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  1. Anyone hear anything about Blaster and dual pistols/tactical arrow bug that's existed forever? Seems like a great time to fix it. On my defender and corruptor who have dual pistols/trick arrow I can see all weapons. On blaster you can either see one pistol and bow or both pistols and the bow is invisible. On beta server it is still that way right now. I have tried all combination of holstered or not and nothing fixes it. I would even appreciate a heads up if for some reason its not fixable on blaster and we should never expect it.
  2. I am sad to see the rollback on Frostwork. I play Cold a lot for some time now. I don't take Frostwork because its not useful in my mind. With its max HP buff I never saw it doing anything and specc'd out long ago. With the Absorb buff I can see it working and was really excited by that change. I had a planned build to spec into once it rolled out. As someone who actually plays the set, too bad.
  3. This may be the wrong spot for this, sorry if so. On blasters you cant have Dual Pistols and Tactical arrow at the same time without a visual bug. It's been this way a long time. You can either have both pistols showing and bow is not visible or bow is visible and left hand pistol is not. I would love a fix since we can finally holster DP.
  4. I have one and I quite like it. I love /ta secondary and I feel it works well with pistol. The only issue I have is a visual bug. You can't have two pistols and a bow on blaster for some reason. You either have 2 pistols and bow is invisible or one pistol only showing and a bow. Left hand pistol will not be visible if bow is and vise versa. I got past this by my left glove being different from my right and I use Resistance glove it makes it look like I have a pistol and a gun glove with my bow.
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