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Posts posted by Linea

  1. For alpha testing of generic group make up, I'd suggest older generic maps that spawn much more consistently than the newer map sets.  Then once you get your group fairly well balanced, transition it to the newer more erratic mapsets, understanding further adjustments will need to be made.  I tend to use smaller old warehouse maps at first, then once I'm fairly confident, I use the troll cave with 99 spawn points, and cruise around checking each spawn.   If 99 +4x8 spawns look good, then you probably have the first pass of your group in good shape.


    Spawn composition varies by map and spawn point type, and every spawn point will not always be used every time, even if you max out usage.  

    10+6+4 is 20.  I'd guess Your map isn't limiting the top end to 16 like most of the older maps, but instead letting it max out randomly.  The only way to know for sure is to spawn it multiple times in test mode.  PLEASE do make sure to spawn it and test it +4x8 at least a few times, using test mode.  Otherwise you could easily and unknowingly create an absolute horror that no team can run.  


    MOST of the maps, and particularly most of the older maps are very generic, similar, and boringly predictable.  The newest maps are the most diverse and most likely to vary, and even use different mechanics.   I can tell from the screen shot that's one of the newer maps.   But it should be consistent within that map, once you learn it, understanding there is a bit of randomness tossed in.  The fun part here is, the next map in the same set may have completely different spawn points and rules too. 


    There are a few map sets that I've never been able to use effectively due to map or spawndef odditities, so be aware, there may be a small number of mapsets that just simply won't work for what you want.  This is most common in the newest mapsets.


    On a similar note, each 801 spawn is intended to test something specific, meet both a maximum and minimum combat time, and some other factors.  This also severely limits that number of maps that are 801 compatible, but THAT particular limitation is as much on MY end as it is the map itself.  Some maps were originally designed with the intent of being extra easy, low triangle count, etc .... these don't work well for 801.  This is most common in the oldest mapsets.


  2. MOST AE maps approximately spawn by:

    {(Minion, Random Index, Linear 8 to 10), (Lt, Random Index, Linear 4 to 6), (Boss, Random Index, Linear 2 to 4), (Optional EB/AV, Random Index, Linear (probably 4)),} Loop until the spawn is full.  Full at +4x8 is usually 16, with 2 to 4 bosses, 4 to 6 lts, and 8 to 10 minions. 

    EB/AV only spawn if there are no minions, lts, nor bosses.

    If you do not have at least 1 minion, lt, and boss, XP is nerfed.

    If you are missing minions, then it runs addtional loops on lts and bosses.  the same for the other subgroups.

    It re-random_indexs for each subset itteration

    +4x8 all bosses in a group, you'll get effectively 4 linear groups of 4 bosses, but with 4 random starting indexes, so overlaps are effectively guaranteed unless you have a very high number of bosses in the group.  (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), done.  This can look like (A,B,C,D), (B,C,D,E),(D,E,F,G),(G,H,I,J); and many other similar variations.  Overlap is neither guaranteed, nor not guaranteed, but it will be related to the odds of a random index roll landing inside your previous linear selection(s).


    This is why 801 groups typically have 120 or more entities, and those entities are carefully arranged in subsets of 4.  The subsets of 4 ensure the ratio of Debuff, DPS, Support, Tank mobs within the spawn.  It doesn't enfore any exact mob, but it enforces the random statistical ratios.



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  3. On 4/9/2022 at 11:30 PM, Snarky said:

      I hope it holds up that well for its intended purposes.  It was seriously easy to rotate through my attacks.  Pop a purple once in a while.  Not even all the time and doubt I needed it.

    It will for everything outside of Psionics.   For the Psionics, use Dual Def/Res or a pair of (Def/Res, Res), and/or the psionic temps, I can't think of all the names, but one I think is an accolade, the other buyable from vanguard, and the rest are scattered around.


    You may also need to be cautious of:

    The few very high level incarnate trials/arcs if you aren't +3d (59 tohit AND psionic).   Once you are +3 you might still have the rare moment, but it should be much easier.

    That one mission in Mr G's arc will probably slaughter you, but it slaughters almost everyone.  I struggle through it with anything that isn't full psionic armored.

    Solo +4x8 801.6 and up will eat you for breakfast, but 801.2 does that for most. 

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, ArchmageMC said:

    I don't know a single defense set for a tanker that can cap Resist on a defense set.

    Here's Angel Hornet, Lucy Medrano, and Skylark Walker.

    Lucy's numbers will vary in differing combat states similar but to a much lesser extent than Angel's vary.

    Skylark I let the resistance slip a few points when HP is up, and vice versa, so here numbers vary more widely, and are very similar to Angel's variance.  Skylark's valleys get a little hairy every now and then if the timing is off badly.



    Angel Hornet - EnM EnA - DefRes - In-Combat Numbers.jpg



    Lucy - SD RadM - DefRes Numbers.jpg


    Skylark - Inv RadM - DefRes Numbers.jpg



  5. 52 minutes ago, Gobbledegook said:

    Defence sets definitely seem to fair better as the content gets harder than resist sets or heal sets.

    It's a game imbalance.  Defense sets can cap defense, ddr, resist, and rdr.  Resist sets can cap resist, rdr, lack in defense, and are severely restricted in the amount of ddr they can get.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Krimson said:

    It was just your run of the mill "Sentinels Suck" people.

    • Sentinels have their place.  I have a sentinel player that joins almost daily and runs either Sentinels or Defenders each day.  I run 801 teams up to 7 with a sentinel, and even All Sentinel 801 teams.  6 is safer, but 7 is doable as a team.


    46 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    So.... no matter how many examples I show of this Brute can do better than that Tank you will state that as a fringe case.  Interesting.  

    Still sticking by my rebuttal point.  Tanks are not always better than Brutes.  

    • A Linea built defender is more durable than most tanks, and has more firepower than most blasters.  That does not mean defenders are more durable than tanks, nor does it mean that defenders have more firepower than blasters.
    • Mirrored builds Brute vs Tank, driven by the same player, the tank should be either easier to build, or more durable, or both.  But I'm sure it's possible to create some wonky build where this is not true. 


    2 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Which (please stay with me here) proves that your original statement is incorrect.

    • Below is a slightly more specific answer ... and after that I just do not have any more time to spare on the subject.



    Linea Durability Ratings (Revised)

    Anything rated above 2 can tank the majority of official content

    Most tanks driven by most players do not even rate 2


    Defense Tanks rate 6 to 13

    Resist Tanks rate 5 to 7

    Heal-Amor Tanks rate 5 to 6


    Defense Brutes rate 5 to 10

    Resist Brutes rate 5 to 7, but tanks rate higher more easily

    Heal-Armor Brutes rate 2 to 5


    Defense Scrappers, Stalkers, and Sentinels rate 2 to 6


    Resist Scrappers, Stalkers and Sentinels are unrated, but should rate 2 to 3

    Heal-Armor Scrappers rate 2 to 3


    Veats, Heats, Defenders rate 2 to 5  ... I ran an empath through 2, once and only once.  If you want to discount that, then rate them 1 to 5

    Some truly exceptional Veats or Heats may rate 6


    Masterminds, Corruptors, Controllers and Doms are not far behind Defenders, and rate 0 to 5, but are harder to get to rate higher

    Some truly exceptional Controllers and Doms rate 6.  I am NOT that player, mine rate 2 to 5


    Blasters rate 0 to 4


    Regen is Unrated, in this context Heal-Armor means Willpower and Bio Armor

    If you want to account for build quality, set all low end numbers to zero


  7. 3 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I. An tell tou for a fact I can out tank a good third of the Tank armor powersets.

    • Brute defense armors built to maximum durability will in most cases rate higher than Tank Resist Armors and Tank Heal-Tank Armors.  This is the nature of the game, ATs partially overlap.
    • Given Tank Inv/Dark and Brute Dark/Inv both built to maximum durability, the Tank will be more durable if for no other reason than it's easier to build, has a few extra ios, is easier to drive, and has a few more HP.


    13 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    ... powersets  ...

    • If you want to be precise, you'd need an evaluation of every Primary and Secondary combination.  I don't have time to go through every armor set, and I definitely don't have time for every primary and secondary.
  8. 1 hour ago, zenijos10 said:

    Is there an underlying mathematic model for these scores or is this just how they feel to you?

    It's the difficulty number of 801 I can solo with a given AT, or that I've seen another comfortably team tank without significant buffing.


    Standard content is not overly useful to me for measuring potential durability.  I've soloed a +4x8 ITF with everything except a petless MM, and that lack was due to lack of offense, not durability issues.   

  9. Linea Durability Ratings

    Anything rated above 2 can tank the majority of official content.


    Tanks rate up to 13.

    Brutes rate up to 10.

    ANY Tank or Brute can rate at least 6.  ... The only possible exception would be regen, I just don't see that many regens these days.

    Scrappers, Stalkers, and Sentinels up to 6.

    I would rate some truly exceptional Controllers and Doms as 6, but in general these will rate lower.

    Veats, Heats, Defenders rate up to 5.

    Masterminds, Corruptors, Controllers and Doms are not far behind Defenders, and also rate up to 5, but are much harder to get there.

    Blasters rate up to 3 or 4.


    Defenses Armors rate up to 13

    Resist Armors rate up to 6

    Heal-Tank Armors rate up to 5


    • Like 6
  10. Scrapper resist cap is 75% ... if a mob is tossing 1000 dps, you'll take 250 dps of damage.    (assuming you build for the resist cap, vs an offensive build)

    Brute resist cap is 90% ... if a mob is tossing 1000 dps, you'll take 100 dps of damage.   (assuming you build for the resist cap, vs an offensive build)

    250 incoming dps on the scrapper / 100 incoming dps on the brute = 2.5 x more incoming dps on the scrapper.

    Assuming you stand there and take it without doing anything else about it, the brute will live 15 seconds, while the scrapper will live 5 seconds.


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  11. As a rule, I do not generally recommend resist armors on 75% resist cap ATs, due to the 2.5x incoming damage issue.


    Armor Types (Armor Recommendations):

    I recommend:  

    Defense Armor: EnA (Any AT), Inv/ and SD/ as the Tank Alternatives.    

    Resist Armor: RadA (Brutes and Tanks Only).  

    Heal Armor: Bio (Any AT, paired with a Defensive Weapon).  

    Offense Armor: SD, Bio



    Defense Armors, Expanded and In Order of Durability: EnA (Any AT, Add Resists, Intermediate), SR (Advanced), SD (Intermediate), Inv (Easy). If you’re not picking EnA, I Recommend Inv. Inv is very easy to learn and drive, and very durable. Once you get your feet under you, then you can pick some of the more difficult to drive armors. My personal Favorites are EnA and SD, but I find myself driving EnA and Inv most often.


    These are old builds from the archives, none are offensively oriented, none are proc builds, but they may or may not be helpful:

    Kat Rad Brute - Tacidar - Mu 4 (Psi-Tank) - [i25].mxd  Rad Kat Tank - Radicat II - Mu 3f - [i25].mxd  Kat Rad Scrapper - Radicat-S 3a - [i25].mxd  BS SD Scrapper - Hasten 2 - [i25].mxd

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  12. KM: Nascar Melee.  If you can get past the sound effects ...

    PsiM:  Is very unlikely to perform the way you expect it to.


    BS/SD: Yes.

    Kat/Rad: Yes.  Scrapper 1/3 more damage, Brute 2.5x more peak durability.  Pick your preference.



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  13. 19 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

    ... EnM/Bio in offensive mode is likely the top one in terms of ST. RadM/FA Brute is the AoE king partly because IG from Rad is super good in how procs work ...

    With both primaries and secondaries proc-built for full damage on full tier 4 damage built incarnates.

    The other major note would be Stalkers hit high damage much more easily and with less effort, but tend to peak a bit lower than the mirrored scrapper, and trend toward less AoE.  But if you want easy relatively high ST dps, Stalkers are a good choice.



    Assuming Full Tier 4 Incarnates and Full Tier 4 IOs, built for maximum damage ....

    Scrappers 600+ dps

    Stalkers    500+ dps

    Brutes      400+ dps

    Tanks       350+ dps


    Tanks start tough and tend to spend resources on damage.

    Brutes start with both durability and damage, and can then build toward scrapper or tank, but generally not both.  But this does make them in many ways the most flexible melee AT.  Brutes are also the kings of farming.

    Scrappers start with damage, and tend to use resources to increase durability.

    Stalkers start with damage, are the easiest to maximize that damage, but don't quiet peak as high as the highest scrappers.  Stalkers also tend to lack AoE.


    Pylon Damage Thread

    Pylon DPS Megasheet - Kachooman - Google Sheets



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  14. WARNINGDo not attempt 801.6 and above unless you have tried the lower difficulties and found them too easy.  +4x8 801.6 and higher generate 3.5k+ sustained dps, with frequent 10k+ spikes, and rare 20k+ dps spikes.  This is 98% Fatal to Solo Unsupported 75% resist cap ATs.


    AE 801.6 - Redesign

    For those teams that both obliterate 801.5 but also fail 801.7, I'm redesigning 801.6 to better fit between those two difficulties and present a challenge but not a failure. 

    Assuming you have trounced 801.5 mercilessly, but struggle with 801.7, then search for "801.6" in AE. Have Fun Dying.




    tldr: Most Tanks and Brutes built to max durability should be able to solo this, ... but probably can't.

    • Armored Squishies Fail Solo - Even my most durable defender only survived 10m +4x8 solo.  However, Armored controllers or dominators might do very well using "Control Is Armor", just try not to blink and/or over-aggro.
    • Armored 75% resist cap AT Resist Armors -  with rdr cap will almost always fail due to 2.5x incoming damage.
    • Armored 75% resist cap AT Defense Armors - with rdr cap and ddr cap may pass, but will fail if you let either rdr or ddr fail.  The same 2.5x incoming damage leaves you very little room for mistakes.
    • Armored 90% resist cap AT Resist Armors - with rdr cap should pass. The builds I tested passed.  I was perma-red -50 defense, rdr capped, but survived over 30m.  An unlucky TA at the just wrong moment could in theory kill me, but never did.  But it would only take one mistake on my part to drop like a rock.
    • Armored 90% resist cap AT Defense Armors - with ddr cap backed by above average resists should pass.  There were times my resist dropped dangerously, but I still survived.  There were other times my defense slipped a little, but resist stayed up, and I also survived those.  But If I really messed up and let both slip, I'm sure they could kill me.  But Unlike the squishier ATs, I'd have to try pretty hard to let that happen with the tanks.  Famous Last Words.
    • I did not test any of the Heal-Tank armors, as I expect the majority of those fail in 801.5 solo.


    • I removed blinds completely, due to design issues with the AE spawndefs.  I should probably add ONE EB encounter back in.
    • I removed cannons, x-models, and other Rad/ Snipers completely. Replaced them with more distributed -defense that is a bit less likely to take that first bite.  I may need to add ONE cannon back in as well.  Cannons are very effective at Alpha stripping defense armor for a few seconds, but then letting go if you recover.   The current setup is slower to set in and take a bite, and much less likely to sustain.  The downside may be that even minor defense buffs end up being overly effective vs this design, making the missions too easy.  If that turns out to be the case I'll add a single EB Cannon back in.
    • I had to back off the raw dps to help ensure Tank Resist armors passed.  This may or may not need further adjustment either direction.
    • I had to rebalance -healing and -healing_received multiple times.
    • I had to completely remove benumb and then /Cold altogether due to interactions with the new improved /TA.
    • I had to remove /Poison as well due to interactions with /TA.
    • I may have removed too much -regen.  Currently it shutsdown non-regen sets part of the time, but any +regen buffs from any source kicks regen back in.  This may need just a tiny nudge upwards to be more effective vs some non-regen sets.



    • Order and Sorting Matter.  To be able to use the files you'll need to use the command line to 'type "ic - 6041.bvg" > "ic - 6041.cvg"' while editing the cvg in-game, in order to force the spawndef order.  Otherwise it just clumps it all up alphabetically and you'll get erratic undesirable results in the spawns. 
    • Even done correctly the spawns are a bit erratic as the spawndef isn't setup for this kind of group.  It iterates 'Random index, Sequential 4' over and over till it gets 16 entities.  This WILL create not entirely intended results. 


    AE 801 IC-6014.jpg


    BA-45a Archer        (B) Super_Strength     (.1...56...) / Trick_Arrow        (....4.6.8.)
    BA-45b Hunter        (B) Super_Strength     (.1...56...) / Trick_Arrow        (0.2....7..)
    BB-45j Javelin       (B) Beam_Rifle         (.1234.67..) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)
    BB-45s Resonator     (B) Super_Strength     (.1...56...) / Sonic_Debuff       (012.......)
    BC-45i Storm Trooper (B) Super_Strength     (.1...56...) / Storm_Summoning    (...34.....)
    BC-61e Shocker       (B) Electric_Control   (01234567..) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)
    Corporal             (B) Mercenaries        (012..56...) / Pain_Domination    (....456...)
    DA-53s Disruptor     (B) Sonic_Attack       (012.45.7..) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)
    Engineer             (B) Beam_Rifle         (.12.4.6...) / Radiation_Emission (..23..6...)
    Heavy Gunner         (B) Beam_Rifle         (.12.4.67..) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)
    Marksman             (B) Assault_Rifle      (0.23...7..) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)
    Operative            (B) Beam_Rifle         (.1..456...) / Willpower          (012..56...)
    Ranger               (B) Beam_Rifle         (.1234.6...) / Ninjitsu           (012..5..8.)
    Rifleman             (B) Assault_Rifle      (.123...7..) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)
    Scout Sniper         (B) Beam_Rifle         (.1234.6...) / Ninjitsu           (012.45....)
    Sergeant             (B) Dual_Pistols       (.1..4.678.) / Gadgets            (...3.5..8.)
    T-31 Interceptor     (B) Savage_Assault     (.1234.6.8.) / Gadgets            (...3.5....)


    IC - 6041.cvg ic6-6041.r220321.txt ic6-6041.r220321.7z


    IC - 6041.bvg


    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. I see you're not going for a proc offense build, so ...

    1. Swap Maneuvers for Cloak:  I would normally recommend scrapper EnM Ena ShadowMeld Scrapper - 801 - Recharge-T9 ver 2J - [i25].mxd  However, with this version that breaks the build for non-overload play.   This build was intended as always overload, but with 45 defense backup (+Shadowmeld and Energydrain on top of that) when not in overload.  The swap drops 45 to 44, which is not good.  You could in theory make up for that by always using energy drain, but I don't consider it ideal.  IMO, You'd have to almost completely rework this to make anything usable out of it without cloak.
    2. Swap Weave for Cloak:  EnM Ena Brute - 801 D+ - T9 3L - EF Tactics - [i27].mxd The brute variant I'd most recommend is not Psionic certified, but with EF it can pseudo AoE taunt, and has more AoE to help make up for EnM' lack.  It also has Tactics to deal with Blinds. As well as an extra slot for a psionic proc to punch through Resist-T9s.  Also BU is slotted to maximum proc chance to also punch through Defense-T9s.
    3. Swap Weave for Cloak:  EnM Ena Brute - 801 G - T9 3L - GLM DN Tactics - [i27].mxd This version is Psionic certified, and is one of the most durable brutes you'll find.  However, you lose offense, Aoe, and pseudo-taunt capability as the price.  I originally did this version first, then scaled back on the durability for the above version instead.

    Note: None of these are leveling builds, even if I may or may not have leveled with them.



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  16. They are around.   If they ever got their two primary debuffs increased to 15' radius instead of 8', no one would every play anything else. 😜 They are very effective, just in a smaller radius than most would like.

    As an aside: I have to nerf the crap out /poison in 801 to keep them from completely obliterating their victims.  Poison and Cold both.  Which means I suspect they are nicely effective in PvP, but I don't pvp.

    • Like 2
  17. That was a long time ago.   That may have been before perma-snipes, or it could be level and slotting options and level 35 power overcrowding.   Or it may just not have made enough difference in dps.  I vaguely recall trying different builds, and the snipe version only being a minor difference.  It's worth retesting now, a lot of things have changed.

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  18. Time/ can be built dozens of different ways.  I have over a dozen variations live on different servers, and even more mothballed.

    If you want a solid offensive build I'd suggest Bopper's thread.

    If you want a cutting edge, seat of your pants offensive build, then I'd suggest Dahkness' thread.  That build just barely skirts by on the skin of it's teeth, but in return pushes all the extra resources into offense.

    If you want to make a tank cry in envy.  My builds are straight up tanks, not dps. 


    If you want extreme defense you can look at something like:


    Time DP - Kiski - STF SLE Malfactor 2 - [i25].mxd

    This also gives you resists with Rune/Hybrid/Rune/Demonic.   You can then push that even more insane by added Dampeners to push SL defense up into the 90s and bring E resists up so that you are very 60s SLE resist.  Amps and Base Buffs will cap SLE resists and then push SLE defenses even higher.   Fire Def/Res was just an accident.  There's a great deal to running Time/ that isn't apparent in mids and can only be seen live in-game.


    There is a very strong argument for NOT going scorpion, and instead go PBU or PB ... This can boost all your defenses another 12 or so defense, pushing everything into the 70s, not just SLE only.   Clarion_Radial, used as Clarion_Radial*PBU*FS can push this another 8 or 10.   You won't be able to see this (correctly) in Mids.  Clarion_Radial*PBU*Vengeance on top of that is just plain laughable, you'd risk actually hitting the defense hard cap.  That wouldn't happen often due to timing, but if it did it'd be hilarious.


    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Vulpoid said:

    This looks cool, but wouldn't we need your HornetF.txt files?

    Line 2 is (effectively) the content of file5

    Line 3 is (effectively) the content of file6

    They point to each other with the 0 key functioning as a reset/resync ... as lag fubars press/hold/release binds from time to time.

    You have to edit them to fit how and where you put bind files.  I always but bind files in <insert path>/coh/kb/file.txt  But if you don't do the same, it will break for you.

    Also, I'm using 3 keys, you'd want to edit the extras out.  3 because one of the characters uses 3 different emotes and some randomization that's off-topic.  the 5 and 6 version doesn't include that, but binds all three keys for consistency between characters.

    Press/Hold/Release binds will take some patience and learning if you've never done them before. they are not just drag and drop and it works.


    HornetF5.txt HornetF6.txt

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  20. lately I've been using a jury-rigged translocation as a combat teleport.   Press and Hold F10 to spin up mystic flight, release to teleport to target and toggle off mystic flight.

    1. 0 "powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent .\kb\HornetF5.txt"
    2. F10 "+$$powexectoggleon mystic flight$$bindloadfilesilent .\kb\HornetF6.txt"
    3. F10 "+$$powexectoggleoff mystic flight$$powexeclocation target translocation$$bindloadfilesilent .\kb\HornetF5.txt"

    The follow itself could easily be added, but I do that with a separate key. Something like ...

    1. 0 "powexecslot 10$$bindloadfilesilent .\kb\HornetF5.txt"
    2. F10 "+$$autorun 0$$forward 0$$powexectoggleon mystic flight$$bindloadfilesilent .\kb\HornetF6.txt"
    3. F10 "+$$follow$$powexectoggleoff mystic flight$$powexeclocation target translocation$$bindloadfilesilent .\kb\HornetF5.txt"


    • Like 1
  21. WTF Killed Me ?!?

    So I'm running 801.7 with my Rad/Kat tank, and the exact same thing happened the next day with my Kat/EnA Brute ....


    We cleared the whole map only one group left, so I say WTH "Hold my Beer!".  Things didn't go well.  What Happened?


    We had a particularly nasty RNG spawn of Rad Blast Sniper, Cold Domination, and Trick Arrow, as well as a full support crew of Snipers, Nukes, and the works.

    • Rad Blast - This guy has BU and Aim, 10 seconds of hell, not that he needs it vs Rad Armor, a resist set.  If he hits you, he can drop you to -50 defense or worse in a blink.  It might only last 10 seconds, but that's long enough if he has support to follow it up and shove a knife into the crack in your armor that he opened up.
      • Now at -50 Defense, everything, and I mean everything is going to hit you.
    • Cold Domination - This guy can literally remove your enhancements, and drop you to the resist floor.
      • I'm resist and rdr capped, but that doesn't mean anything vs -special and getting your enhancements ripped out of your guts.
      • Now, I'm no longer resist nor rdr capped.  -enhance drops what was 100+% resist (capped at 90) down to the 80s.  Now not only is there a crack in my defenses, there's a crack in my otherwise impeccable resists.
      • Now at 80% resist ... those -resist debuffs that could drop an unarmored target to -300 or -400, drop me to what might as well be no resist at all.
      • Now with mid 20s resists ... I live just over a second. IF and only IF, I'm lucky.
    • Trick Arrow - This guy debuffs everything, and is possibly the single most dangerous mob in the mission.  It's a shame I didn't live long enough for him to kill me. 🤕

    If that isn't enough

    • Disruptors are Sonic Blast designed specifically to supply additional -resist.
    • The AoE support and Nukes are Beam Nukes that pack -resist as well.
    • There are also rare /Rad Emission debuffers as well.



    So This is Impossible !?!

    No, not all.

    • Support - All it took in this case was waiting for @Lummi to arrive and buff me, then support as I went all Leroy.
    • Barrier - Barrier's main component is entirely too short lived.  But as it turns out, that's really all I would have needed.  However, on my resist builds I almost always run Rebirth or Ageless.
    • Candy - I tried this, but didn't gobble up enough.  Barrier is the better choice. 
    • And I'm sure there are other solutions ...


  22. Sometimes.

    Time/: oh @#$%.  I have 9 variations spread across 3 characters, maybe more ... I'd have to count.

    FF/Beam Defender: PBU*Clarion Incarnate Buffs, General/Malfactor Build, Offense.

    FF/DP:  801 Build, Malfactor/General Build, Offense

    Tank: Psi-Tank, 801-Tank, Offense

    Stalker/Scrapper:  801 Build, Offense

    Fortunata:  Ranged Control, Melee-Fort

    Kat/Ena: 801.6 and 801.A builds



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