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A word for the current devs


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I am an alt-holic gamer, its been 21 minutes since I last alt-ed 


Now that's out of the way I'll begin my testimony;

I just read the comments on this post https://massivelyop.com/2019/08/16/the-soapbox-no-the-mmo-genre-is-not-dead-but-it-could-use-a-little-positivity/

(if you're on mobile I aplogise but i wanted the full link in the interests of transparency) 

But I feel I want to say a thing to the Devs on Homecoming.

Yo, guys, you're doing a great job! seriously!

You brought my second favourite game and second MMO. back from the dead (sorry, Morrowind always has my heart)  and for that I respect you. This post in a lot of respects, is based on the comments from that post.

Stay the course. It's working. People will come and they will  go, don't give in to the 'vocal minority' unless it's part of your goal anyway.

I do DevOps myself (not useful to you guys or i would have volunteered unless you need ServiceNow) and I know how the yelling can get loud, but your vision, stated out loud the way you are doing it, does a lot to head it off at the pass. 


TL:DR, You're doing God's work guys, don't let the loud folk get to you.  Most of us love being home

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I think most of us feel exactly the same way!  Except the whole "second favorite" thing.  CoH was the only game I wanted to play the day it closed, and it has become so again 7 years later.

Edited by Abraxus
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What was no more, is REBORN!

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