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Posts posted by MTeague

  1. 7 hours ago, oedipus_tex said:



    In permadom, sure.


    My point is that a Dominator sans IOs has lower mezz duration than a Controller and actually usually has worse ability to handle a boss level enemy than a Blaster Controller Defender or Corruptor picked for that purpose. Dominators do not have the option to stack Freeze Ray and Char or whatever other combination. Domination is a blessing but also a bit of a curse. Because Dominators have Domination, their secondary sets and APPs lack many powers that would actually benefit from it.  It's true you can re-cast the same Hold power a few seconds later, but most Dominators do not have debuff, armor or healing. You need that boss held now.


    My Plant/Psi dom lived by Teleknetic Thrust for the low levels.  Single Target Hold, then TK Thrust to make them fly the not-so-friendly-skies. Second Hold held the boss helpless before he could do much.  (Minions and Lieuts got Seeds...).  


    I know lots of people reallly Hate KB. But there's times a ragdoll power can buy you those precious seconds and save your hash. 

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  2. There's something to be said for giving it a couple of Basic IO's for Interrupt Reduction. Particularly if you plan to use it during combat and might not have sky-high-defense numbers.


    That said, I generally don't take Aid Self except on Super Reflex or similar characters.  When I do take it, I generally use either 2-6 pieces of the Preventative Medicine set, OR, 6 pieces of the Numina's Convalescence set.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:


    And every bloody one of them is player-targeted, just for a little extra "sticking it" to the sneaky sorts...  


    Anyway, I never said it was impossible to stalk your way through Praetoria... My very first Praetorian was a KM/WP Stalker way-back-when, and I just caught a rift gate with my most recent one yesterday afternoon (DB/Energy). The heat-seeking ambushes are just something to be aware of. Depending on the path you take and the contacts you run, you'll spend more time scrapping than you would red side or blue. That's particularly true if you stick around and carry through to First Ward, which seems almost intentionally designed to make stalkers face-palm.

    First Ward really tests how well you've kitted yourself out, and whether or not you can learn to run when you need to. 


    Shepherds with all their massive Debuffery. Oh you're a defense build? Too bad we don't miss anymore.

    Awakened with Psilopalooza, some attacks which are also Auto-Hit.


    It can be done solo, and it's worth it at least one to really be able to read the missions and appreciate the storyline at liesure. 

    But you do appreciate having support and controls at your back, or a Weebels Wobble But They Don't Fall Down tank in front of you. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Apparition said:

    The only ATs that really struggle gold side are Masterminds and Stalkers.  Masterminds because ambushes completely ignore your pets like they aren’t even there and focus all of their Fire directly on your Mastermind.  

    Certain MM's will do much better in Praetoria. My Mercs/Rad is doing well there, because he's Always in Bodyguard Mode, they shoot him, damage is spread across him and pets, aura heal helps keep them all going, and Rad Debuffs can kittenize the majority of incoming pain well enough.  A /Storm or a /TrickArrow MM might have a harder time avoiding being worn down. 


    re the OP:   of those choices I would probably do a Darkity/Dark/Dark Corruptor, or a Darkity/Dark/Dark Controller. 

    Mostly because Dark Miasma I want several early powers, having it has my secondary won't waste any power picks I don't want.


    I have an Dark/Rad Dominator that... has been a struggle. Admittedly, I solo him in Praetoria on +1x3 and that is not always wise.  Most missions he gets it done and it feels good.  Then I get a mission with several waves of amushes that simply overwhelm me and I am incapable of firing off enough control fast enough, and I have to suck up my pride hubris and lower difficulty down to +1x2 to get past it.  Or I have to walk in with an inspiration bar full of large inspirations, and that's hardly sporting. 

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  5. 21 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Maybe it's just me, but I find it hard to believe that people want to play blue side because they are "good" while they hack their human opponents to death with a broadsword.


    Humans are *really* good at cognitive dissonence. 

    Steering FIRMLY clear of any remotely current events, I'll just drop back to literature


    "I'm just one hundred and one, five months and a day."
    "I can't believe that!" said Alice.
    "Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
    Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things."
    "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."


    as with much satire, there's a fair amount of truth behind it.

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  6. I mean, CORE game play?  I'll always look at that as "doing Story Arcs". 

    Because if we didn't have Story Arcs, if it was just random street sweeping and badging, I would never have stuck around.

    The combat is great, the costumes amazing, the feeling of being your character is fantastic.

    But it really does begin / end with the story for me.


    Take away the missions, I'd log off and do a lot more single player games, or even check out this wierd game I've heard of called Real Life. 


    Real Life has incredibly good graphics and the best interface ever, but man, it's full of bugs and griefers and you can never get in touch with support staff.  And seriously Real Life is long overdue for having a Save/Reload option...

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  7. 1 hour ago, Sunsette said:

    imo no one but scrappers and brutes should just default to thinking they can +4/x8. 


    Even then watch your maps. Some hit harder than others.



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  8. 22 hours ago, Rathulfr said:

    Basically, if you want to play a Sentinel for maximum effectiveness, you're going to play a Psionic Mastery/* Sentinel: they're all Psionic Mastery Sentinels, regardless of whatever other primary or secondary choose.  Your primary power set is almost irrelevant, because you're going to replace it with Psionic Mastery's Mind Probe + Dominate at levels 35+. 


    I don't care what kind of numbers or performance you can produce by spamming Mind Probe and a Proc-Bomb-Dominate. 

    I simply won't do it. 


    My Fire/Fire/Fire sentinel, uses FIRE to kill things.

    My Ice/Dark/Dark sentinel, uses the chill of the netherworld to do it. 


    I can still kill things just fine. As fast? Maybe not. Don't care. 

    I do hear you though:


    22 hours ago, Rathulfr said:

    Indeed, this is also my biggest problem with Sentinels right now, too.  I don't want to play Psionic Mastery exclusively: I want to play the primary I chose, a primary that's actually... I dunno... maybe... PRIMARY


    That, I agree with wholeheartedly. I do think it's definitely time for procs in general to be reviewed verrrrry carefully, and asked if their current state of use is what they want in the game. Maybe it is. Maybe it's not but the devs realize just what kind of wailing and gnashing of teeth quick-and-dirty changes would make, so they're keeping everything 100% on the QT until they think they have something extremely polished and balanced. I don't know. I don't get to know. I'm not a dev. 


    But there's times I really wonder at the proc-bombing frenzies and hyperfocus on max recharge to feed the proc-bombs, and wonder if that's really a desireable thing.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Solarverse said:

    Agreed, not wanting to make the game easier at all. However, I would like there to be a reason for me to pick up...say...Flash Freeze. Like Greycat was saying, it's a point blank AoE, you jump in the middle of the crowd, hit your AoE sleep and then you are at the mercy of the gods. Considering that sleeps break with any damage at all, it makes the power pretty useless to me. I am willing to bet if we looked up the stats, it's one of the most skipped powers in the set. 


    Actually, considering Flash Freeze does slight PBAE damage and can thusly taken Melee AoE sets, I could see people Proc-Bombing with Flash Freeze. If the damage procs all fire just a hair before the sleep kicks in (sleep IS on a very slight delay), you'd potentially get in free damage and slept mobs.  orrrrrrr mobs that are really pissed off at you when someone else wakes them up, lol. 


    Probably proc-bombed more as an Ice/Ice/Ice blaster epic power than as an Ice Controller power, though. 

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  10. 13 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

    Absolutely not, I do not play Controllers or Doms for the damage, like you, I play them they way they were intended to play from the gate. I would just like to see some better utility with Sleep powers. I mean, the Elec version got some serious love in that it constantly refreshes the sleep. I would like to see the other versions get something else that makes them a good back-up if the sleep gets broken by other players. I don't want them all to be like Elec though, I would like to see each one get something unique to the set they are in...if possible.


    Fair enough. I misunderstood your position / assumed what it was I see in General chat all-too-often.

    My apologies

  11. I have both the Single-Target and AE Sleeps on my Mind/Kin controller.  They are quite useful to me. 


    I acknowledge the more vocal players I find on the forums believe very firmly in a Damage-Is-King, Roving Murderball of eight Soft-Capped Incarnates decked out with expensive IO builds as what you should want for a team. I vehemently disagree with this, find such teams BORING AS HELL. So I rarely team.  Most often, I solo. When I do team, it's for particularly challenging content, like First Ward / Night Ward / Number Six arcs, or squads of Rularuu, or a Malta-Extravaganza like World Wide Red. Usually with only 4-6 players on x8 settings, so having an unexpected large group or wave of scripted ambushes come at you can make having controls or a second tank important to keep from being overrun. 


    Mass Hypnosis allows me to indefinitely park TWO extra groups, all by itself, because it recharges so much faster than it's duration.  Very little is going to resist sleeps, and if something does, I can still Terrify them to leave them trembling and not attacking while the team beats up the main group of IDF or Arachnos or Animus Arcana or what-have-we. 


    Sleeps are also, along with Immob's, a form of control that Purple Triangles offer ZERO extra protection against.  Need to park an AV?  (MLTF, etc) Sleep them. 

    Sleeps also detoggle enemies, erasing Force Field Bubbles or Tsoo Hurricanes etc.


    Do I expect the roving murderball crews to ever appreciate sleeps? No. 

    Do I care? No.

    I would not want these powers yanked away from me to supply yet another Damage Uber Alles power.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Tahliah said:

    I'm with @MTeague.  Go nuts.  I've seen a gigantic hulk of a man wearing only pink underpants in AP, a clown with rat ears and a reptile tail, and even run my own sparkling "Off Topic" toon (her name is literally 'Off Topic.'  And she sparkles.).  In fact, why not call your Atalantian 'Loreless' just to embrace the flexibility and nutsiness of it?!


    I will say, though, that I would love to have an underwater zone akin to Atlantis after it sank into the sea.  But with living people in it, just underwater.  I have a vague, distant memory that this was once an idea the devs were pursuing, on live, but I could be misremembering.   For now, I just content myself with underwater swimming in those sandy cave mishes with the bridges (like in the Montague Midnighers arc). 


    I would love to see an underwater zone done well, and for there to be actual depth to the water around the world in CoX.  At the same time, I cringe a little, because .... there's VERY few games that did underwater well. Cinematically, physics of moving around, making it look like an actual part of a biosphere, etc. 


    Subnautica and Bioshock immediately leap to mind, but those are both very tall orders. 

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  13. People already handwave in Jedi's, Anime characters from mythical kingdom's not mentioned in lore, Space travellers who crash-landed and are stuck in Paragon (saw a Tiger-head character with a backstory naming them a Master of Orion Mrrshan), etc.  Not to mention squads of Cowfolk.


    Go Nuts. 


    No one has to take your backstory seriously who doesn't want to. 

    No one should care if yours and there's disconnect. 

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  14. The +ToHit from combat teleport can be nice.  


    While I have yet to use it, my understanding is it's possible to setup a keybind so that Combat Teleport will BAMPH you straight to your current target in one keystroke, no need to muddle with the ground-targetting-circle-thingy.  I can definitely see tha being useful on melee to cut down time to get to your target and just slice / stab / punch / whack.


    If you wanted to go completely nuts with the idea, there's also Speed of Sound / Jaunt.  Jaunt is only available while Speed of Sound is toggled ON, but depending on builds, you may be ale to sustain that much extra endurance/sec cost.  Jaunt + Combat Teleport = I can be anywhere, anytime. Probably overkill to have both?  But hey, sometimes Overkill is fun. 

  15. Declining an Epic / Patron pool entirely, and taking a 5th pool in it's place is entirely reasonable to me.  

    (for awhile I thought that was in fact already possible....)


    That's not something I think most people would do lightly. Most of the Epic / Patron pools are pretty darn good.  At least on the squishies, I'd have to realllly think about it to decline the armor toggles, and extra goodies that come with it.  Caltrops has saved my scrapper any number of times by making them slowly run and say "ouch ouch ouch" instead of attacking me, and i've used it to save teammates in trouble as well, and Exploding Shuriken makes a nice Proc-Bomb.  For a tanker, OK, you don't need Conserve Power often, but when you need it you NEED IT.  (pesky sappers....), and who doesn't love Laser Beam Eyes?  Stalkers chance to grab a Snipe? Dunno about anyone else, but I'd have to think long and hard about about refusing some of these, just to pick up.... Provoke/Intimidate/Unyielding.  Or Combat Teleport + Fold Space, etc.

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  16. 17 minutes ago, Tahliah said:

    Then I'd have to ignore every idiot wannabe PVP dueller who decided sending me a tell would be a great way to try to "bait me" into something I have less than zero interest in.  In fact, I would report anyone who sent me such a tell for harassment because that is exactly what it would be.    Ditto getting called out in Local chat or whatever. 


    I'm probably being an optimist, but I don't think it would degenerate into that.  I think, if it were implemented at all

    • ideally it would be opt-in, or if it was opt-out, have a radio button with choices of "Accept", "Decline", "Opt Out This Character", "Opt Out This Account."
    • people who wanted to duel would likely ingather at some central location. 
    • if you're just going about your business and playing the game, you're probably not hanging out at that location for extended periods of time.
      • although, now that I type that, I'm realizing I'm looking at it via story-focused / arc-grinding lenses. 
      • if you did more RP and hung out in central location to do RP, maybe you'd find bored duelers trying to get people to duel them if they didn't have anyone else to fight. 
    • I don't see anything a dueler would hope to gain by repeatedly sending someone tells.  The kind of complete jerk super-griefer who enjoys trying to bait people, I would hope, probably isn't a CoH player in the first place. There's MOBA's and CoD and Fortnite and the like for that. 

    That said, sometimes people are really good at making me question my faith in humanity. 

    Those are days when I take the afternoon to throw the ball for the puppy (and by puppy I mean 2.5 year old dog)

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  17. 10 hours ago, Gobbledygook said:

    Apparition in lfg: "Last spot for Citadel TF, we have cookies!"


    But the important issue is, what kind of cookies are we talking? 

    Toll House?  Oreo?  Oatmeal Raisin?  Peanut Butter cookies?  This could make or break people's decision to join. 

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  18. 4 hours ago, KauaiJim said:

    Out of 113 total toons I have exactly one stone armor (WITHOUT Granite) and NO bio armor toons...  BECAUSE THEY ARE SO DAMN UGLY! 


    Right there with you.  Every time I say this in chat, I'm always flooded with "there's a minimal FX" option, with people completely ignoring the fact that Ablative Carapace still horks up the full shell around you with ZERO options to decline it. So I could either roll a bio and skip arguably a set defining power.... or put up with a power that I just cannot stand the look of... or I can choose a different armor set.  And yea, I know Ablative Carapace is up and gone fast. But I'd still have to see it, All the Darn Time, Every time I use it. That's a deal-breaker.


    Now, admittedly, there is nothing that says I personally have to approve the looks of all powers. 

    It is not the end of the world if I just .... never create a Bio Armor character.... ever. 

    But I have always wondered why that one power got no Minimal FX when the rest of the set did. 

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  19. On 5/30/2021 at 3:08 AM, Sunsette said:

    No one uses the T9 on a sentinel secondary


    Both of my Sentinels use their T9 secondaries. 

    • Fire/FireFire because Rise of the Phoenix is part of my Damage Rotation Baby!  Plus concept requires him to be immortal, so having this power is important to me.
    • Cold/Dark/Dark because Soul Transfer, and agian, I like having Self-Rezzes.

    Is it a wise powergaming choice?  Probably not.  Are there more meta things I could take. Sure probably.  Do I care? No. Now that said, I'm willing to talk turkey on various Self-Rez powers. Giving them an effect that you can use while still alive, makes them more varied and more appealling for players to choose.  But don't be taking away my self-rezzes that come with X time of untouchable to retoggle my toggles.  I doubt I'm the only person who cares about these.

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  20. 2 hours ago, Xenosone said:

    Thats right. Always do tfs at -1 so that its boring as heck. 

    So heres the deal. Leadership breaks the game. You know what pool people that people need to do tfs at -1 never take? Exactly. Build your toon better. 


    Snarky never said "nobody should ever run this at +4".  or that people who run it at +4 are morally bad people. 

    He said: 


    3 hours ago, Snarky said:

    If you are running a F-ing +4 Kahn, advertise it as a +4 Kahn.  Thats all. 


     Which is always a good idea. I don't care if person setting up the group wants an easy-peasy speed run, or a World-On-Molasses Kill All Max Difficulty run with challenge settings that disable enhancements.  It's always a good idea to be as specific as you can be when recruiting.  What is the team for?  What difficulty settings will be in place?  Challenge Settings / Badge Goals if any (Master Of, or the like).  It avoids so many headaches, both for the recruitees, and for the recruiter.  Anyone who's not up for it, just doesn't respond. People who DO join, knowing fully sure what they're up against, are vastly less likely to quit out halfway through. 


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  21. 7 hours ago, PLVRIZR said:


    PLVRIZR_v3.0: Level 50 Magic Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Stone Armor
    Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Teleportation
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Rock Armor

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
    • (3) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    • (3) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
    • (5) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage
    • (13) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
    • (15) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge



    My poor old-man's eyes wail in agony at black-on-blue, and Dark-Blue-on-Medium-Blue text.

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