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Mouse Camera Not Functioning


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Updated today, and now my mouse camera controls no longer work. I've tried updating drivers, reinstalling the game, restarting my computer, swapping keybinds around, ect. No change what so ever. The mouse buttons still work for interacting with everything, I just can't turn without using the keyboard. I'm kind of at a loss here for what else to do.

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I'm also having new mouse issues after today's patch, but they seem slightly different than yours. I often switch between mouse-cursor and freelook mode; prior to today, this worked fine, and when in freelook mode the mouse cursor disappeared (as it should) and the cursor position was clearly locked in place (as it should be).


Now, however, if I turn very much in freelook mode, the mouse cursor suddenly appears and moves outside the game window (generally to my second monitor), which messes everything up in game.  I never had this problem before today.


Did something in today's patch change the way mouse positioning is handled when in freelook mode?

Edited by Deathbunny
EDIT: For the record, I'm running Win 10.
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I'm running CoX through Tequila via PlayOnLinux using Wine 3.2-staging, on Linux Mint 18.2 OS. I have dinput and dotnet3.5 included and am running as Win XP. My system is old, bought in april 2007, dual core 2.3ghz with 3gb ram and 2gb vram on an Nvidia card.


Everything still boots up, game seems to run fine, but my mouse controls are limited to 180 degrees, it seems. Say I'm on the ground, and I used to be able to turn by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse right, where before I had unlimited movement, now I can move a maximum of 90 degrees to the right or left of center. If, after that maximum movement, I re-click the button and move the mouse again, I can continue to move(with the same limitation of about 90 degrees max one way or the other). It does the same with the middle mouse button(scroller) when I want to view around my character. For me it's more QoL than anything, I can learn to move using the keyboard controls, but I miss being able to move via mouse and have no idea why it's behaving like it is now.


Perhaps it's the dinput which I remember reading in the patch notes no longer works? I don't know. I'm just glad I can still play, although a little miffed about the movement changes.


I hope this info helps to narrow down the problem so someone can fix it for those who can't even play now. Thanks for all the effort and time you all have put into renewing this game, you have no idea how much I have missed it over the years.

Edited by Mopery

What, me worry?

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In reference to the OP, here's what we tried to get the mouse look function to work:


Rebooted the computer, reinstalled the game, new mouse drivers, using a totally different mouse, tried various settings in options related to the mouse as well as keybinds. Nothing at all works. Even using the middle mouse button doesn't work to freely swivel the camera, nor can OP hold down both the right and left mouse buttons to steer the character. The only way to look around is to spin the character using the movement keys. OP is not using any special mouse related software, ie Razer, Logitech, etc.


Using Tequila, btw.

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Okay so I found a workable fix for the problem I was having, I turned the option "Mouse Turn" up from 100% to 200% and now instead of 180 degrees I can rotate a full 360 degrees. Not as good as it used to be(it still stops moving at 180 degrees either left or right, no free spin), but better than it was.

Edited by Mopery

What, me worry?

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10 hours ago, Mopery said:

Okay so I found a workable fix for the problem I was having, I turned the option "Mouse Turn" up from 100% to 200% and now instead of 180 degrees I can rotate a full 360 degrees. Not as good as it used to be(it still stops moving at 180 degrees either left or right, no free spin), but better than it was.

The Mouse Turn change was worth a shot, but didn't work for us. We're at a loss as to how to fix this problem.

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On 8/28/2019 at 10:24 PM, Epoin said:

I just logged in at noticed I could not turn the camera freely with my mouse either in any way shape or form, Character movement is fine. Messed with setting etc, nothing works. It's broken somehow. 

Epoin, I've discovered that it seems to be a character-specific corruption. Have you tried making a new character and testing the camera on them? I tried it on a different computer and my characters were fine, as well as making a new character on the first computer. I'm going to mess around with some files and see if I can figure out what exactly is corrupted.

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  • 3 weeks later
On 9/2/2019 at 12:22 PM, BONEZONE said:

Epoin, I've discovered that it seems to be a character-specific corruption. Have you tried making a new character and testing the camera on them? I tried it on a different computer and my characters were fine, as well as making a new character on the first computer. I'm going to mess around with some files and see if I can figure out what exactly is corrupted.

I'm having the same non-functioning mouse issue only on one character. Did you ever figure out the corruption?

"Face the impossible... and make it your bitch."

~ Dynamistress



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  • 8 months later

I've come back after a little time away and have found that the middle and right mouse buttons for camera movements are not working for all characters; left clicking and the mouse wheel (middle button) for scrolling still operate properly though. I've tried a number of solutions as other posters have above, even creating a new character, but they're still not doing anything.

Edited by Britannic
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  • 1 year later

Did anyone find a solution yet?


I have the same issue as the OP (mouselook only lets me turn about 90 degrees to the left or right). However I found out something: this effect is caused by the mouse cursor (the INVISIBLE mouse cursor) hitting the border of the screen. I know this because if I then disable mouse-look and get the curser back on screen it appears right there on the border of the screen even though I had it in the middle when I made it disappear by toggling to mouse-look. So if I now (with the cursor back on the screen) move the cursor back to the center, then re-enable mouse-look I can turn another 90 degrees (until the invisible cursor hits the border of the screen again.) I can repeat this as often as I like and turn as far as I like. But only in these 90 degrees increments, because I always have to get the cursor back onto the screen, return it to center, then go back to mouselook, turn further etc.


So the issue is that the game traces the invisible mouse cursor even when in mouse-look and stops the turning when the invisible cursor hits the screen border, blocking its movement.


Another thing I found out is that (for me at least) this happens when I play on another computer via remote-desktop. I do not have this problem when I play on my own comp with the mouse directly connected to it. But when I use remote-desktop (with the mouse of course being connected to the client while the game runs on the host i.e. the mouse is not connected to the computer that the game runs on) then the issue appears. I find that interesting.


I wish I had a solution though :P

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