Open the "sound" folder you just created and add a new folder called "ogg". You now have your base file location set. The sounds will be grouped in sub-folders inside the "ogg" folder. Each sound you wish to silence will go in a sub-folder. The name of the sub-folder depends on the sound. The information provided for a specific sound assumes you have already created the above base folder. The "Folder name:" provided here is located in the "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data\sound\ogg\" folder. The name of the folder is where you copy your "silence.ogg" file to. The "File name:" provided here is what you need to rename that copy of your "silence.ogg" file to. That is all there is to it. The next time you launch CoH that sound will not be made. If CoH is running while you do this (not recommended), exit completely (quit to desktop, not the log-in screen) first. Example: Description: Targeting Drone loop Folder name: weapons File name: targetdrone_loop.ogg To silence this sound you copy your "silence.ogg" file to a folder called "weapons". If you have never silenced a sound that goes in the "weapons" folder then you will need to make a "weapons" folder first. Once you copy your "silence.ogg" into the "weapons" folder you then rename it to "targetdrone_loop.ogg". Just to give you an idea of what you should see, here is my data\ogg folder\sub-folders: Specific how-to: If you hold down the "Ctrl" key you can click on and drag the "silence.ogg" file to the "weapons" folder you created. It will make a copy. You can also right-click on "silence.ogg" and pick "Copy". You then right-click on an empty spot in the open "weapons" folder/window and pick "Paste". To rename the "silence.ogg" file you copied into the "weapons" folder right-click on the file and choose "Rename" (or highlight it and press the "F2" key). Type "targetdrone_loop.ogg". I did what you said, but now CoH doesn't work right! How do I undo this? If you followed instructions then it will work. If something isn't working as you expect then something was not done right. Try again. Go slower. Follow the instructions more carefully. If the sound you expected to be silenced is still making noise then either the description was misunderstood or the wrong folder/file name has been posted. The quickest and easiest way to undo this customization is to rename the "data" folder you made. I use "_data". Or just delete it. If you suspect that your customizations are causing problems playing CoH then undo them. What happens the next time there is an update or a patch? One of the great things about CoH is it keeps improving. Should the name of a folder or file change in a future patch the game would default back to playing the intended sound. If just the sound was changed (the folder and file name remain the same) a customized client would still play the silenced sound. If one wished to hear the changed sound they could either disable the "data" folder or the specific sound file by renaming it. A comment about courtesy. If you found the sound bothersome then most likely so do other people. This customization *only* affects your client. Other players will still hear the sound(s) unless they also customized their clients. Be courteous to your fellow players. Just because you aren't bothered by keeping a power running all the time now because you silenced it doesn't mean you should keep it running when you don't need it. You obviously didn't like hearing that noise. Why inflict it on others when there is no reason to? Turn off your powers when you are just standing around chatting, training, buying, etc. Giving credit where credit is due. This isn't my brain-child. Someone explained the concept to me over a year ago. I am sorry that I do not remember who they are. All I've done is come up with the format to present this information and the how-to steps for enabling all players to benefit from it should they wish to. A special THANK YOU! to the sound designers. A great deal of the time I spent playing Legacy, the audio team was incredibly small but also incredibly talented. I will forever be grateful for all the effort and artistry they put into the game. A big concern of mine is that this thread might be taken wrong. What I hope y'all take from this is that setting the volume low or muting the sound entirely simply isn't an option. Different people are sensitive to different things. That's all there is to this thread. Half of the game experience is auditory. You have the most wonderful toy box. Thank you for sharing your toys with us! _silence.ogg Bloop.ogg Silence-Bloop_test.zip PK's Rosetta Stone RosettaStone_v5.7z Edited March 8, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Added Rosetta Stone zip 6 11 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Silencing/Modifying specific game sounds | Pt. II It would take quite a lot of time to list "everything" in one post. Besides, I don't know them "all" and frankly I'd rather spend the time playing. I'm sure most players feel the same way. For an example on how difficult it can be to identify the correct folder and file name look at Prestige Power Slide below. My hope is that with time this thread will contain the most common sounds players wish to silence. Posting requests for folder and file names. Search this thread first before requesting sound file names and locations. If you don't do a search first then do not be surprised if your request goes unanswered if that information already exists. An easy way to search only this thread is to click "(show all)" near the top right of the thread. Then press CTRL+F to get your browser to pop-up a find window. Please keep in mind everything that is involved in responding to requests [see the next section]. Understand why there may be delays in responding. Identifying and providing this information is done as a courtesy so please respect that. Limit yourself to the sounds that significantly detract from your play experience. The sounds that give you a head-ache. Ones that you go out of your way to avoid. Not significant: "It would be nice if I didn't have to listen to that." Significant: "As much as I love this game, I can't play it anymore because of that sound." Only describe what causes the sound to be made in-game. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, "the sound Hasten makes" is a little vague because it makes one sound when activated and another sound while it's running. Please don't critique sounds here. You don't need to explain why you don't like a sound. Show consideration for the people who bring the game its depth and immersiveness through sound. If you feel strongly enough about a change that would make things better there are several methods of directly providing that feedback where it will do the most good. This thread isn't one of them. When responding to a request for sound file from another user please use the format provided in the previous post. Example: Description: Glowie/Objective warble Folder name: FrontEnd File name: Objective_loop.ogg How can I find the folder and file name information for myself and/or respond to requests? It is simply trail and error. The key is to have a filename and location or list of multiple filenames/locations to experiment with. What you do with that list is use it to experiment with silencing various sounds until you discover the one that silences the sound you intended. To experiment one silences the sounds you want to test. Then you start up the game and see if you got it. If not, you have to completely exit the game (quit to desktop) and try again. Sometimes you do this over and over and... Sometimes it is straight forward. Take Hasten's activation as an example [see below]. It is a player power called Hasten. Makes sense it is in the "powers" folder and the file is called "hasten.ogg". (I'll explain "hasten2.ogg" in a bit.) Sometimes it is not so straight forward. The Targeting Drone loop is a good example. It is a player power called Targeting Drone. In the "powers" folder are two files called "targeting_loop.ogg" and "targetng2_loop.ogg". But guess what? Those weren't the right ones. The correct one is in the "weapons" folder and it is called "targetdrone_loop.ogg". That wasn't too hard either. Sometimes it seems bizarre. Look at Prestige Power Slide. "enemies" folder? "Green_loop.ogg"?!? It took me a long time to get that one right. One must keep in mind when doing these experiments that the folder and file names were not picked to make doing this easy. They were chosen by the sound designers for reasons that make sense to them. They are the only ones it needs to make sense to. How did I stumble on the right folder and file? I shotguned it. First I look for the obvious names that would match like with Hasten. Two files had "hasten" in their names. I copied and renamed my "silence.ogg" twice to the powers folder I had made. Then I started up CoH and activated Hasten. Bingo! Got it first try. If I had wanted to I could have gone back and disabled one or the other by renaming the file. (I like adding "_" to the front of the name. When sorted by name it shorts up at the top of the list and is easy to rename back to the original name if I need to.) Because it was a very tight shotgun spread I didn't bother. Flight/Hover is another good example. When obvious doesn't work I widen the spread by trying blocks of ten or so files that don't seem to obviously belong to some other power. For example I never tried "IceArmor_loop.ogg" when looking for the Dark Armor loop. For the really tough ones I use a sawed-off shotgun. With Prestige Power Slide I silenced every sound that ended with "_loop" that I hadn't already tried. I checked to see that it was at lest one of a list of about 40 sounds. Then I started splitting the list in halves and trying again until I narrowed it to the one I wanted. As an example of what I mean I'll use a starting list of six fake file names for brevity. 1st game launch for this test: Sound1_loop.ogg Sound2_loop.ogg Sound3_loop.ogg Sound4_loop.ogg Sound5_loop.ogg Sound6_loop.ogg No sound heard. One of them is the file I want. 2nd test run: _Sound1_loop.ogg _Sound2_loop.ogg _Sound3_loop.ogg Sound4_loop.ogg Sound5_loop.ogg Sound6_loop.ogg It made the sound so it must be one of the ones I disabled. We silence sounds by substituting a silent sound file. We disable the substitution by renaming the file or deleting it. 3rd run I have: _Sound1_loop.ogg Sound2_loop.ogg Sound3_loop.ogg The sound is quiet again. I deleted the other 3 files, but if I thought I might be trying them again soon I would just disable them with "_". 4th game launch it looks like: _Sound2_loop.ogg Sound3_loop.ogg It makes the sound. WooHoo! Even though it makes the sound again I know the correct file name now because it has to be the silenced sound file I disabled. 5th and final test (I like to be sure 😞 Sound2_loop.ogg I hope everyone now understands what is involved and what you could be getting into when you request the sound file listing. Please understand what you are asking someone else to do when posting a request for folder and file name info. Realize why I requested that you limit yourself to the sounds that *significantly* detract from your experience while playing. When you do hunt down the info on your own please post your final results in the manner requested if you think it likely someone else would want to know too. Please use the format in the following post as a template for providing the information. This is all anyone needs to silence a sound using the method described in the initial post. Additional information may be deemed inappropriate by moderators/players and warrant the deletion/reporting of that post. Edited January 4, 2020 by Oubliette_Red Formatting changes 1 2 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Silencing/Modifying specific game sounds | Pt. III When silencing a sound understand that sounds get re-used. In addition, more than one sound can be made simultaneously. For example miasma_lopp.ogg is one of the looping sounds heard when running a dark armor. It is also made by the FX of enemies under the influence of other various powers. One can't be selective in this regard. Any object or action coded to make a sound does it by playing the related sound file. If you have silenced that sound it will be silent for everything that is coded to play that file. Also worth noting is the same sound may be used in different files. If you hear a sound you know you silenced it is most likely a different file being played. You will need to silence that file too if you don't want to hear it. Example of some of the Sound Information provided in the thread: Description: Hasten activation Folder name: powers File name: hasten.ogg, hasten2.ogg Description: Targeting Drone loop Folder name: weapons File name: targetdrone_loop.ogg Description: Prestige Power Slide loop Folder name: enemies File name: Green_loop.ogg Description: while flying or hovering Folder name: powers File names: air_loop.ogg, Flight1.ogg, Flight_loop.ogg, Flight1_loop.ogg, Flight2_loop.ogg, Flight3_loop.ogg, Groupfly_loop.ogg, Hover_loop.ogg Description: Super Speed activation Folder name: powers File name: Run5.ogg Description: Super Speed loop Folder name: powers File name: ForceField5_loop.ogg Description: Fortitude loop Folder name: powers File name: intel_loop.ogg, Intel2_loop.ogg Description: Dark Armor loop Folder name: powers File name: miasma_lopp.ogg, obsidian_loop.ogg Description: Ice Armor loop Folder name: powers File name: IceArmor_loop.ogg, IceArmor2_loop.ogg Description: made when using (or queuing) a power that hasn't recharged yet Folder name: frontend File name: Recharge.ogg Description: Shadow Cloak loop Folder name: enemies File name: Blue_loop.ogg Sounds listings The sounds listed in the next few posts are from a link to a spreadsheet by yet another player in the archived thread. I combed the thread for additional posted sound info and included those here as well. The original spreadsheet organized everything into Folders, then Sub-folders. I am 99% sure that the 'Folder' column has been used for organizational purposes only and are not required in the actual file folder structure. What is listed in the 'Sub-folder' column is what is used in the data/ogg/ file structure. If someone wants to host the file, I will happily provide it. I prefer to see all the entries listed within the thread, but tables within the forums are less than optimal. 😕 Edited January 4, 2020 by Oubliette_Red 1 3 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Sounds Location and file names | Pt. I CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME Base FX Entrance Portal V_Base EntrancePortal1_loop Base FX Inspiration Collector Powers glow7_loop Base FX Inspiration Collector Tech zapperM_loop Base FX Inspiration Collector Tech & V_Base compAmb2_loop Computerx7_loop electricityhum4_loop Base FX Overall Hum Warehouse WarehouseAmb2_loop --------- Emote Angry yell (toon gender specific) Player Female_Rage Male_Rage1 Emote BoomBox BoomBox Propaganda1 Propaganda1_loop TrackX_loop (X = 1-25) Emote Hero Police Scanner Weapons PPD1_loop Emote 'Rarr' Yell in Tough, Integration and Tarzan Player Taunt4 (female) Taunt5 (male) Taunt1 (huge) Edited March 8, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Relocated Demon Summoning to proper section 1 3 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Sounds Location and file names | Pt. II CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME Enviro Ambient noise: 5th Column 5th Column AirAmb1_loop RumbleAmb2_loop SpookyDarkAmb2_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Atlas ambient noise City AtlasAmb2_Loop Enviro Ambient noise: Boomtown Boomtown BoomAmb_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Brickstown Brickstown BrickAmb1_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Cave Cave CaveAmb1_loop CaveAmb2_loop CaveAmb4_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Eden Eden EdenAmb1_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Faultline Faultline FaultAmb_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Grandville V_Grandville Grandville_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Hollows Cave hollowsamb_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Kings Row KingsRow KingsAmb1_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Lab Enemies Labamb1_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Mercy Mercy MercyAmb2_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Skyway City skywayamb_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Steel Canyon SteelCanyon SteelAmb1_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Talos Talos TalosAmb1_loop Enviro Ambient noise: Terra Volta Talos TerraAmb_loop Enviro Alarm Sound in city zone police stations V_PPD Cellblock_loop Cellblock2_loop Enviro Arachnos base map music (possibly one of several) V_MissionMusic JMission8_loop Enviro Architect Entertainment Data Stream Mission_Architect MA_DataColumn_loop Enviro Bank map music V_Bank BankHeist3_loop Enviro Crystal in Azuria’s City Hall room Phalanx PhalanxAmb1_loop PhalanxAmb4_loop Enviro Grandville's looping speech by Lord Recluse V_Grandville RecluseVO3_loop Enviro Grandville loudspeaker voice 5th Column PropPA_loop Enviro Helicopter rotors Helicopter HelicopterMainRotor_Loop HelicopterTailRotor_Loop HelicopterTurbine_Loop Enviro Helicopter rotors Tutorial Tutorial_Helicopter_Loop Enviro Horn honks from autos in the city Auto HornCompact1 HornCompact2 HornCompact1Dist HornCompact2Dist HornLux1 HornLux1Dist HornLux2 HornSport1 HornSport1Dist HornSport2 HornSport2Dist HornTruck1 HornTruck1Dist HornTruck2 HornTruck2Dis Enviro Mayhem side mission 'Smash & Grab' alarm TerraVolta sirenbeep_loop Enviro Mission Complete Music - Blueside FrontEnd MissionComplete1 Enviro Mission Complete Music - Goldside Praetoria_Music P_MissionComplete1 Enviro Mission Complete Music - Redside V_FrontEnd V_MissionComplete1 Enviro Mission map music V_MissionMusic Cave2_loop Cave3_loop Cave4_loop CveMusic1 CaveMusic1_loop CrazyMission_loop JMission1_loop Jmission2b_loop JMission3_loop JMission4_loop JMission5_loop JMission6_loop Mission1_loop Mission3b_loop Mission3c_loop Mission6_loop Mission8b_loop Mission10_loop Mission11_loop Mission15_loop Mission16_loop Missionspookiness1 MMission1_loop MMission2_loop smoothcave1_loop SpookyOffice1_loop Enviro Mission objective object (blinky/glowie) FrontEnd objective_loop Enviro NPC sounds NPCs Female_ClearThroat_01.ogg Female_Cough_01.ogg Female_Cough_02.ogg Male_ClearThroat_01.ogg Male_ClearThroat_02.ogg Male_Cough_01.ogg Male_Cough_02.ogg Mcough1.ogg Cup_Down_01.ogg Cup_Down_02.ogg Cup_Down_03.ogg Cup_Down_04.ogg Cup_Down_05.ogg Cup_Down_06.ogg Cup_Move_01.ogg Cup_Move_02.ogg Cup_Move_03.ogg Cup_Move_04.ogg Cup_Move_05.ogg Cup_Move_06.ogg Cup_Up_01.ogg Cup_Up_02.ogg Cup_Up_03.ogg Drink_01.ogg Eat_01.ogg WritingShort_01.ogg WritingShort_02.ogg WritingShort_03.ogg WritingShort_04.ogg Writing_01.ogg Writing_02.ogg Writing_03.ogg Writing_04.ogg Writing_Loop.ogg Enviro Portal Corp portal sounds Powers Rumble1_loop Enviro Portal Corp portal sounds Peregrine reactor1_loop reactor2_loop Enviro Portal Corp portal sounds (humming) Tech lowpulse2_loop spacemachine1m_loop Teslaroom3_loop Teslaroom4_loop Enviro Portal Corp portal sounds (train sound) Auto Train_Loop Enviro PVP warning siren countdown Arena BeepWarning Enviro Robotic footsteps Feet VFoot1 VFoot2 Enviro Sewer map music - entrance V_MissionMusic JMission7_loop Enviro Sewer map music - sloping tunnel V_MissionMusic Mission2_loop Enviro Splash into water Feet Splash Enviro Telephones - Icon Praetoria\Storefront Office_Phone_01 Office_Phone_02 Office_Phone_03 Enviro War Walkers Orbital Lance Enemies WW_OrbitalLance_Attack WW_OrbitalLance_Hit_01 WW_OrbitalLance_Hit_02 WW_OrbitalLance_Hit_03 WW_OrbitalLance_Hit_04 WW_OrbitalLance_Hit_05 WW_OrbitalLance_Tell_01 CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME UI Menu music Frontend H_MenuMusic_loop UI Menu music Music N_MenuMusic_loop UI Click 'Next' on char select N_UI N_Launch Edited February 9, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Table update 1 3 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Sounds Location and file names | Pt. III CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME Power Air Superiority swing-and-hit Powers PunchA Power Arachnos Bane Mace Blast (Attack) Enemies PoliceBotBlast3.ogg Power Arachnos Bane Mace Blast (Hit) Weapons policebothit1 Power Arachnos Soldier Shatter Armor V_Enemies SpitHit1.ogg Power Arctic Fog Loop Powers fog_loop Power Arctic Fog Start Powers blizzard chillhands Power Arsenal Control Tri-Cannon Weapons gatgun4.ogg Power Beast Mastery Howler Wolves Dog dog_terrifyingroar_01 dog_howl_01 dog_howl_02 Power Beast Mastery Dire Wolf Powers BM_direwolf_wildcharge_01 Power Blazing Aura Loop Powers FireSword_loop aura5 aura6 aura7 Power Blazing Aura Start Powers Ignite2 Fireball1 Power Boost Range Powers aim5 phase_loop Power Buckshot (activation) Assault Rifle Weapons Shotgun5 Power Burst (activation) Assault Rifle Weapons Assault3 Power Charged Brawl's weak pzzt pzzt pzzt sound V_Powers elecpunch3 Power Chilling Embrace loop Powers IceArmor_loop Power Cloaking Device loop Powers glow8_loop Power Crab Spider Longfang power activation Weapons Assault3 Power Crystal Armor Powers glow5_loop Power Dark Armor loop Powers miasma_lopp obsidian_loop fear2c_loop Power Dark Armo: Cloak of Darkness Powers intel2_loop power2_loop Power Dark Miasma > Fearsome Stare Powers aura4 dakfear2_loop Power Dark Miasma > Howling Twilight Powers miasmaburst miasma_loop soot2_loop Power Dark Miasma > Petrifying Gaze Powers petrify1 miasmaburst Power Dark Miasma > Tar Patch Powers miasma3 miasmaburst4 ForceField5_loop Power Dark Miasma > Tenebrous Tentacles loop Powers tentacle_loop Power Dark Miasma> Twilight Grasp Powers miasma3 Heal1 Power Darkness Control > Umbral Beast howl Dog Dog_Howl_01 Power Darkness Control > Umbral Beast barks Dog Dog_Bark_01 - Dog_Bark_07 Power Death Shroud Loop Powers ForceField5_loop Power Demon Summoning - Lt Demon roar DemonSummoning DemonLieu_Taunt_01 Power Demon Summoning - Everything Else DemonSummoning Demon_AbyssalRecon Demon_AbyssalRecon_Hit Demon_BreathAttack_Cold Demon_BreathAttack_Fire Demon_BreathHi_In_01 Demon_BreathHi_In_02 Demon_BreathHi_In_03 Demon_BreathHi_In_04 Demon_BreathHi_In_05 Demon_BreathHi_Out_01 Demon_BreathHi_Out_02 Demon_BreathHi_Out_03 Demon_BreathHi_Out_04 Demon_BreathHi_Out_05 Demon_BreathLo_In_01 Demon_BreathLo_In_02 Demon_BreathLo_In_03 Demon_BreathLo_In_04 Demon_BreathLo_In_05 Demon_BreathLo_Out_01 Demon_BreathLo_Out_02 Demon_BreathLo_Out_03 Demon_BreathLo_Out_04 Demon_BreathLo_Out_05 Power Demon Summoning - Everything Else DemonSummoning Demon_BuffFX_01 Demon_Cast_01 Demon_Cast_02 Demon_Cast_03 Demon_CastHit_01 Demon_CastHit_02 Demon_CastHit_03 Demon_CastParticle_Loop Demon_ClawHit_01 Demon_ClawHit_02 Demon_ClawHit_03 Demon_FireHit_01 Demon_IceHit_01 Demon_SpawnFX_Loop Demon_SpawnGroundBurst_01 Demon_SpawnGroundBurst_02 Demon_SpawnGroundBurst_03 Demon_StompAttack Demon_SummonFX_01 Demon_Swipe_01 Demon_Swipe_02 Demon_Swipe_03 DemonLieu_Spawn_01 DemonLieu_SpawnALL_01 DemonLieu_SpawnVOX_01 DemonLieu_SpawnVOX_02 DemonLieu_SpawnVOX_03 DemonLieu_Taunt_01 Power Demon Summoning - Everything Else DemonSummoning DemonLieu_AbyssalEmpowermentVOX_01 DemonLieu_Dismiss_01 DemonLieu_DismissVOX_01 DemonLieu_DismissVOX_02 DemonLieu_DismissVOX_03 DemonLieu_EnchantVOX_01 DemonLieu_HellOnEarthVOX_01 DemonLieu_Look_01 DemonLieu_Look_02 DemonLieu_Look_03 DemonLieu_Look_04 Demonling_AbyssalEmpowermentVOX_01 Demonling_DismissVOX_01 Demonling_DismissVOX_02 Demonling_DismissVOX_03 Demonling_EnchantVOX_01 DemonLing_HellOnEarthVOX_01 DemonLing_Look_01 DemonLing_Look_01a DemonLing_Look_01b DemonLing_Look_01c DemonLing_Look_02 DemonLing_Look_02a DemonLing_Look_02b DemonLing_Look_02c Demonling_SwipeFlurry_01 Demonling_SwipeFlurry_02 Demonling_SwipeFlurry_03 Power Demon Summoning - Everything Else DemonSummoning DemonPrince_AbyssalEmpowermentVOX_01 DemonPrince_Dismiss DemonPrince_DismissVOX_01 DemonPrince_EnchantVOX_01 DemonPrince_HellOnEarthVOX_01 DemonPrince_IceDeath_01 DemonPrince_Look_01 DemonPrince_Look_02 DemonPrince_Look_03 DemonPrince_Spawn_01 DemonPrince_SpawnVOX_01 DemonSpawnVox_01 FF_DemonSweet_01 FF_DemonSweet_02 Resistance_Cold_Loop Resistance_Fire_Loop Resistance_Hellfire_Loop Whip_Corruption_01 Whip_CrackWhip_01 Whip_HellOnEarth_01 Whip_Lash_01 Power Destiny: Clarion whine Incarnate Incarnate_Clarion_Continuing_Loop Power Dual Blades: Nimble Slash Weapons Swordhit2 swordstab5 Power Dual Blades: Power Slice Weapons swordstab3 SwordSlicer Swordhit2 Power Electricity Assault - Charged Bolt Powers chargebolt Power Electricity Manipulation - Lightning Field Powers ChainLight2_loop Power Electricity Mastery - Lightning Field Powers ChainLight2_loop Power Energy Blast > Power Bolt Powers PowerBolt11 (activation) explohit2 (hit) Power Energy Blast > Power Burst Powers Mega6 Power Energy Control > Tesla Cage Powers EC_TeslaCage_Activate_01 Power Energy Cloak Powers glow8_loop Power Energy Control > Ball Lightning Attack Powers EC_BallLightning_Attack_01 Power Energy Control > Electric Fences Activate Powers EC_ElectricFence_Activate_01 Power Energy Control > Electric Fences Loop Powers EC_ElectricFence_Continuing_Loop Power Energy Melee attacks loop Powers ForceField5_loop Power Fiery Melee > Fire Sword Powers FireSword4 FireSword_loop Power Fiery Melee > Fire Sword Circle Powers FireSword4 FireSword_loop Fireball1 Power Fiery Melee > Greater Fire Sword Powers FireSword_loop firestreaks3 glow3_loop Power Fiery Melee: Incinerate's loud screech Powers Fireball2 Power Fire Shield Loop Powers FireSword_loop Power Fire Shield Start Powers Ignite2 firezap2 Power Fire Sward draw Powers FireSword4 Power Flight/Hover loops Powers Flight2_loop Flightflynew_loop Flightwind_loop Power Fly Powers air_loop Flight1 Groupfly_loop Hover_loop Flight_loop Fight1_loop Flight2_loop Flight3_loop Power FF: Personal Force Field Insulation Shield Dispersion Bubble Force Bubble Powers ForceField3_loop Power Fortitude loop Powers intel_loop Intel2_loop Power Granite Armor >Rooted activation Powers Stone6 Power Granite Armor >Rooted deactivation Powers Graniteexplo Edited June 9, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Table update - Added Howling Twilight 3 3 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Sounds Location and file names | Pt. IV CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME Power Hasten activation Powers hasten hasten2 Power Havoc Punch's V_Powers elecattack2 Power Healing Aura (activation) Powers darkregen heal1 radcharge Power Healing Aura (wobble) Powers radiation5_loop Power Hotfeet Powers ignite2 fireballfly flameburst_loog Power Hurricane’s looping sound Powers Hurricane_loop Power Ice Armor loop Powers IceArmor_loop IceArmor2_loop Power Ice Control > Arctic Air loop Powers cold_loop Power Ice Manipulation > Ice Patch Powers IcePatch_loop Power Ice Sword activation Powers coldwordout Power Ice Sword loop Powers cold_loop Power Icicles loop Powers icicle_loop icicle2_loop Power Jacob's Ladder V_Powers TeslaShotgun Power Leadership toggles activation Powers fanfare1 Power LKT-1700 Jet Pack Enemies heli_loop thruster_loop Power Mace draw Weapons MaceOut Swordshing Power Mace hits Weapons whooshbig3 Axe5 Power MasterMind whistle summons EmoteTest whistle2 Power Mercenaries: Summons Weapons WalkieTalkie1 WalkieTalkie2 WalkieTalkie3 Power Mercs/Burst Sound Weapons Mercenary_machgunburst Power Mercs/Slug Sound Weapons Mercenary_singleshot Power Mud pots loop Powers mudpots_loop Power Murky Cloud loop Powers miasma_loop whirlwind_loop Power Ninja Run Powers NinjaRun_Loop.ogg NinjaRun_Whoosh_1.ogg NinjaRun_Whoosh_2.ogg NinjaRun_Whoosh_3.ogg NinjaRun_Whoosh_4.ogg NinjaRun_Whoosh_5.ogg NinjaRun_WhooshFlip.ogg NinjaRun_WhooshHop.ogg NinjaRun_WhooshJump.ogg Power Peacebringer > Photon seeker loop Powers glow6_loop glow9b_loop elecZaps_loop Power Peacebringer fly/hover Powers Flight2_loop Power Peacebringer high-pitched whine: flight & blasts Powers peaceeyes1 Power Peacebringer shapeshift "boom" Powers nova4 Power Peacebringer shield toggles Powers glow6_loop glow9b_loop Power Plant Control > Carrion Creepers Sewer Tentacle7 Power Plasma Shield Loop Powers plasmafire_loop Power Plasma Shield Start Powers Ignite2 Power Practiced Brawler loop Powers fast7_loop Power Prestige Power Slide loop Enemies Green_loop Power Provoke (Fem) Player FemTaunt10 Power Psionic Assault > Psychic Shockwave Player FemTaunt2 Power Psionic Assault: Mind Probe Powers infuse4 Power Psionic Assault: Mind Probe V_Powers psionicMindProbe2 Power Psionic Dart wubba wubba wubba Powers psionic4 Power Psionic Mastery > Mind Over Body Weapons mindoverbody Edited February 9, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Table update 2 4 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Sounds Location and file names | Pt. V CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME Power Radiation Emission:Choking Cloud loop Powers Tar_loop Rumble_loop Power Rage activation Powers rage Power Rage Loop Powers forcefield5_loop Power Reaction Time Attack Powers TM_Timesjuncture_Attack_01 Power Reaction Time Loop TM_Timesjuncture_Continuing_Loop Power Rifle (draw) Weapons Shotgunout Power Rikti gun hitting toon V_Powers riktigunhit Power Robotics>Pulse Rifle Blast Weapons PulseRifle2 Power Shadow Cloak loop Enemies Blue_loop Power Shadow Fall loop Powers miasma_lopp Power Shout (the annoying echo at the end of the power) Powers SonicMassiveBlast Power Slug (activation) Assault Rifle Weapons MachGun_single Power Smite hit Powers Shadowpunch4 Power Sniper rifle (activation) Assault Rifle Weapons Sniper1 Power Sonic Attack > Dreadful Wail Powers ScreamPBAOE SonicHit2 Power Sonic Attack > Howl Powers Sonic11 Sonic12 Power Sonic Attack > Scream Powers SonicScream1 SonicHit2 Power Sonic Attack > Screech Powers SonicScreech SonicHit2 Power Sonic Attack > Shockwave Powers sonicgale Power Sonic Attack > Shout Powers Sonic14 SonicMassiveBlast Power Sonic Attack > Shriek Powers SonicSmallBlast3 Power Sonic Attack > Sirens Song Powers SirenSong Power Sonic Attack (when attack hits) Powers sonichit2 Power Sonic Resonance>Disruption Field Powers Sonic3 Power Sonic Resonance>Sonic Repulsion Powers SonicRepulsion1 Power Sonic Siphon Powers SonicWave4 Power Sounds while travelling with Teleport Powers teletrans3 teletrans4 Power Spines >Barb Swipe swing Powers Quills2b Power Spines > Impale (Hit) Powers Quills6 Power Spines > Quills aura Powers QuillExplo2 Power Spines > Quills (Hit) Powers Quills6 Power Spines > Quills (Hit) Enemies poisonhit2 Power Spines > Ripper hit Powers Quillhit5 Power Spines > Throw Spines (Hit) Powers Quills6 Power Stealth loop Powers glow3_loop Power Storm Kick swing Powers Stormkick3 Power Super Reflexes>Focused Fighting hum Powers glow7_loop Power Super Speed activation Powers Run5 Power Super Speed loop Powers ForceField5_loop Power Symphony: Aria Of Stasis Enemies TOV_Siren_FascinatingSong_Attack Power Symphony: Chord Of Despair Enemies TOV_Siren_DebilitatingSong_Attack Power Symphony: Confounding Chant Enemies TOV_Siren_SorrowfulSong_Attack Power Symphony: Debilitating Song Powers sonichit2 Power Symphony: Dreadful Discord Enemies TOV_Siren_PainfulSong_Attack Power Symphony: Enfeebling Lullaby Enemies TOV_Siren_ForcefulSong_Attack Power Symphony: Hymn Of Dissonance Enemies TOV_Siren_ExhaustingSong_Attack Power Symphony: Impassioned Serenade Enemies TOV_Siren_SeductiveSong_Attack Power Symphony: Melodic Binding Enemies TOV_Siren_FascinatingSong_Attack Power Symphony: Reverberant Enemies TOV_Siren_PainfulSong_Attack Power Symphony: Song Hit Major Enemies TOV_Siren_SongHit_Major Power Symphony: Song Hit Minor Enemies TOV_Siren_SongHit_Minor Power Targeting Drone loop Weapons targetdrone_loop Power Teleport start loc Powers teletrans4 Power Teleport end loc Powers teletrans3 Power Temp Invulnerability loop Powers glow5_loop Power Temporary Powers >Throwing Knives Powers knifetwirly Power Thermal Radiation>Warmth Powers buildup Ignite2 Power Thermal Radiation>Warmth V_Powers BloodBoil2 cauterize Power Thuder Kick Crane Kick Powers thunderhit Power Thunder Strike V_Powers ElecThunderPunch Power Traps: Force Field Generator expiration V_Explo Metal-explo2 Boom_explo2 Explomed2 Power Traps: Force Field Generator expiration Weapons Grexplo.2 Power Umbral Aura: Inky Aspect Powers WarHold2_loop WarshadeShield_loop Power Unyielding loop Powers glow6_loop forcefield5_loop Power Warshade shadow cloat activation Powers intel_loop Power Warshade shapeshift "boom" Powers nova2 Power Widow Claw redraw Powers Claw1b Power Willpower > Mind Over Body Powers Voices, voices2 regen5b Heart_loop glow5_loop Power Willpower > Mind Over Body V_Powers reconstruction Power Willpower heart beat Powers Heart_loop Edited February 11, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Table update: Symphony Control added 1 3 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Sounds Location and file names | Pt. VI CATEGORY DESC FOLDER FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME FILE NAME System Not Ready (clicking a power not recharged) Frontend Recharge System Out of range FrontEnd Range1 System Chat typing beeps FrontEnd Type2 System Blueside Menu Music Music/FrontEnd H_music1_loop H_music2_loop System Redside Menu Music Music/V_FrontEnd V_music1_loop V_music2_loop System Goldside Menu Music Praetoria_Music P_music1_loop P_music2_loop User-Created Sound Mods An easier path to replacing entire Powersets sfx can more easily be accomplished with @Michiyo Mod Installer: Below are links to modified sound files created by players. Edited March 8, 2024 by Oubliette_Red Modder link updated 1 4 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Herotu Posted June 2, 2019 Posted June 2, 2019 Very interesting, thanks. I'll be giving this a try! "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."
Vindicator Posted June 3, 2019 Posted June 3, 2019 You... are... my... hero :) Could you please tell me what the name of the Rage activation sound from Super Strength is? Or tell me how to look for it? Thank you!
Oubliette_Red Posted June 3, 2019 Author Posted June 3, 2019 You... are... my... hero :) Could you please tell me what the name of the Rage activation sound from Super Strength is? Or tell me how to look for it? Thank you! Not sure what the Rage activation is it might be able to find a few candidates. Other than the two listed above under 'Emotes', all I found was: Player\Male_Rage2 Powers\enrage.ogg Powers\rage.ogg I do not have a character with Rage and am unable to test. Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Vindicator Posted June 3, 2019 Posted June 3, 2019 You... are... my... hero :) Could you please tell me what the name of the Rage activation sound from Super Strength is? Or tell me how to look for it? Thank you! Not sure what the Rage activation is it might be able to find a few candidates. Other than the two listed above under 'Emotes', all I found was: Player\Male_Rage2 Powers\enrage.ogg Powers\rage.ogg I do not have a character with Rage and am unable to test. This one worked Powers\rage.ogg Thank you :)
Oubliette_Red Posted June 4, 2019 Author Posted June 4, 2019 This one worked Powers\rage.ogg Thank you :) Thanks for verifying, I have added it to the list. Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
ed_anger Posted June 6, 2019 Posted June 6, 2019 Nice to see all of this collected. First thing I did after I reinstalled was look this info up again, I silenced quite a few sounds in the past. One quick fix, for the long individual sounds list I’d change “Folder” to “Category” and “Sub-folder” to “Folder” — it would be a lot less confusing.
Oubliette_Red Posted June 6, 2019 Author Posted June 6, 2019 Nice to see all of this collected. First thing I did after I reinstalled was look this info up again, I silenced quite a few sounds in the past. One quick fix, for the long individual sounds list I’d change “Folder” to “Category” and “Sub-folder” to “Folder” — it would be a lot less confusing. Good idea. Done. :) Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
WanderingAries Posted June 7, 2019 Posted June 7, 2019 How do we like...favorite this to our forum account?!? Note: I also have trouble finding things I've replied to in the past, so it might be a bit before I even See a reply. >.< OG Server: Pinnacle <||> Current Primary Server: Torchbearer || Also found on the others if desired <||> Generally Inactive Installing CoX: Windows || MacOS || MacOS for M1 <||> Migrating Data from an Older Installation Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer || PC Builders || HC Wiki || Jerk Hackers Old Forums <||> Titan Network <||> Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)
Herotu Posted June 7, 2019 Posted June 7, 2019 Just an idea... We could share a zip of audio on discord ... "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."
Oubliette_Red Posted June 7, 2019 Author Posted June 7, 2019 How do we like...favorite this to our forum account?!? Note: I also have trouble finding things I've replied to in the past, so it might be a bit before I even See a reply. >.< I doesn't look like these forums have that feature, all you can really do click on 'Notify' at the top. Just an idea... We could share a zip of audio on discord ... I suppose people could do that. I changes the MM Bots stomping to rubber ducky squeaks and Demon rawrs to infant giggles, would be happy to share them. :) 1 Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
WanderingAries Posted June 7, 2019 Posted June 7, 2019 I doesn't look like these forums have that feature, all you can really do click on 'Notify' at the top. Well it Does have this feature, but it's broken: Show new replies to your posts. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php?action=unreadreplies OG Server: Pinnacle <||> Current Primary Server: Torchbearer || Also found on the others if desired <||> Generally Inactive Installing CoX: Windows || MacOS || MacOS for M1 <||> Migrating Data from an Older Installation Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer || PC Builders || HC Wiki || Jerk Hackers Old Forums <||> Titan Network <||> Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)
Herotu Posted June 8, 2019 Posted June 8, 2019 Can I confirm this is correct, please? 1 "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."
Oubliette_Red Posted June 8, 2019 Author Posted June 8, 2019 Can I confirm this is correct, please? According to the Archived thread, that should be correct location. Now you would need to rename your _silence.ogg file to name of whatever sound you're wishing to silence. Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx? Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread. Got a punny character? You should share it.
Herotu Posted June 9, 2019 Posted June 9, 2019 If you want to find the Ogg files yourself, you can use this python program to extract the pigg files: https://github.com/ovekaaven/cohtools You will need Python. Enter the pigg folder with c: cd games\city of heroes\piggs (put the readpigg file in this folder, for now). Run it like this; c:\python\python.exe readpigg.py sound.pigg That will create a new folder in your pigg folder with the original file structure in it. Replace "sound.pigg" with whatever file you want to extract. (obviously, the location of your programs may be different than the above). 2 "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."
EggKookoo Posted June 9, 2019 Posted June 9, 2019 If I want to pull a sound out of CoH to enhance it (glowy sound, I'm looking at you), would I use a pigg viewer to do that? Do you recommend one in particular?
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