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Mischief Manager

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Everything posted by Mischief Manager

  1. i guess i just like the ability to choose to aoe or not...i mean disintegrate>lancer>charged for groups... then focus on one problem crtitter at a time with ST attacks and mop up the rest. as it is at any point i can draw more agro than i plan on taking at any point and thats a big pain when your group is running +3-4 diff mission arcs or hardmode tfs just because they can take it at that diff doesnt mean everyone can.........yet and yes i know learn to play the set and i have for the most part but the way this works is kinda random and most other blaster sets are not. just my take on the matter... thanks you -MM
  2. Ive seen it myself and read about others here on the forums that other powers in the beam set are initiating the disintegrate effect. Can anyone confirm this as Working As Intended or something they are working on fixing in a later patch? i only ask because while i enjoy having another option for the effect, the question of if its a bug or not will decide if i keep the Disintegrate power or not. and yes i know its a good power with nice side effects other than that but im not a fan of how slow the high DoT is regardless of min/.maxing and like the more bursty fun powers more. personal preference for more pew pew and less ZzzzT and wait anyway thanks in advance for anyone clearing this up -MM
  3. i have had the client crash semi-regularly no matter the archtype i play when zoning into bricks since the recent major patch, my computer is kind of a potato but its mine and until the last week have had no problems running the game. windows vista 32 bit 4gigs dd2 ram dual core AMD processor any other details required ill answer as i can. thanks in advance -MM
  4. currently the best one comes to mind is..... rad melee/bio armor brute who's partially known history is not too dissimilar to how a certain atomic monster from japan was created/woken up in a land far away (some speculate extra-planetary/dimensional) that has some anger issues. of course i named him Sourpatch. when i first created him he wasnt named that but grew increasingly upset when he found out how hard it was to use his original name on other servers curiously enough i somehow managed to get the name "Fun" on 2 servers but they were not peaking at times fitting my schedule so there ya go 8-) -MM
  5. i love this idea! +1 vote
  6. Everyone here has made some interesting replies to this, but tended to shy away from any possible changes... and i get that...i really do, change is hard. but this reply is going to be about possible changes to hasten that will make it more interesting and possibly less/more useful to current builds. assuming these are possible at all.... auto-power options: 1) stays in pool, needs to be picked. instead of 70% with 15 cost at effect end, its bonus is 35% 2) stays in pool, needs to be picked. instead of 70% with 15 cost at effect end, its bonus is 50% but has a constant end related downside ie: so much -recovery. not sure what purpose the base slot would serve 1st case, 2nd case could lower the -recovery debuff partially also with change it moves to a different slot in the pool alternate non-auto-power option: stays in pool, instead of 70% with 15 effect end cost, its a toggle and works similarly to phaseshift 30s on and 30s off and cost is around 1.5/s with a bonus of 50% and CANNOT be slotted for end reduction. also has a 90s cooldown that can be reduced. also moved to a different slot in the pool. feel free to discuss, and have a nice day/night
  7. hmm, assuming the range and target cap changes stay the same as sentinels i dont see a down side really. the idea has my vote +1 ps: although now i think of it there will need to be a some kind of balance buff/nerf on how IO sets effects gameplay or the powers themselves
  8. Sooo, the more picky i am about what inspirations i want the less useful Inner Inspiration is. Good to know for any future alts. It will save me wasting inf buying it depending on archtype and set combo. was wondering about how this worked myself thank you for the response and have a nice day!
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