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Posted (edited)

I've brought this up before, but I'm still hoping it gets acted on because it seems like such an easy win. I would absolutely love it if we could get both 'normal human arms' and 'tights' upper arm options for Robotic Arms 1, 2, and 3. Robotic Arms 1 and 2 can already take bare skin options on their forearms, so--why not give us the upper arm options as well?


Not only would it be a great way to give another asymmetric option; but you could also give a sleeveless look to costume patterns that can't be sleeveless but have difficult-to-match options (like the bridal top) and could, if the 'tights' option took patterns, even allow us to fake three- or four-color tops since the robotic arms take their colors separately from the rest of the body.


I also see this as a good way to add a hypothetical "muscular biceps" option to female characters, letting us come a bit closer to the "female huge" aesthetic without adding a 4th body type to the game. Some arms that conform a bit more closely to the body's physique sliders, the way the muscular cybernetic arms currently do, in a way the normal female avatar's arms... don't.

Edited by PoptartsNinja
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  • PoptartsNinja changed the title to Normal Human Upper Arms for Robotic Arms 1, 2, and 3

A lot of the existing costume pieces could be added to the robot upper arm option and still fall under the robot arm category. But maybe at this point we should rename the robot arm category as something else to accommodate for other things. Imagine having a bestial arm and right monstrous claw as some kind of Frankenstein thing. Or maybe add the bioluminescent upper arm to show an unusual mutation like that kid Anole of the X-Men with his oversized right arm. It would open up a lot of possibilities.

13 hours ago, PoptartsNinja said:

I've brought this up before, but I'm still hoping it gets acted on because it seems like such an easy win. I would absolutely love it if we could get both 'normal human arms' and 'tights' upper arm options for Robotic Arms 1, 2, and 3. Robotic Arms 1 and 2 can already take bare skin options on their forearms, so--why not give us the upper arm options as well?

This would be a great way to achieve a non-tech asymmetrical look!  Regarding the tights option - how would you hand that?  Would you draw from the existing torso patterns and somehow clip out the section only for that 1 upper arm, or do you mean extending the pattern from the already selected torso option/pattern?


The robot arms option doesn't currently have options for adding patterns, which may be a technical limitation. I wouldn't know until or unless the devs explore the idea--if we have to do patternless tights and bare arms only, I'd be fine with that. But if they can be made to take a pattern--and I really hope they can--I imagine we could apply any of the existing patterns.


It took a moment of reading for me to get what you even meant but now that I have grasped it in full I completely support this suggestion. Giving a "bare meaty arms" option for tops that don't have it would be a fantastic addition to any of the body types.

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