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About Perma-Newbie

  • Birthday 10/09/1976

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  1. My secret desire is for all zones to be open to all sides. Bring on the mayhem in Brickstown!
  2. when Dian admitted to playing on Excelsior and can't form a team... ...man, it's time to make a new account and seriously reconsider your public image.
  3. Hard disagree on color pallette / color wheel. It makes it incredibility hard to make exact color choices for someone that is colorblind (like me). I wouldn't mind seeing the color options expanded... but only if they stay in columns and rows.
  4. Welcome home, Victory!
  5. Welcome! To quote the first mention of Victory on Everlasting, "Another shard to beat our highscore in the FoM."
  6. Now I want a Family level 8-15 SF in Port Oakes. Thanks.
  7. Sorry, edited my post. Eastern USA time. You know, Paragon City, Rhode Island time 😉
  8. On Everlasting it happens nearly every night from 8pm to Midnite Eastern USA time, 7 nights a week. Even on holidays.
  9. Ever make a natural toon (or otherwise) where taking "flight" or literally any travel power just feels... wrong? Let me introduce you to rocketeering, a travel power pool where the flight power includes a jetpack (preferably customizable as a costume part) that justifies your flight! Jump Jet: Boosts jump distance/speed. Similar to the START free jet pack. Rocketeer: Flight power w/ backpack jetpack Exhaust Fumes: Creates a cloud of exhaust around you. +Def, -Foe Perception Super Boost: Extra Speed flight
  10. I'd punch babies for all teleporters to have a unified UI. Base teleporters, too. And for that UI to include the level range of the zone.
  11. GetGlobalName will return a valid name if the name is in use. It doesn't tell us if it's available due to name release. Maybe if GGN returned "@Global is not online. Name is eligible to be claimed." that would also work. And names aren't being "poached", they're being redistributed from accounts that haven't logged in for over a year AND didn't hit level 50.
  12. I see you've never had an idea while playing and needed to check /getglobalname to see if the name was taken. That tracks.
  13. With the upcoming name-pocalypse releasing a million names, it would be nice to have a command that can check to see if a name is available while logged in. I suggest "/checkname <name>" which would return "This name is available." if the name is unused OR if the timer has expired on the character in question. It would return "This name is used by @Global currently." Now if you want to make it really sexy have it tell us how long the user has been offline and what level they are (ie: When will it be available, if ever). But knowing the City of code this may not be possible within the game.
  14. I find myself agreeing with Rudra, which usually would make me wrong. But in this case ( 😄 ), if you don't want to sell it to the vendor for 5k, don't do it. But I'd support a "cancel email" ability because I think we've all sent the typo demon a hundred million inf at least once.
  15. Melee/Support so I can have a whip/pain demon as soon as whip melee is released.
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