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Scarlet Shocker

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Scarlet Shocker last won the day on February 29

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About Scarlet Shocker

  • Birthday 07/26/1963

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  1. I think it's important to remember that the internet and online life is significantly more mature than it was when SGs were introduced - Facebook, Social Media and especially Discord have been game changers for building communities. The SG as originally conceived was designed for friends to play together but since then other ways to play have superceded the SG in many ways. But, as MP3s came along, vinyl and cassettes didn't just go obsolete, and still have their fans and purposes. People can still form SGs and do all the things SGs do - including have shiny costumes looking alike if wanted. But we should remember that life moves on and we have to adapt. Perhaps the better question is what do you want to make your SG? Nothing is stopping you for running one old school or you simply can own it as a storage dump. No wrong answers.
  2. Irony: Undead bloke complains about necro-threads. 🤣
  3. They can continue to be a foil even if that loose end is tied up and I would argue gives greater scope to improve their ongoing story. I do agree with your latter point - much depends on the dev team, their existing plans and available time.
  4. You can meet those requirements pretty easily all ways round - but I think what I want to know before suggesting anything is what is your regular playstyle? What do you enjoy most? If you want to be in the thick of things, then you probably want a tank/brute. If you want something flexible and mobile a Widow or SoA is a very good option (when going SoA just continue the centre path ignoring the Crab/Bane) If you want to be mobile, useful on teams and quite handy solo a controller is a good option (yes most have pets but they are largely fire and forget) and I would recommend Plant or Ice as primaries, secondaries depending on your taste. Sentinels... well I've heard they are pretty close to what you want but my experience of them has been they are pretty boring but you may think differently. As others have pointed out there are always going to be weaknesses to any AT - that's part of the beauty of this game - so you will always have to compromise and mitigate. The real question is how do you want to play?
  5. I do not, but now that you've asked me I fear it's going to relate to 10cc Well I wasn't so wrong. A giant steampunk sybian.
  6. Are you going to roll a toon called Steel Eyed Anne now?
  7. So there is a potential spoiler I'd taken this to be almost at the very end of the Praetorian story - post Cole's self-immolation when essentially they realise the ruling cabal has shot all its bolts and Primes have won. But I do not recall when that indicated spoiler event comes in the story and I may have my timelines borked. But one thing is very clear - this is clearly an exercise that would be very well to be done in sequence if possible to affix the story in our own heads as players.
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