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Everything posted by BigGotter

  1. My jet pack runs out at the worst times. I have to keep going back to the store to buy another one. Could be I didn't get the extended warranty.
  2. Update. "The Last Straw" Mediacom tech called at 8:15am this morning. The phone rang one time, and he hung up. Called the number back and it goes straight to Mediacom's automated answering service. This is the same tactic the tech guy did the last time. Been on the phone all morning with a supervisor to make them aware of the games their Tech department is playing, and that I will be making sure the corporate office is notified of the poor service. I've also been in contact this morning with the other ISP in this area that I had before switching to Mediacom. It will mean downgrading to a slower speed again, but anything that actually works is better than what I'm getting now. While setting up the appointment to have the install done, I was informed it would be 4 weeks before they could schedule a person to come out. Reason for taking so long is due to sudden influx of people switching from Mediacom in town. Imagine that! On a more positive note, "rain" is expected late Monday evening thru Wednesday. I'm planning on a non-stop 3 day, 3-night CoH binge. Perhaps Mediacom should include "Runs On Water" in their contract. I also want to say thanks to everyone who has asked questions and provided possible solutions to this ongoing issue. Hopefully this post will help others in our community troubleshoot the many issues discussed here. Stay tuned🙄
  3. Status update, nothing has changed. Still waiting on my scheduled appointment set for this coming Sunday for the Mediacom tech to come out again. Mediacom did send an automated message earlier this week saying they were conducting maintenance in town and the number of homes (55) to be affected by the outage. Later that evening Mediacom sends a message saying they have completed work and service has been restored. I immediately run a check and find nothing has changed. Mediacom then sends a message wanting to cancel my appointment. I guess the automated system thinks all pending open tickets have been resolved for this area. Of course I replied NO! Do not cancel! Now, for some good news, I had perfect working internet upload speed around 74-85mbps last night. Here's the kicker, it started raining around 6pm right before it usually stops working. It rained for about 45 minutes, just a light shower. I actually got to team up and run a few missions with no rubberbanding. I get up this morning and check the internet speeds and as I expected, it was right back down to 0.39mbps upload speed. I'm wondering if the trees and vines that run up against the internet cable and overhead power lines could be causing a feedback. Then when it rains that feedback flows down the wet tree to ground allowing the internet to work only when it rains. I'll be talking to the tech guy Sunday about it if he ever shows up. lol.
  4. Update, Mediacom tech was scheduled for December 1st but was a no show. Received an automated message later that evening that the appointment had been cancelled. Had to call them back and make a new appointment. December 8th is the next available time.🤬🤬 Billing is aware of the problems and have issued 2 month's worth of credit at least. I took a little ride around town yesterday just to see if anybody was working on anything and just look for any obvious signs damaged lines etc.. What a mess! all kinds of wires dangling, cut, rewired, spliced, reconnected (maybe). Tennis shoes hanging, Kudzu climbing, Oak trees falling. Theres no business's left, everything shut down many years ago. Even the liquor store went out of business. Population 900 and declining. Just an old farming community down in Southwest Georgia that I call home. Anyways, there's a definite pattern to the problem that I'm tracking. Between 7pm-9pm it drops to nothing instantly (no upload speed) It stays like this until about 8am in which it starts slowly creeping up in speed as each hour passes, until 1pm at which its back to its correct upload speed. The only oddity is when it rains, the internet works perfect no matter what time it is but eventually reverts back to the same old problem a day after the rain stops. I'm not ready to give up yet.
  5. 11/28/2024 Thursday, 5:30am. Upload speed is still at nothing. It starts to rain 30 minutes later and now I have perfect working internet. It rained off and on throughout the day and again Friday morning. Internet working perfect until 7pm. I was in a mission and suddenly everything stopped. Mapserve! I check internet status and its out completely. Few seconds later it comes back up. I log back in and after a few minutes, Mapserve! Internet is down again. When it came back up, I was able to run a test, and everything was perfect. I log back in and same thing happens about 7 more times. I finally give up and log out for the night. This morning, I ran a speed test before doing anything else and find that the upload speeds are back to nothing. Tech guy is scheduled to be here Sunday morning. Here we go again!
  6. 9 hours of perfect working internet and suddenly it went back to the same thing. No upload speed. 🤬
  7. I have working internet as of 30 min ago. Mediacom tech was working on the line early this morning. Don't know what they did, but it's working now. Let's see how long this lasts.
  8. Yes, my computers are hard wired to the modem. The problem with no upload speed is present on all my devices wired or wireless. The Maintenace Tech has already determined that the problem is on their line. There have been several other homes that have reported the same problem in the little town I live in. I'm doing as much research as I can and have found a video that discusses "Competitor Back feed" going into the node from the home where the faulty equipment is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajFWM0RGEEA I would expect the Mediacom tech that's trying to fix it to have training and access to the tools to troubleshoot and track something like this down. Stay tuned for updates in a day or 6. Things move at the speed of snail around here.
  9. It's broken again. No upload speed and back to constant rubberbanding. Worked great for 3 hours before it went straight to nothing. I have been back on the phone with tech support tonight, and we went thru the checklist of unplugging the router/modem and disconnecting the coaxial cable for 10 minutes. They also tried "reprograming" the router. I suppose that's something like reverifying files. After an hour of futile attempts, they had to give up and put in a ticket for a tech to come back out. 🤬
  10. I'm back in action. They replaced the node today. Speed test is showing 896mbps download and 60mbps upload. No more rubberbanding. Thanks for everyone who commented on this topic. My tech guy thanks you, and he gets to keep his job.
  11. To answer a few questions, yes, I have checked all connections that I have access to. The problem exists before it even comes into the house. All of the cable lines in town and the surrounding counties were replaced a year after hurricane Michael came thru back in October of 2018. Originally, this same problem with no upload speed happened in August of 2023 and was reported. The tech came out and did his checks on the line, and did say he traced it back to a place just outside of town but couldn't determine the source of what was causing it. Many weeks later, the problem mysteriously vanished with no explanation. Then a new problem arose months later with zero internet for days. It might work for an hour or 2 then go completely down for another 10-12 hours. This problem finally resolved itself after months of "Maintenace on the lines". Here we are back to August 20024 and the no upload speed problem returned as my original post talks about. The "shared Internet" I can see happening if it was just a gradual drop in speed as people start streaming one by one, however the speed is going from 49mbps upload to suddenly nothing. And there's no certain time of day or night it may be working as intended or not. Totally random. The "node" sounds like the most likely culprit. Leaking seal allowing water to get in, bad connection in the box. If they would get me a bucket truck, I'd replace it myself, lol, free of charge, lol. Anyways, I got another ticket put in as I'm writing this to have the tech guy come back out. I'll let ya know how our conversation goes this time 🙂
  12. For months now I have been having internet issues. Constant rubber banding while playing CoH, delayed response when clicking on videos on YouTube. First thing I did back in August when the problem started was run a speed test to see if the problem is on my end or with Mediacom. I am signed up with Mediacoms wired internet residential service cable broad band network, Xtream service plan 1 gig internet. When everything is working right, I usually get around 749mbps download and 45mbps upload speeds. However, when it's not working right, my download speeds are normal (749mbps) but the upload speeds are only .03-1.7mbps. I have more than one computer and have the same problem no matter which one I'm on. I called up Meidacom tech line and reported the problem back in august and they came out and verified the problem was on their end, and he put in a ticket to have the next higher up tech look into it. Weeks go by and still having the same problem, so I report it again. Tech guy comes out, says yup, it's still not fixed. He sends a ticket to the next guy up. Weeks turn into months and we're still having the same issue. No upload speed! Last week, I called and report it again. This time a new tech guy comes out and verified the same problem. He informs me that there several homes in the little town I live in that have reported the same issue, and that the next higher up tech guy that knew how to fix it had passed away a few weeks ago and nobody else knows how to fix it. So, I'm asking for help or suggestions as to what is broken or what button needs to be pushed, so I can inform the tech how to fix their internet. I am frustrated and grasping at straws now. Thanks
  13. You will be truly missed my friend.
  14. It's good to have you back
  15. Same issue for me this morning. I run Tequila launcher and it's acting a little strange on launch. Keep having to reverify files to even get to Homecoming server. Once there, I get "Can not connect to DB server"
  16. I added a teleport beacon next to my base portal to use in case I get stuck. Click, and you pop up out of the toilet on the other end.
  17. What happens when the player base doubles? Wont that generate twice the influence into the economy? Will influence have to be cut in half again to offset it?
  18. Exactly, I can't stand a cheat.
  19. lol, actually, I kinda threw that is as a poke at the guy a few posts up that keeps saying to trust him.
  20. Ok, back on live, there were rouge websites people could go to and buy influence for CoH. A simple transaction of cash for influence was made thru paypal, or whatever. A time and place to meet was set up and a few minuets later you would have 100 million influence delivered to your toon. That was back in the early times when influence was hard to make. Move on up to present day pre patch and earning influence was easy to come by, even doing regular door missions. Therefore putting the places selling influence out of business or at least in check. Now, since the patch has reduced the amount of influence that people are getting, it has opend the door again for these rouge websites. Hope that all makes better sence.
  21. Sounds like a nemesis plot, except the exploiters are selling, not buying influence in the real world.
  22. I'm good with fixing the exploit. I can accept the influence nerf. What troubles me now is the value of influence has changed to make it profitable to sell outside the game. Yes if they get caught it will be delt with swiftly, but now you have to police things, devote more time and resouces to tracking down the ones doing it. And if they get caught, who cares, build another account and your back in business. At least with the influence higher, it kept things in check in the world wide economy. Trust me
  23. I really would like to see this whole mess fixed right once and for all. From what I've been reading in these forums, the whole community is divided now on the subject of nerfing influence. I myself have hardly logged any game time since the patch release, instead I sit in the forums looking, waiting for answers. Where are we headed? How can we fix this so everyone can have fun again? Putting bicycle tires on a Ferrari will slow it down, but then all you end up with is a fancy looking Prius.
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