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I rolled a new toon and spelled the name wrong when I attempted to bring it into the supergroup. The response was I was a "cheater". Can't devs be more polite? That's really a rude response to a simple spelling mistake. I hate to think that is the devs' attitude towards a potentially new player in the game. It's harsh and offensive.

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35 minutes ago, Psych Ewe said:

It's harsh and offensive.




truthfully, i found it funny. 


/altinvite is for only your alts on your account. you tried to invite a name that was already in use by another character, hence the response. 


if you had invited someone that did not exist you would have gotten the message...




this was meant to be humourous, because often there are players that have multiple accounts and try to invite an alt from another account, either on purpose or accident. hence the response...


so, please, they were not being offensive, just trying to be light hearted for a common error. 🙂

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"Ce n'est rien de mourir; c'est affreux de ne pas vivre"

(It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean

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(Home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease.) Naguib Mahfouz


I gotta say, it is not offensive in the least to me. If this kind of thing offends you, things like driving in traffic must cause you to seek medication to handle the stress. I am just stunned that you took offense to a harmless joke. 

Maybe you're just having a rough day? It certainly happens to me often enough. 

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