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Posts posted by MTeague

  1. The biggest issue I see is if it's part of your costume AND part of your powerset, you'll probably see two of them in combat. 


    AR/Dev blaster, with an assault rifle slung across their back AND one in their hands as they fire Burst.

    Battle Axe strapped to your back AND in your hands as they do Beheader. 



    Getting it to conditionally appear.... to make it look like you're actually grabbing it off your back and using it in a fight, and returning it to your back when the fight ends.... would be trickier. It would be super cool, don't get me wrong. But a quick-and-dirty version that is divorced from the weapon you actually use in combat would feel.... lacking. At least to me. 


    That said, I don't have to choose to use it, either.

    And there's something to be said for proof-of-concept / babysteps.

    I still cling to hope that Illusion Control / Mirror will one day lead to full MM pet customization. 


    • Like 1
  2. It depends a reallll lot on the character I'm playing. 

    If I have access to Confuse, the sapper may live for 30-40 seconds, but he'll be confused teh entire time. 

    And if I'm on /SR, I ltiterally don't care if there's 30 sappers around me. Theyr'e all going to die before they can touch me. 

    On a Fiery Aura or Electric Armor toon, sappers are 'huh? oh. I supposed that ticked a little"


    But certainly abilitiies that can contribute to being Ranked For Death

    • enemy heals.  If video games have taught me one thing, it's Shoot The Medic First. With extreme prejudice.  
    • endurance drainers, unless the character is well shielded.  Still prioritize if teamed with folks who aren't.
    • trash-summoners.  Rikti Portals, etc. 
    • Annoying Man:   mobs with buffs / debuffs or cc effects I can't ignore.  
      • Tsoo Sorcerors / Hurricane  (also qualifying for Shoot The Medic)
      • Tsoo Ink Men of all kinds.
      • Devouring Earth Eminators, particularly Resist or To-Hit ones.
      • Force Field Generators, etc
    • then mostly Boss > Lt > Yard Trash if I'm single-target focused, or big clumps if I'm an AoE'er.
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  3. I have slightly under 40 characters, grand total. 

    This makes it not so bad to log in once every month, when I took a break from the game.

    Also, very few of my character names are likely to ever be competed over. A few, perhaps. But not most.


    I would not be upset if the day ever comes when Name Policy is actually activated and put into effect.  But I don't expect it to ever change anything, either.  I strongly suspect that many names that people covet, probably exist on a lvl 50 character. Maybe a powerleveled lvl 50 character. Maybe one who took a long slow road up. But I truly doubt if the policy were put it place, that many names would actually get freed up, unless they also applied the policy to lvl 50's.  And I doubt the HC devs would ever go there.

    • Like 1
  4. For this kind of character, I would probably just roll Energy Aura (if melee/sentinel) or Force Fields (if ranged/support) and just say "my bubbles are psychic barriers that deflect attacks".


    I mean, more choices is always good. So I wouldn't be terribly opposed to more sets.

    But really, I've seen a lot of "ooh I want a new set for THIS" requests that are very easy to create that type of character with an existing set and just get creative on your backstory.

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  5. 19 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    Which might be the only reason it's not a murderball of Defenders. 


    I used to use "Steamroller of Defenders".  My first experience with it was back on Live, Guardian server, an All Defender Task Force for Ernesto Hess.  We had a Stormy, a Rad, a Dark, an Empath, a Forcefielder, a Trick Arrow, and 2 Kin's.  


    Let's just say it didn't feel "low damage" at all.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Naraka said:

    I think having toggles be more than just set-and-forget is necessary to create some avenue of equity in play. It's because you can set-and-forget such powers that they are balanced haphazardly. But if they required player attention, making sure you haven't been depowered, suddenly the bridge between Tanker and everyone else isn't quite the chasm it once was...and not done so artificially but organically and tactfully.  Further still, it emphasizes click buffs as being immutable and thus has a niche use outside of just making them stronger than a toggle (*cough* armor tier 9s *cough*). Of course, this is going into territory I don't think players would even bother to consider. 


    It's an interesting idea, and I'd cautiously be interested in seeing how it could play out. 


    But keep in mind, those tanks are tanky because of their toggles, and they're going to have a LOT of attacks coming in on them fast and frumious. Even a low % chance for an attack to drop a tank's toggle could get nasty when they've got 16 mobs wailing away on them.  I'd also find it interesting in the reverse direction if enemy mobs had toggles and it was easier to take them down if you could drop their toggles. Suddenly Sleeps and the like become team-friendly.  The trick is finding the balance that would make it "nice to have" without making people feel gimped without. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, MoonSheep said:

    helps get that Sense of Achievement™ when things aren’t pretty much free


    I mean, I can half-understand this. I played WoW for eight years of progression raiding. There were definite senses of achievement when you went from "oh dear god not this boss, no, we're just going to spend the next three hours wiping nonstop" to "Okay It's coming together". to "YES! Got You You Sonofabi**ch!!!!" to "Dude, we have this boss on FARM." Same thing even when you defeat a long and arduous single player game, whether Darkest Dungeon, or one of the Civilization games, or Diablo 2 on Hell.  And of course, there's Dark Souls. 


    But I never felt a sense of achievement in getting loot / gear.

    Just in defeating the boss / fight. 


    Still. We don't always have to find achievement in the same aspects of a game. I would not want to see CoH change to be super grindy to acquire IO's or to build a base, etc, though. I served my time in EverQuest and WoW. I don't need to deal with a grindy MMO ever again. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    I get more sense of fun from taking on huge hordes of foes than a specific subset of endgame AVs.  


    Especially since many AV's are "can you stack regen debuffs on them?"


    And decades later I'm still salty over Purple Triangles screwing over my controller when the entire idea of CONTROL is supposed to be how they avoid damage. Yea, I can work out a build that softcaps them, too but... <Sigh>.  Purple Triangles just feel like a targetted F-U at my fav archtypes.

  9. On 2/19/2022 at 4:13 PM, Force Redux said:

    My Trick Arrow/Dark Blast is amazing in teams and very solid as a soloer. Both power sets compliment each other like peanut butter and jelly. For theme, TA/Water is also comparable. 


    My only hesitation there is I like being able to light Oil Slick arrow without resorting to origin powers.  I know you CAN light oil slick with ... what is it, magic, and tech's free lvl 0 attack? But I'd want to do it with my secondary.  That said, Trick arrow is AMAZING.  I love my Fire/Trick Arrow controller. 

  10. I suspect there are non-trivial technical hurdles in allowing you to pop power B while power A is still animating. That seems sort of central to the engine. However, HC devs have already wow'd me on a multiple points. Maybe it's do-able. 


    I very much appreciate the effort of trying to retain the essential nature and character of the set, while trying to work around what many object to. 

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  11. 27 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    That was the original implementation of the PPM mechanic.  It was changed because we aren't always in control of our global +Recharge.


    Example: You and I team up, you have a specifically crafted proc build which works exactly the way you want it to... and I buff you with Accelerate Metabolism, throwing your build and proc chances into disarray.  You are, understandably, displeased with that result, and write a strongly worded missive to the development team (Paragon, at that time) saying so.  Perhaps even posting about what I total dick I was, buffing you with AM when you didn't want to be buffed.


    This is why I don't work in customer service.  Because I would likely reply to such a missive, "commiserating" with them about how awful it is in that in a multiplayer game you don't have complete control over the actions of other players, and how sometimes other humans act in ways that dont' always provide unconditionally beneficial results, and how sympathic I am to their plight. 


    I would then be fired for being deliberately antagonistic to a customer.

    • Haha 2
  12. If I were to make any change to procs at all, it would be to treat ALL forms of Recharge the same, 


    So that if the power normally takes 2 minutes to recharge but you're loaded to the gills with slotted with loads of Global Recharge and running Hasten, and Speed Boosted, such that the power actually comes back every 30 seconds, then the proc-ability would be based on that 30 seconds, not the original 2 minutes.  So that the Proc-Per-Minute is based around the ACTUAL number of uses you might squeeze out for that power over intervals of gameplay.


    I would also fully expect to be tarred and feathered if this were to ever happen. 

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  13. I think procs are actually perfectly fine, given that going nuts with them means forsaking quite a few set bonuses. 

    And they do open up some damage-dealing options for powers or even whole powersets that would otherwise be.... lackluster.


    Now, what I DO think is massively overtuned.... and quite possibly may deserve some downscaling......  <looks around nervously, pops Personal Force Field>.... is Global Recharge.

    • Haha 2
  14. 18 minutes ago, Rudra said:

     Nothing ventured, nothing gained though. I pitched the idea, and the only (two) respondents are against it.


    Indeed. I don't begrudge you the right to make the ask.  Who knows? Maybe the devs will decide you're right, and I'm just Mr Grumpster channelling the "Change is Bad" meme.  (and I am, sometimes).  You never do know.

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