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I know, I know, it is so easy to come up with cool MM sets, but after doing Dean's (i think its from Dean, in sharkhead) mission, with the clones..I couldn't help think how awesome this set would be. It would be like the cloning guys in comics etc, and totally fit the MM AT, being personally weak, but having the clones to swamp enemies.

There is another thread talknig about letting MMs pick which personal attacks they take, which is a neat idea. but going with the Cloning idea, i thought the attacks would be single pistol based, sorta like a ray/magic gun, with selectable extra damage types.


Obviously this has the Demon icons but you get teh idea. I thought that just by taking a Personal Attack, you get a 'swap ammo' kinda power, called Desired Attributes, that lets you select Fire/Cold/Negative damage types, which alter the special damage on your own attacks. Also, when the clones spawn, that damage type is applied to their own attacks, which a high chance of using teh selected type, but some change of getting another, as cloning is not a precise science!

CLone War would be like a Gang War type power, a ton of minions, but each one that dies provides a small buff to all 'normal' clones, and the MM as well.

The clones themselves would 'borrow' from your own Secondary set. No idea how..it just does. For example..a Thermal MM..the clones would have fire based attacks, resist, and heals/buffs debuffs. Same for cold/sonic etc. Traps would be lethal. The costumes of teh clones would be based on your own too, with zombie/repltile/beat parts added to Unstable ones, minor changes for Stable, and the Perfect CLone having an aura, perhaps inverted colors.



DemonSummoning Corruption Snap Shot 1 Ranged, Minor DMG(Nrg, Foe Knockdown. Foe DoT(Special), -Res
DemonSummoning SummonDemonlings Summon Unstable Clones 1 Summon 1-3 Unstable CLones(depending on your lvl)
DemonSummoning Lash Aimed Shot 2 Close, High DMG(Nrg), Foe Stun -def, Minor DoT(Special)
DemonSummoning EnchantDemon Improvement 6 Ranged, Enchant Clones
DemonSummoning CrackWhip Rapid Fire 8 Short Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Nrg), , Knockdown, DoT(Special)
DemonSummoning SummonDemons Summon Stable Clones 12 Summon 1-2 Stable Clones(depending on your lvl
DemonSummoning HellonEarth The Clone War 18 Ranged, Summon Clone Horde
DemonSummoning SummonDemonPrince Summon Perfect Clone 26 Summon Perfect Clone
DemonSummoning AbyssalEmpowerment Breakthrough 32

Ranged, Empower CLones

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