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Fix for bad npc follow


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There's an NPC in Atlas park that offers missions for you to tour her facility and ultimately join her team.  During the missions she (& the others of her team), repeatedly fails to follow you once you begin using the elevators.  On the villain side, there are missions early on that team you up with a group of skulls, and Dario Stanzini.  All of these follow much better, and do not get lost / confused / suffer pathing issues once you take elevators, etc.  I would suggest using their control scripts as a template to correct the others' horrible pathing.  I believe the Atlas Park NPC is Twinshot.  Keep up the great work!

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I just always figured the shining stars were the annoying 2nd stringers and they just bumble around their base, running up to you and then running away.  Like they know they are 2nd stringers and it just makes them really, really nervous...  ;)


Seriously, they are annoying and it would be great if they were fixed

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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In Twinshot's arc (and Dr. Graves on redside) the NPCs have a weird tendency to run up to you and then keep running instead of standing still, so they're constantly bumping up against you in this odd looking little trip/dance.  It's distracting, to say the least.


As for the follow - to tell the truth I was often unsure whether they were supposed to be following me or not.  There's some fairly nasty boss fights in those arcs (considering the level) and now I'm wondering if I was actually meant to have a teammate or two along for some of them.


Not that they're necessarily much help when they are there.  After being given an express ticket to the hospital by a multiple boss attack in one mission I zoned back in to find them waiting for me at the entry point.  Fair enough - that happens.  Only Flamebeux was also there, and just stood there vacantly while the bad guys reminded me that I should have stocked up on purples before coming back.


Mind you, seeing as it was Flambeux I'm not entirely sure that being vacant and useless was out of character...


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Everyone blueside gets introduced to Twinshot at, IIRC, level 5, so names are hardly a spoiler. Flambeaux is a ditz that puts Fusionette to shame in that regard, so her horrible following is at least in character. Grim, however... When you first meet him, he's on a raised platform running to meet you... except that he keeps running back and forth rubbing against the railing, unaware that there's an actual route down to where you are, and takes almost 30 seconds to realize that he can just jump over the railing. After that, he's got some fair pathing. Twinshot is a mixed bag; sometimes she follows you normally, sometimes she'll just stand there when you move off, only to pop up later. Dillo is the only really solid one among the group; he reliably follows you wherever you go, while Flambeaux has a tendency to run back into the elevator and disappear like she remembered she left her curling iron plugged in or something.


The game has always had pathing issues. Just ask anyone who's had a "lead rescued victims out" mission, or a Mastermind. Some of them are hard to explain -- Grim should do better than he does -- while others, like Flambeaux and Fusionette, appear to be part of the characterization, even if it feels as if the devs went overboard with it sometimes.

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As for the follow - to tell the truth I was often unsure whether they were supposed to be following me or not.  There's some fairly nasty boss fights in those arcs (considering the level) and now I'm wondering if I was actually meant to have a teammate or two along for some of them.


Not that they're necessarily much help when they are there.  After being given an express ticket to the hospital by a multiple boss attack in one mission I zoned back in to find them waiting for me at the entry point.  Fair enough - that happens.  Only Flamebeux was also there, and just stood there vacantly while the bad guys reminded me that I should have stocked up on purples before coming back.


I've done the "Meet the Gang" mission several times when I've goofed, having been doing the early missions from the origin contacts in City Hall so that I get forwarded to a wider variety of contacts (since all of those are level 2, and my characters are typically level 5 or 6, I'll bump up the mission difficulty for more XP) and forgot to scale down the difficulty again, so that I'll be facing red, or in one case purple, mobs. I've found, though, that if I wait once I come back down out of the elevator until Flambeaux decides to show up, and then move past the intruders so I drag both Dillo and Flambeaux into range of the intruders, their contribution will keep me alive even when I've screwed up with the mission level. You can't just start firing at range, though, or they'll never aggro on the intruders; you have to drag them in close enough for them to 'see' them themselves.

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I just always figured the shining stars were the annoying 2nd stringers and they just bumble around their base, running up to you and then running away.  Like they know they are 2nd stringers and it just makes them really, really nervous...  ;)


Seriously, they are annoying and it would be great if they were fixed


Have you ever noticed that if you make a player wait more than a second, they get bouncy and run around?


The Shining Stars are clearly modeled off the players.

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