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So I'm playing a DP/ninja blaster, and I notice that sometimes, when I use Executioner's Strike > Pistols, Pistols activates quickly. Sometimes it doesn't. Is that an RNG thing? Or is there a way to make the snappiness more reliable? It feels really hoss when it happens, and feels mildly annoying when it doesn't. 


Is this a thing in other powersets too and I just haven't noticed it? 🤔


If by snappy, you mean that the second power's animation is cut shorter than usual, I have noticed a similar thing in several other powersets. I think it has something to do with the holstering system?




I am not 100% this is what you are talking about. but I think so. Weapon power sets draw time has to do with if you are in combat or not. If you are in combat, their draw time happens the first attack, then goes into "snappy" mode. It will last until you leave combat then you must "draw" again at the start of combat.

They did this to fix draw time complaints with powersets. It was a real drag when draw time was every single time you pull the weapon out.


Weapon redraw works by adding the time it takes to animate drawing the weapon to the animation time of the triggering attack... however the delay before you can start activating any additional followup attacks is unaffected.

The upshot of this is that if you start with your weapon holstered + then activate two weapon attacks one after the other... the animation of your second attack will cancel and "overwrite" part of the animation of your first attack. That second attack ends up activating at the same point in time that it would have activated if you'd started out with your weapon already drawn.

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