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Posts posted by Linea

  1. Crimson Prototype is Linea Approved.   (I've soloed him +4x8 on a few characters, but it wasn't easy.)


    Huntsman, the original sentinel and still the best. 8-p


    Pre-50 Pre-IOs Sentinels are fine, in fact they are pretty nice.  They do exactly what they were intended to do.   Armored Ranged Damage with 'average stalker armor' and 'average scrapper damage.  The problem is Damage varies from best to worst by a factor of 3x.  While 'average' is average, no one really want's 'average'.   Average is particularly bad when the best set does 3x the damage vs the worst set.  To further complicate it, they are never compared to the 'average' scrapper, but are almost always compared to above average Blasters who have much higher AoE.   Objectively they really are in that 90% ST Range and Significantly Higher AoE range vs the average scrapper.   But when compared to a High End Armored Blaster (or high-end non-average scrapper), the comparison fails badly.  ... and there's not much you can do to fix it with IOs, Pools, Epics, or really much of anything other than procs that come with a cost to something else in your build.


    My Resist Armor Builds tend to balance vs Defense Armor Builds down to -35% to -45% defense in 801.  As long as you can keep from totally cascading to the floor, you're good.   Add Defense Buffs to a Resist armor and you're running around the equivalent of Perma T9 armor.


    How about Scaling DDR for Resist Armors?

    DDR is a real PITA balance wise, and I don't have any good answers, but it all does boil down to DDR more often and more substantially than it should.  Resist armors are always 'hit' .... all the debuffs land.   I'd probably want to give all resist armors some kind of Scaling DDR inherent.  I'd probably make it overkill and have it starts at 50ddr base Start it at 0ddr at +45 defense buff, and scale to 95ddr at  -50 defense debuff, (50% ddr at -5 defense).   Buffed your armor and buffs can be stripped right off you, but the farther you go into the red, toward the balance point, the more ddr you gain.   I use these numbers because I find my resist builds balance in the -35 to -45 defense range.  -35% and up I'm good but need to stay on my toes.  -35% and down it gets increasingly dangerous.  -45% and I'm gonna die, sooner than later.  Below -45% I'm very dead.   Damage wise I expect it actually caps at -45% ... so the actual balance point is probably -40% ish for me .. or maybe it's actually -35%.  But that's why I'd have Scaling DDR, such that the first buffs to land matter, but that it's also hard to debuff below that balance point vs defense based builds.


    While you're at it, double the status protection on resist armors.   Getting stunned on a tank sucks.

    • Like 2
  2. Notes From Testing 801.A

    I'm probably gonna build either an SR/RadM or SR/DM, probably the SR/RadM to test next.

    I have an alternate build for the Kat/Ena Brute I want to test, but I don't expect the gain to be worth the offensive loss.



    AE 801.9 Notes 03.jpg

  3. Congratulations and Many Thanks to the first team to complete 801.A, It really felt like an epic battle, and tremendous win when we pulled it off, barely.


    Rah -Xephon,   Cirque de Mirage,   Nightzone,   Nuclear Bite,   Lummi,   Rum Bull,   and   Anonymous Blaster

    (The blaster left before I got a screen shot to remember the name)


    The the evil marauders literally pushed us right out the front door once, and nearly out the door a couple more times before we finally got the entrance secured.

    They continued to push back multiple times on the first level, but we mostly held.

    They pushed us completely off the second level two or three times before we could secure the elevators.

    Eventually we fought our way through and defeated the last group just minutes before they could open a portal to bring in more troops from off-world.

    Paragon city can sleep safely tonight, but it was a very close call.

    • Like 4
  4. 801 took a very long time to balance, and uses out of game tools (but doesn't have to, it's just easier). 

    It's easy to slap together a simple group for solo only play, but the default simple AE methods tend to not scale well.


    There is an exponential^3 potential difference in a small team of SO only non-incarnates, and a full team of 8 full Tier 4 IO Tier 4 Incarnate players.  A single T4^2 player can encapsulate the capabilities of a full team of 8 SO Heroes.  And that only gets worse when the synergistic Incarnates start bouncing off each other in teams.  That's probably a 64:1 power ratio difference, if not potentially worse.

    I've seen vet teams crumple to 801.0, and at the same time I've seen rare teams stomp 801.5, and I have a few very rare teams asking for more.

    My BEST tank crumpled to 801.9, and I expect THAT (very rare) team to come back and ask for MOAR! The IOed INCARNATE is out of the bag, and there's no putting it back.


    I would fully support a two additional settings:

    • No Bosses - We already have this
    • Regular - We already have this
    • Bosses to EBs:  Minions -> Lts,  Lts -> Bosses,  Bosses -> EBs
    • Bosses to EBs Plus:  Minions -> Bosses, Lts -> EBs, Bosses -> EBs
    • All EBs: ... all EBs


    You could give AVs a similar synergistic treatment.  I'd probably never touch that outside of teams, but I can see some teams loving it.

    • No AVs - We Already Have this
    • Regular Avs - We Already Have this
    • EBs to Avs - regular EBs to AVs
    • All AVs - All AVs


    • Like 6
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  5. AE 801 Incarnate Team Missions


    WARNINGDo not attempt 801.6 and above unless you have tried the lower difficulties and found them too easy.  +4x8 801.6 and higher generate 3.5k+ sustained dps, with frequent 10k+ spikes, and rare 20k+ dps spikes.  This is 98% Fatal to Solo Unsupported 75% resist cap ATs.


    Just search '801' in AE.   


    AE 801 is a variety of missions created for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates; but is also designed to be solo-able on much lower difficulty settings by most Tier 4 Incarnates.  The difficulty of the missions increase as the numbers increase from: 801.0 Easy, …, 801.2 Standard, …, 801.5 Hard, ..., 801.8 Extreme, 801.A Epic, ... 801.F.  Most Tier 4 Incarnates should be able to solo 801.0 set to -1x0 no-bosses, but do not expect it to be easy with all of those builds.  On the high-end 801.5 and up +4x8 have killed over 1,500 tanks that I know of, likely more that I don’t.


    I suggest you start no higher than  801.2.   This is my standard map for testing an armored character's combined offense and durability capabilities.   If you can solo 801.2 +4x8 in the time given (2 hours), then you have enough offense and durability to handle 99% of what the official game throws at you, ... with the exception of some +4 AV dps checks, other cheaty encounters like Hamidon, and the newer Hard Mode settings.  I would suggest 801.5 as a maximum starting point for a FULL TEAM.  Most teams never get past 7, and very few have ever done A (10) and up, while only and handful of  teams have completed D (13), and less than a handful have completed F.


    If you just want a quick and dirty less comprehensive test of durability try '801.0-Static' +4x8.  This is the shortest easiest map in the 801 series.  There are also a static versions of 801.3 (Tier 2), 801.6 (Tier 3), and 801.7 (Tier 4), which are also shorter and easier.


    • My favorite these days is 801.6, which I run almost exclusively.  Random teams for which it is either too easy or too hard are about equally rare.
    • Some of the maps are semi-random map sets, However, the hardest actual maps are unfortunately not randomizable map sets.
    • 801.6 has been redesigned to better fit between 801.5 and 801.7
    • 801.5 generates 2k dps sustained damage, with frequent 8k dps, and rare 15k dps spikes vs an unarmored target.  If you are not prepared to take 15k dps to the face, you may want to start with 801.0 set to  +0.
    • For reference, I’ve soloed the standard difficulty 801.2 +0x0 no-bosses on SO-Only defenders, blasters, controllers, etc.  I’ve also soloed the harder versions +4x8 on my more durable full T4 IO T4 Incarnate Defenders, Scrappers, Controllers, Etc.  I make the assumption that if I can solo it, you can run it with a team.
    • On the Extreme end, I only have one tank build that can Solo +4x8 801.C, and that under extreme duress and difficulty (and with nowhere near enough offense to finish it in time.  It takes 60+m just to clear the entry room solo).


    Recommended Team



    • 5 Tier 4 Incarnates set to +0.


    • 5 Tier 4 IO Tier 4 Incarnates


    • A Full Well Balanced Team of 8 Tier 4 IO Tier 4 Incarnates

    Other Recommendations:

    • A "Tank" and an "off-tank".  These do not have to be Tank AT.  The ability to take 15k damage to the face, or otherwise control aggro will be very helpful.
    • A third Tank is not out of line, but may not be required either. I'm pretty sure the 801.D team ran 3 tanks, 2 blasters, 3 support/control.
    • Resist and Defense Buffs and/or De-Buffs.  Due to ‘Incarnate To-Hit’ and ‘Incarnate Damage’ running without buffs, or the debuff equivalent, is not recommended.
    • One or Two Control.  Due to backwards compatibility with being able to solo +0 (with a controller), controls are particularly effective.
    1. CoH Mobs in general are weak to (in order):  Confuse, KB/KD, Fear.
    2. Control can, if employed precisely with care and coordination, eliminate 90% of the damage from 90% of the mobs.
    3. Control is extremely useful, but since 7 and up are EBs, matched coordinated or stacked controls get a greater emphasis.
    4. Control becomes even more difficult in 11 and up, you might need 3 controllers instead of 2.
    • Leadership Buffs. 
    • Something to help punch through T9 Armors.  Tactics, Overgrowth, Mindlink, Blasters, etc, are particularly helpful here.

    I want an 801 Tank:

    • TLDR: Inv/ with Kinetic Dampeners
    • I typically run /Bio Scrapper (or really any of my builds regardless of AT) up to 2, /EnA Brute up to 6, Inv/ Tank up to 9, and SD/ Tank up to D (13).  Each of these can more or less hold a door indefinitely solo +4x8 at those levels.  More info in the post below.



    WTF Killed Me?!?

    Post and Link on One of many ways to die in 801.



    See Also










    On 2/2/2022 at 4:53 PM, Linea said:

    801 Tank Armor Durability Ratings  ( Link )

    solo durability, not teamed

    Here's how I rate the armors on Tanks, but that's not the same as brutes.  I'll get to brutes later.


    801 Tanks:

    12: SR, SD

    10: Inv

    9 or 10: Stone

    6 or 7: All other Tank armors.  (Except Regen if it ever gets ported)



    801 Brute Armor Durability Ratings (solo durability, not teamed)

    For the brute conversion, and standard content, I wouldn't change the ratings, other than to move stone up to 10, and add EnA at 7.

    However, for 801, the loss of defense numbers in the conversion pretty much squishes all four top armors down even to a 7 and adds EnA into the same tier.


    801 Brutes:

    7: SR, SD, Inv, Stone, EnA

    5 or 6: Everything else except Regen.  I have no rating for Regen.


    AE801 Design Notes


    AE801 Mission Table

    AE 801.9 Missions 06.jpg

    Note: As far as I'm aware, at last count only 6 teams have completed F. 



    AE801 Spawn Design

    Note: Not all maps follow the same spawn definition.  Test each map carefully. Most maps seem to behave in the following way.

    The easiest maps will be relatively small and sparsely populated.  As difficulty increases, I add ‘rescue’ and other objectives to densify the maps and create adds. As you get to the much harder maps you can expect mobs hiding around corners, above you, behind doors, etc.  Eventually you will even encounter ambushes.  The faster you move through the missions the more the push back will increase.  And lastly, 801.3 and above mobs are particularly more difficult than 801.2 and below mobs.


    Each primary spawn is backed by a “dangerous” EB; 1 dangerous boss, and 1 less-dangerous boss; 1 or 2 dangerous lieutenants, and 2 or 3 less-dangerous lieutenants; 1 dangerous minion, and 7 normal minions; furthermore every spawn will have at least one minion level sniper, if not higher level snipers.  The “dangerous” mobs are further broken down into various difficulties, and spread out pseudo-randomly in the .cvg such that it’s either impossible, or extremely rare to get two particularly dangerous mobs in the same spawn.  However, you can get two very dangerous overlapping spawn groups.  In fact, there are many places in the maps where 3 to 5 groups overlap dangerously close, and two overlapping groups is not at all rare.


    All mobs have at least partial ‘Incarnate To-Hit’.  Due to AE mechanics this varies from ~53 to ~65, and is not the exact 59% of official content.   On easier difficulty maps you can expect some mobs to lose their Incarnate To-hit and fall back to normal standard soft-cap after a short period of time.   If you are moving slowly, pulling, fighting, and easing forward, this will make future mobs much easier.   Mobs will also become much easier in protracted fights as opposed to alpha strikes.  Beware, some of the highest level snipers have Aim, you should be prepared to take at least some damage if you give a sniper free reign to take pot shots at you.


    Bosses Summary as an example:

    • 33% - 19/58 – Primary Buff/Debuff Control, these are the primary heart of each spawn.
    • 17% - 10/58 - Standard AoE damage
    • 17% - 10/58 - Standard Light Damage
    • 15% - 9/58 - Supplemental Buff/Debuff primarily for -resist balance and a bit more challenge
    • 8% - 5/58 - Difficult to Control
    • 8% - 5/58 - Tier 9 Armor, Control them first or else.


    AE Spawn Mechanics
    Note: Not all maps follow the same spawn definition.  Test each map carefully. Most maps seem to behave in the following way.  Don’t shoot the messenger

    If you want random or controlled spawns, you will have to randomize, or control your .cvg file yourself.  You can do this by the order in which you edit critters, or you can do this outside of AE with some limitations.  The former will potentially take you hours each time you want to change even one power in one critter.  The latter once you get used to it is, at least for me much easier.

    AE creates three lists: minions, lieutenants, bosses.  These lists are created in sequential order from your .cvg file, which is created by default in alphabetical order from your .critter files.  Then rolls a random index in each list.  Then it spawns sequentially through those lists.  Each x8 Spawn will have approximately 2 bosses, 4 lieutenants, and 8 minions.  This means, if you have 2 nasty bosses in your group, you’ll always get 2 nasty bosses.  If you have two or three copies of your bosses in a larger group of easier bosses, but your three bosses are in your cvg file together as boss1, boss2, boss3, then you’ll get spawns of 2 hard bosses, 1 hard boss with 1 easy, and a bunch of easy spawns.  If you wanted a random hard boss here and there, you’ve completely failed by default.  This is the default AE behavior.  


    Additional Spawn Detail:


    MOST AE maps approximately spawn by:

    {(Minion, Random Index, Linear 8 to 10), (Lt, Random Index, Linear 4 to 6), (Boss, Random Index, Linear 2 to 4), (Optional EB/AV, Random Index, Linear (probably 4)),} Loop until the spawn is full.  Full at +4x8 is usually 16, with 2 to 4 bosses, 4 to 6 lts, and 8 to 10 minions. 

    EB/AV only spawn if there are no minions, lts, nor bosses.

    If you do not have at least 1 minion, lt, and boss, XP is nerfed.

    If you are missing minions, then it runs addtional loops on lts and bosses.  the same for the other subgroups.

    It re-random_indexs for each subset itteration

    +4x8 all bosses in a group, you'll get effectively 4 linear groups of 4 bosses, but with 4 random starting indexes, so overlaps are effectively guaranteed unless you have a very high number of bosses in the group.  (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), (Random Index, 4 Linear Bosses), done.  This can look like (A,B,C,D), (B,C,D,E),(D,E,F,G),(G,H,I,J); and many other similar variations.  Overlap is neither guaranteed, nor not guaranteed, but it will be related to the odds of a random index roll landing inside your previous linear selection(s).


    This is why 801 groups typically have 120 or more entities, and those entities are carefully arranged in subsets of 4.  The subsets of 4 ensure the ratio of Debuff, DPS, Support, Tank mobs within the spawn.  It doesn't enfore any exact mob, but it enforces the random statistical ratios.


    For additional spawn density you can use ‘rescue’ objectives, and sometimes other objectives.  AE is very strange in the way some of these interact, particularly the ‘any’ objective types.  Make sure to test carefully that one objective type isn’t over-writing another objective type.  It’s both possible to over-spawn a map and create more spawns that might otherwise ‘normally’ be available; and it’s equally possible for one spawn type to overwrite another and not spawn as many spawns as would other wise ‘normally’ be available or that appear to be available.


    To futher confuse the situation, editing storyarcs often only count the edited objectives instead of recalculating all objectives.  This interacts with the above in strange ways, sometimes beneficially, sometimes detrimentally.



    • AE will try to rewrite your .cvg constantly
    • If you change even one power, you will need to re-order and re-write your .cvg
    • Backup your .cvg, lots. Then lots more.  Then a few more times, just in case.
    • If you want to manipulate the .cvg: You will need to save it in-game (and stay online), then out of game back it up, then manipulate it, then save it.  The updated version should then appear in-game.  If you’ve made a backup.txt of file.cvg, this can save you time next time you want to work on it by logging in, saving your .cvg in-game, then out of game type backup.txt > file.cvg to return it to the saved state and start working.  


     AE 801 DPS Tests

    • 801.5: 2k dps average, 8k spikes, 15k max spike
    • 801.A: 5k dps average, 10k spikes, 25k max spike
    • 801.B: 10k dps average, 25k spikes, 46k max spike



    AE 801 Actual CVG Spawn Lists:
    Note: EBs are not sorted, as they only spawn when purposefully put into a spawn individually.  However, you can see the sorting with the Bosses and below, and the note how various spawn compositions would look given the sequential nature of spawns. Random Starting Index, Then Sequential Spawn.


    cvgui - eb.png

    cvgui - bss.png

    cvgui - lts.png

    cvgui - min.png


    Additional Information and Files for 801.6 (Link)


    Tagged For Search: AE 801, AE801

    cvgui.pl IC - 6035.cvg

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 5
  6. Quote

     yeah i plan on it, thats got me very curious if Incarnates make the times that much better and then secondary to that which ones contribute the most.

    I've always said (Full T4 Incarnates) are half your damage, and T4 is double T3, T4 or stay home.  This is not strictly true, but it's scarily relevant. 



    No Incarantes was 12:15

    Just Alpha at Tier 3 was 9:10

    All Incarnates was 6:15

    You're not helping me to change my mind.


    A 1:45 pylon time is well above my normal dps levels on anything other than a stalker.

    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    I'm very curious as well by your numbers given that BZB and Inf both got much much longer times.  You mention being fully Incarnate, were you using all the Incarnate powers liberally?

    Yes.  As to T3 or T4, I'd have to to look, I'm as likely to be T3 as T4.  I've not been as overzealous T4ing lately as I used to be.  But nothing would be below T3.

    I was running for speed/damage, solo, not protecting a team or any other distractions.  All those things severely effect performance.

    The bigger problem you're going to run into here, is you're testing builds, players, and playstyles as much or more than you are sets.  I wasn't even beginning to try to be fair about testing sets, I was just curious what my main stable would do.  And I was hoping the empath would beat all the tanks /and/ survive to tell the tale so she could tease them all.  Unfortunately runners are a pain and she came in last.

    I'm personally curious how Dahlia will do.  She's my only "Tank".  I'm curious to see how much that difference costs her.


    Here's how I rate them.  Note I've not rated the Rad/Kat.  It should be slightly better than the Rad/Staff.

    Name Build AT Off ST AoE
    Ciaraine Water/Atomic Blaster 94 81 100
    Jilaiya Medici Emp/Fire/Dark Defender 79 77 80
    Amhra Kat/Bio Scrapper 77 91 70
    Kitana Kat/EnA Brute 60 87 47
    Lucy Medrano (dam) SD/RadM Tank 59 77 50
    Lucy Medrano (tank) SD/RadM Tank 52 57 50
    Radicat Rad Armor/Staff Tank 50 57 47



  8. On 2/8/2021 at 9:39 PM, Galaxy Brain said:

    Brutal Mission Simulator 23710 ... If it is still too easy to survive ...

    The Empath didn't even chip a nail. 


    Runners Suck: Jil was however rather vexed at all the bosses running away like they'd been taking track lessons from Rommy.  Without the Runners Cia (Blaster) would have beat them all, and Jil (Empath) would have beat all but Cia (Blaster) and Kate (Scrapper).


    Here are my top 5 (favorite) characters:

    (These are NOT mirror builds, so grain of salt, tongue in cheek.  All are fully armored Tier 4 IO Incarnate Builds, built for standard Linea Armor instead of damage.)

    Kate (Kat/Bio scrapper): 9:05

    Cia (Water/Atomic Blaster): 9:42 ... Runners Suck!

    Asja (Kat/Ena Brute): 9:45

    Lucy (SD/Radm Tank): 9:45

    Jil (Empathy/Fire Defender): 13:14 ... Runners Suck!




    • Like 1
  9. Almost any AT can "Tower-Tank".


    Depending on your team composition and builds, you vary tactics and/or which tower is best to take down first.

    • LR is 75% defense soft-cap while buffed, as opposed to 45% (standard) or 59% (incarnate).  Bring maneuvers, bubbles,  purple candy, etc.  As I recall that's the yellow tower, but you'd need to look it up.
    • The red tower is damage, and is a fairly ridiculous damage buff.  Buffed he can dish out 4500+damage, and do so in short order.   If he double-hits you it's really gonna hurt, and triple-hit will probably kill even the most heavily armored and buffed squishy.  Triple-hits /do/ happen, but rarely.
    • Last but significant is his -End attack.  That's the one that gives many otherwise durable builds serious trouble.  *end crash* *splat*


    Kiski (Time/*/Scorpion w Rune/Hybrid/Rune) tanks him face to face solo and is successful 2/3 or more of the time.  She prefers the red tower come down first as her SLE defense runs 100+, SLE Resists are capped (at 75%, which means she has ~5k effective hp).  She also really prefers to have some +Recovery or +End buffs.  ... of course the obvious answer here is to 'Tower-Tank' him.

  10. Quote

    It's been mentioned before and it would be nice to find out... what percentage of level 50 characters have SOs slotted? Any SOs at all. I think we need this info.

    I'm pretty sure you would be terrified by the answer to that question.  ... the forum self-selects to a higher than average strata.

    • Like 2
  11. I've done a lot of mirror builds ...

    That are not perfect exact mirrors.  In most cases I create a dozen or more builds to compare and contrast and pick what I feel is best for each.  Each has it's strengths and weaknesses. Every set combo is different, so for your particular exact build this may or may not apply.  


    The Brute can be built as either (roughly equal damage to the scrapper) or (roughly equal durability to the tank) at level 50 ... or anywhere in-between the two goals of damage and/or durabilty.  That flexibility is an incredible asset.

    • The Brute starts with lets call it average damage, and average mitigation, and can go either way, striving for a scrapper's damage or a tank's durability.
    • The Scrapper starts with damage, and in general strives for more damage, and with rare exception will not be able to match the brutes durability.
    • The Brute starts with lets call it average damage, and average mitigation, and can go either way, striving for a scrapper's damage or a tank's durability.
    • The Tank starts with durability and then spends it's entire life trying to strive toward the brutes damage potential.  The tank could also go the other direction and strive for more durability, but in general that direction is over-armor (as opposed to over-kill).

    Other Points

    • I generally do not recommend resist armors on 75% resist cap ATs
    • I generally only recommend the tank if you want maximum taunt or maximum durability above all else, both of these ARE valid desires and roles.  Otherwise brute is "durable enough" and you usually have more damage that makes life more enjoyable solo.
    • I really appreciate a good tank on a team.  Professional tanks on a tank frame really are worth their weight in gold plated latinum.  But most players will probably enjoy playing the brute more.
    • As a reinforcing note:   I really can see and feel the difference it makes to teams on the rare occasion when I do pull out the full tank frame.  But I almost always prefer to play the tank-built brute instead (if not the scrapper).  The tank has a constant barrage of AoEs and taunts and can juggle an entire room's worth of aggro.  The brute can manage about half that.  The scrapper is lucky to hold half of half or less, but with most teams that's "just enough".  Overall, I probably play the brute the most, as it's the most comfortable combination of taunt, durability, and damage ... even if the tank is a bit more durable with better taunt and the scrapper is a bit more damage.


    Here are my favorites (stalker, scrapper, brute, tank):

    StJ Ena WaterSpout Stalker - Alpha T3 - [i25].mxd

    Kat Bio Scrapper - Alpha 3 ITF - [i25].mxd

    Kat ENA - Mu 1i - [i25].mxd

    Rad Kat Tank - Radicat II - Mu 3f - [i25].mxd

    SD RadM Tank - Alpha 5b - [i25].mxd


    • Like 3
  12. 6 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    ... Bring in @Lineato do an 801 overhaul of all enemy groups....

    I would /love/ to see "Incarnate Radio Contact(s)" (maybe in Khallisti Wharf) utilizing 801 design groups and giving incarnate rewards.   .... I've considered doing 801 versions of all the end-game enemy groups in AE... but the limit of 3 AE arcs per account makes it a no-go.   There's also the non-trivial time it takes per enemy group as well.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Rommy Running roughly halves your applied dps.*  If it's an issue, kill the nictus first, or both separate and kill the nictus first. Then you only have to chase him down for the last kill.  I don't think any other AV runs nearly as much as Rommy, this is purely opinion, but !@#$ he knows how to run.

    You can also have 2-4 people with Envenomed Daggers.  Stacked they help much more than most realize.  One is meh, depends on the build and your raw dps, but teamed with a few stacked is very nice.

    *as measured while soloing him +4x8 with my builds.  other builds and teams will vary.

  14. Heavily Armored Version ... Adjust levels etc to taste.



    Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Defender
    Primary Power Set: Poison
    Secondary Power Set: Dual Pistols
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Power Pool: Sorcery
    Power Pool: Speed
    Ancillary Pool: Mace Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Alkaloid -- Prv-Heal/EndRdx(A), Prv-Heal/Rchg(3), Prv-Heal/Rchg/EndRdx(3)
    Level 1: Pistols -- SprDfnBst-Acc/Dmg(A), SprDfnBst-Dmg/Rchg(5), SprDfnBst-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), SprDfnBst-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(7), SprDfnBst-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(7), SprDfnBst-Rchg/Heal%(9)
    Level 2: Envenom -- AnlWkn-Acc/Rchg/EndRdx(A), ShlBrk-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(9), TchofLadG-Rchg/EndRdx(11)
    Level 4: Empty Clips -- SprVglAss-Acc/Dmg(A), SprVglAss-Dmg/Rchg(15), SprVglAss-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(17), SprVglAss-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(17), SprVglAss-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19), SprVglAss-Rchg/+Absorb(19)
    Level 6: Weaken -- SphIns-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(A), CldSns-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(21), DarWtcDsp-Rchg/EndRdx(21)
    Level 8: Boxing -- SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(A), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx(23), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(23), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(25), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(25), SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(27)
    Level 10: Maneuvers -- Rct-Def(A), Rct-Def/EndRdx(27), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(29), Ksm-ToHit+(29), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(31), Rct-ResDam%(31)
    Level 12: Swap Ammo
    Level 14: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(31), TtnCtn-ResDam(33), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx(33)
    Level 16: Bullet Rain -- SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg(A), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx(33), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(34), SprFrzBls-Rchg/ImmobProc(36)
    Level 18: Paralytic Poison -- SprEnt-Acc/Hold(A), SprEnt-Hold/Rchg(36), SprEnt-End/Rchg(36), SprEnt-Acc/Hold/End(37), SprEnt-Acc/Hold/End/Rchg(37), Lck-%Hold(37)
    Level 20: Suppressive Fire -- UnbCns-Hold/Rchg(A), UnbCns-Acc/Hold/Rchg(39), UnbCns-Acc/Rchg(39), UnbCns-EndRdx/Hold(39), UnbCns-Dam%(40), Lck-%Hold(40)
    Level 22: Weave -- Rct-Def(A), Rct-Def/EndRdx(40), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(42)
    Level 24: Mystic Flight -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A)
    Level 26: Spirit Ward -- Prv-Absorb%(A)
    Level 28: Executioner's Shot -- SprWntBit-Acc/Dmg(A), SprWntBit-Dmg/Rchg(42), SprWntBit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(42), SprWntBit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(43), SprWntBit-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(43), SprWntBit-Rchg/SlowProc(43)
    Level 30: Rune of Protection -- UnbGrd-Max HP%(A), UnbGrd-EndRdx/Rchg(48), UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(48), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
    Level 32: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50)
    Level 35: Scorpion Shield -- Rct-Def(A), Rct-Def/EndRdx(45), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(45)
    Level 38: Hail of Bullets -- SprAvl-Acc/Dmg(A), SprAvl-Dmg/EndRdx(45), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(46), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46), SprAvl-Rchg/KDProc(48)
    Level 41: Tactics -- GssSynFr--ToHit/EndRdx(A), RechRdx-I(50)
    Level 44: Vengeance -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
    Level 47: Antidote -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 49: Elixir of Life -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Clr-Stlth(A)
    Level 1: Vigilance
    Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), Mrc-Rcvry+(11), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(13)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(13), EffAdp-EndMod(15)
    Level 22: Chemical Ammunition
    Level 22: Cryo Ammunition
    Level 22: Incendiary Ammunition
    Level 1: Quick Form


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


    Poison DP - Beta - [i25].mxd

  15. The idea of the build was to test resist cap and (almost perma) +self_damage_cap.

    I soloed a +4x8 ITF with it.

    Standard Rune/Hybrid/Rune/Demonic/KitchenSink rotation.

    It plays a lot like a BioArmor scrapper.  When you get defense debuffed you WILL die if you don't react and do something; However, with all that resist and absorb you typically DO have time to react.  Without the absorb and resist you'd otherwise drop to cascade failure too fast to react.

    You can get defenses via temps and candy.


    I probably have a defense based perma-snipe version somewhere, but the +self_damage_cap is lost.  And it's not translated to /Ice as ice doesn't have a snipe.

    This is probably it:  Nature Fire - Laoraine 2c - [i25].mxd


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