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About Ignicity

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Please don't ever feel that you need to apologize for having an opinion, even if that opinion differs from the HC cheerleaders. We're all entitled to one, don't let people tell you otherwise.
  2. This nerf shouldn't be trivialized, just because *you* can't get to the current brute damage cap consistently. I've already resigned myself to the fact that this will go live, and have already begun leveling and slotting contingencies that will most likely get nerfed within the next 6 months. Staying ahead of the curve since i4.
  3. I've always been an advocate for not fixing things that aint broke. But hey, keep nerfing, son. GG (edit: I once referred to Sentinels as the deformed little brother of All-Human Peacebringers. I can only imagine what this game could have been without your fingerprints on it. Wait, am I still allowed to voice an opinion that opposes HC propaganda?)
  4. I'm glad that Powerhouse has not only owned up to misleading the community with naive reassurances to not nerf Brutes, but also that he's taken the time to quell the ridiculous argument from apologists claiming this isn't a nerf. Personally, I disagree with the Brute nerf, but at the end of the day, they don't care what we think.
  5. Nice catch. I can confirm this change. Another missed Patch note?
  6. The old, if you don't like it; GTFO rebuttal.
  7. Nice times. It's amazing what 6 yrs of practice can get ya. I played from Issue 2, to issue 23 then about 6-8 months on the private server. So probably closer to 8.5 years. Cool, I played from Issue 4. I could have used those 6-8 months. I like to believe that I was the reason there was a blacklist on the Private server. hold on, you need 6-8 months to perfect how to run a TF in this game? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA is that what you read? having any extra playtime with the new fotm's would have been beneficial. What I read is that you're upset you didn't get to play on the private server. I invited @Dan Petro because I love the guy and he's a blast to play with. I'm sorry no one felt the same way about you. Can't wait to see your improved times on Homecoming. 5/7. You're going to have to put your back into it for that perfect score. People did try to invite me. But... Blacklist. I'm not sure how many times I need to spell it out for ya, bro. Keep trollin' though, you'll get there.
  8. Nice times. It's amazing what 6 yrs of practice can get ya. I played from Issue 2, to issue 23 then about 6-8 months on the private server. So probably closer to 8.5 years. Cool, I played from Issue 4. I could have used those 6-8 months. I like to believe that I was the reason there was a blacklist on the Private server. hold on, you need 6-8 months to perfect how to run a TF in this game? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA is that what you read? having any extra playtime with the new fotm's would have been beneficial.
  9. Nice times. It's amazing what 6 yrs of practice can get ya. I played from Issue 2, to issue 23 then about 6-8 months on the private server. So probably closer to 8.5 years. Cool, I played from Issue 4. I could have used those 6-8 months. I like to believe that I was the reason there was a blacklist on the Private server.
  10. Nice times. It's amazing what 6 yrs of practice can get ya.
  11. All joking: aside. Team: awesome. STF: 19:21
  12. This one probably isn't going to stand for long, but at least it's a target for us all to aim at: Kahn TF
  13. Is there where we show all the nubs up?
  14. [Request] Ignicity: Attention Justice heroes! This thread, hosted by Lords of Chaos, will be lead by the Bleyszen One. Please keep request chat clear for instructions. Thank you!
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