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Thanks for all of this great input. When you get a tip does it show up in missions? I was playing live when Going Rogue was out but I honestly can’t remember lol

On the default settings, you will get a notice when you get a tip.  I believe that you can turn that off in Options if you find it distracting.  Under your Contacts, there is a tab for Tips.  You can access your Tips there.  The Tips tab can hold up to 3 Tips at one time.  If you are at 3 tips already, you will need to complete or dismiss a tip in order to be able to gain any more.

Keep Redside - & Goldside - Alive!


The days of running to pocket D should be over... just build your private SG base, put in your TPers, and slap that pocket D beacon on one.


I really need to get around to building a base.


I resisted for a long time, but my son totally begged me to let him build one, and now I would never go back

*Teleporters to most zones, Blue, Red, and Gold...Great for running missions

*NPC Trainers for leveling, Quartermaster as a universal store, ICON employee, Nurse for Inspy's

*Salvage Racks, Enhancement tables for my low level toons, and Inspy Storage (I put the large ones in there and now that it's full, I can always go back get a large inspy for a tough mission, instead of paying 50K+ for them

*Crafting tables (which are conviently next to my salvage racks)...don't have to run to the few University's that there are

*Medbay as an alternative to the Hospital, and more importantly to evade Prisons on CoT or Council Missions.


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