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Everything posted by Catgoyle

  1. Might be a bit odd seeing myself, I think that mission fighting a clone gave me PTSD :P But maybe they can apply whatever "magic" that made the clone to a placeable NPC...
  2. My Mastermind wish: Make group flight actually work. It would be nice to have the bots fly along with me instead of running like little madmen stuck in peaceful so they don't aggro All the Things.
  3. I voted no. We need something that makes the office building mazes bearable by comparison. :P
  4. I'm likely to use the extra build slot so I can make a "doesn't matter what level I get dropped to, I won't loose much" and a "post-respec optimized" higher level build. MM is a bunch of compromises with a lot of the powers predetermined, which is compounded with secondary pool powers that are way more useful than another weak-ish attack. And then throw in must-have pool powers... I wouldn't mind taking more of the personal attacks because they do fit my theme, but there's no real way to squeeze more than one or two in. On the topic of on-theme: a lot of the time using the VIP/Prestige powers as a filler gives me a facial tic because they don't "fit" a theme at all.
  5. Simmer down. That's not what's happening here.
  6. I have 10 characters on Excelsior now, I'm not moving :P So it can be the unofficial unofficial unofficial LGBTQ+ server . . . or something.
  7. I like stone/stone (played one through 50 on live), but it's hard to get PUG's that are patient enough to let you tank properly (it's not really a set for speedruns). IMHO TP is a stone/stone tank's friend -- tp foe when you want to thin things out a bit, recall friend to get back that fallen team member (I carry spare wakies if teaming), and TP itself to get right to where you need to be mid-combat with a sudden *poof*
  8. Both are very WIP, but the few small rooms are fully equipped and decorated - first priority was quick access to *everything,* and with the same basic layout on both sides. Just don't bother the employees :P Blue Side: SG: Miscellaneous Excelsior Heroes PW: MEH-4680 Desc: Tech Warehouse Red Side: SG: Collective Chaos Community Project PW: CCCP-4625 Desc: Underground Lair, mostly Arcane
  9. I turned particles way down so at least the FX don't bog down my laptop. Since there's an Icon in AP now, it might make sense to pull the tailor option off the trainers to maybe mitigate the lagfest a bit.
  10. Catgoyle: Stone/Stone Tank gargoyle catgirl Cheese Thief: TW (Razor Sword 'Slicer')/WP Scrappper Ratgirl Fluffums:Necro/Pain MM Zombie Catgirl with an amusing bio: Praetor White had troubles of his own He had a yellow cat that wouldn't leave his home He tried and he tried to send the cat away Sent it on missions going far away But the cat came back the very next day The cat came back, they thought she was a goner The cat came back, she just wouldn't stay away Away, away, awaaaaay (meow) So he sent her after rebels hiding in the underground To look for the leader the P.P.D. hadn't found This mission was to go there and take out their head She found the rebels and joined them instead [chorus]
  11. Zombie/Necro: The T1 pets provide even more debuffing (all zombies and my two attacks have -acc added). Plus they're good fodder for Soul Extraction. Uses both attacks -- help fight and pull, besides needing the self-heal with the second attack, even though its hard on endurance running the bubble (Suppress pain) and spamming Nullify Pain. Other thoughts. Teleport Foe is great fun: "OH HAI THERE" and helps to thin out larger groups. Team Teleport works more consistently than Group Flight, even if I have to pause on a rooftop occasionally and rest up. ------------- Bots/Traps:T1 pets are the mainline troops. Protector bots+drone are there to bubble them and try to keep them alive. Attacks-I only use Pulse Rifle Burst while spamming Web Grenade. Other thoughts: I'm a bit meh about group flight -- I end up outpacing them and dropping them out of the air anyways. I might respec and postpone it. For thematic reasons I took flight instead of TP (and use hover for Def). Really need to respec anyways -- not sure why/how I didn't pick up caltrops, probably postpone Group Flight in favor or this.
  12. I was Guardian Maxine. Which is one of "regular" toons that I haven't recreated. Catgoyle is back (and properly female, I missed out on the pun the first time) As well as Toxic Wench (now Toxia), Roberta (now Roberta XR-523), the villainous Fluffums, and Fred the Lizard (now Freeloadin' Freddie, switched to red side) I miss the LoC. Most of my toons are catgirls except Toxia, who is a ratgirl, and Fred who is a lizard. @Catgoyle
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