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Posted (edited)

You can summon and control various elemental forces.  Unlike other MM primaries, you cannot upgrade your summons beyond their initial abilities.  You can, however, call upon more permanent entities than similar MM primary sets.  What an elemental summoner can do, however, is to target their minions with their own attacks, to temporarily empower them, (granting a temporary tohit, damage, and damage resistance bonus).  Note:  The direct attacks would *not* grant the user the set-specific buffs, like tidal force or seismic force.  The buffs also would *not* stack, only be refreshed, so there is no need to worry about taking all the blast powers if you didn't want to.


1. Aqua bolt: As per the water blast power when targeting enemies, or grants the aforementioned tohit, dmg, and res buff to your own pets.


2. Summon minor elementals: Calls a Clould of Ice, Fireball, or Lightning storm, as per the Animus Arcana entities.


3. Entomb: As per the seismic blast power, again with the buff to dmg, tohit, and res for your pets.


4. Summon minor whirlwinds:  Calls forth a dust devil and water spout, (as per the Scirocco and Leviathan Mastery powers, respectively)


5. Jet Stream:  As per the storm blast power, again, granting the buff when used on your own pets.


6. Summon elementals:  Calls forth an animated stone and jack frost, (as per the earth control and ice control powers).


7. Rain of Fire: As per the fire blast power, (including the minion buff).


8. Summon greater elemental:  You call forth a "lava elemental" - Uses the magmite lord as its basis.


9. Pool of elemental empowerment: Uses one of the location-based power FX, (perhaps tide pool's), which slows enemies caught in it, reduces their defense and damage resistance, and occasionally pulses, applying the empowerment buff to your minions.

Edited by biostem
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Posted (edited)

You've got four summons, where three (minion, LT, boss) is the standard for MM primaries.  Otherwise, at first blush, I think I like this idea... 

Edited by Doc_Scorpion

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4 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

You've got four summons

Correct.  This set doesn't get pet upgrades.  Instead, you get more permanent pets.  I don't think it'd be OP, when compared to gang war or soul extraction...

3 minutes ago, biostem said:

This set doesn't get pet upgrades.  Instead, you get more permanent pets.

How would the "gets more low level pets as the MM levels" mechanic work then?  (It's been a long time since I played anything but bots, which don't have any 'extra' summons.)

Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
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4 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

How would the "gets more low level pets as the MM levels" mechanic work then?  (It's been a long time since I played anything but bots, which don't have any 'extra' summons.)

The "minor elementals" and "whirlwinds" would act like the current T1 and T2 pets, for purposes of how many you get as you level up.  The remaining 2 summons would basically summon the 2 and 1 pet, as described by those powers.

Posted (edited)

On the one hand, this proposal is going to be weaker for using minions. Those Animus Arcana minions are going to get rolled up worse than the regular T1 pets other MMs get. Especially with their negative level shifts.


On the other hand, this proposal is going to be ridiculously OP. You have 2 different pets that as far as I can tell don't have HP bars and aren't subject to enemy attacks in one power, you have two very solid Controller pets in another power with all the advantages Controller pets have over MM pets, and you end with a boss. Even if we treat the wind ones as the T7 unique for the set, you are giving your proposed mastermind much better pets than other power sets in the AT get.


I mean, I'm in favor of an elemental set, I've even pitched a version on some threads where it came up, but I don't know how I feel about your proposal.


Edit: And without the need to manage pet upgrades like the other sets, this set may relegate the other sets to obscurity. Or at least give players the precedent to remove pet upgrades from MMs.


Edit again: And if one of those 2-pet powers isn't on a timer for the pets to despawn at the end of, then this set is going to have the added advantage of 8 permanent pets on the primary to every other sets' 6.


Edited by Rudra
9 minutes ago, Rudra said:

You have 2 different pets that as far as I can tell don't have HP bars and aren't subject to enemy attacks

Well, they'd have to be tweaked to have said HP bars and be targetable.



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