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first mission of the dean macarthur arc, ajax and me, with my lvl 23 merc MM. cleared everything and came to the vault door, set all attack order, everyone attacked the door, with exception of the spec op. even when i gave a direct order, he never attacked. he just stood around. he was summarily executed and replaced. 😄




"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours" the Cheshire Cat

"Ce n'est rien de mourir; c'est affreux de ne pas vivre"

(It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean

"وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب”

(Home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease.) Naguib Mahfouz


When it comes to vaults, which is what this looks like, MM pets need to have line of sight, they won't move to attack with just an "attack my target" order.  I'm fine with calling this a bug and getting it fixed, but in the meantime the workaround is to issue a go-to command right in front of the destructible door and then give an attack order.

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Posted (edited)

They also have to be close enough, but it looks like the Spec Ops was close enough, just lacking LOS. (Edit: Though as far as it being a bug requiring LOS and being in range? I have to disagree since non-MM pets won't even attack the vault door or any other door even if you get them adjacent to it and looking directly at it.)


Edited by Rudra

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