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So, in all the time I played the game, I never really looked that closely at Fiery Aura, mainly because I didn't want to playa blazing ball of generic looking fire. But takinga look at it now, it seems like there are major holes in its defenses...am I just missing something or is it almost required to take CJ/Acro because the Immob protection is pretty crummy and there's no KB protection at all. Hopefully I'm just missing something and  once it's pointed out will feel foolish...but at least that would be better than a tanking set made without KB protection.


Fire requires either CJ/Acrobatics or more commonly CJ/-kb protection IO's.  You already sound disenchanted with Fire so maybe you should try a different set, you won't have fun if you are unhappy with a set before even trying it.


Fire includes one of the best AoE damage powers in the game, Burn, which is devastatingly effective, AND a secondary build up power that increases damage output even more.  To make up for this damage disparity with other sets (since armor sets are usually geared more towards... defense), Fire requires outside help.  Almost every serious Fire build will include Combat Jumping and KB protection IO's (2-3 depending on your needs, I choose 3 usually to deal with ALL content but you can get away with two if you're just doing normal stuff), Tough and Weave.


Fire is very good at damage.  If you don't want to do more damage (an obscene amount more), pick a more defensively oriented armor set.

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