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About Warlawk

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. In my experience /Time is the baseline sturdiest secondary in the game. Specific pairings of course can really elevate things but you can drop /time into anything and it will be good. Amazing defenses, a great heal, a bit of blue bar love for your pets and a nice aoe -def/res debuff that you can get on a short recast with the +Rech that time offers.
  2. This is a video game forum, please keep your false dichotomy polls, polarizing commentary and general condescending attitude in the cesspool that is social media.
  3. Warlawk

    Ninja / Dark

    A Heal IO would improve the heal the pets cast but would not improve regeneration at all because there's nothing in Kuji-In Sha that provides regeneration so nothing to be enhanced.
  4. Warlawk

    Ninja / Dark

    EDIT: Just so it's clear, I parked him in the middle of some enemies and watched his heal go off then the attributes window immediately reflected the proc.
  5. Warlawk

    Ninja / Dark

    I appreciate the detailed feedback, I don't know Ninjas well as I only have one and it's not a character that I play a lot. I did use a couple of personal attacks in that build and noticed no difference in performance when I don't use it. For something like a pylon test I'm sure it matters but for standard play I didn't find the investment worthwhile. Most of the rest of the suggestions seem like they are primarily oriented toward a different playstyle rather than being objectively better/worse. Changing the heal slotting is an easy swap since the build is past permahasten anyways. As for what I'm doing with all that Rech, using my powers more often. Having Tar Patch, Howling Twilight and Fearsome Stare up more often provides more survivability in my experience than building for mediocre defense when Bodyguard and CC is going to be what saves you in most cases. Excellent information though and it's always good to have other viewpoints! Since they reworked the pet sets and made it so you could slot those sort of things into pet upgrades now, they changed the way they apply. In this case it applies as if that proc was slotted into the 45 sec CD heal that the henchmen get from the upgrade so the proc has the appropriate chance to trigger on the casting pet each time it uses its heal. Is it a great thing and high value? Probably not, but WTF else are you going to put in that upgrade power? I really do appreciate the responses though. Great to have this as a resource if I do get a ninja itch at some point in the future.
  6. Warlawk

    Ninja / Dark

    Anything constructive to offer? Specific complaints? Suggestions on things to change? I'm always happy to learn about sets I don't know well but I need something more specific than "it's a pos" to do so. As for the +End proc I could see the use during leveling, but in general I don't find my MMs to be thirsty enough for that to be really required. EDIT: As an example, I forgot Smoke Flash for some reason which is actually good now. Swapping out Electrifying Fences for Smoke Flash with two +5 Rech in it would be step 1 and also gives 3 slots to spread around.
  7. Warlawk

    Ninja / Dark

    I doubt this is a combo I would run as I already have multiple /dark characters and Ninjas is not really my cup of tea as a primary. If I did run it, this is how I would do it (Yeah, I'm a +rech whore, come at me!). Villain Mastermind Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.6.6 rev. 3 ────────────────────────────── Primary powerset: NinjasSecondary powerset: Dark MiasmaPool powerset (#1): FlightPool powerset (#2): LeadershipPool powerset (#3): SpeedPool powerset (#4): ConcealmentAncillary powerset: Mu Mastery ────────────────────────────── Powers taken: Level 1: Call Genin A: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage15: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge15: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge17: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura17: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage/Endurance34: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen Level 1: Twilight Grasp A: Panacea: Heal/Endurance9: Panacea: Endurance/Recharge11: Panacea: Heal/Recharge11: Panacea: Heal/Endurance/Recharge13: Panacea: Heal13: Invention: Accuracy Level 2: Tar Patch A: Ice Mistral's Torment: Endurance/Slow5: Ice Mistral's Torment: Damage/Recharge7: Ice Mistral's Torment: Chance for Cold Damage7: Ice Mistral's Torment: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance9: Ice Mistral's Torment: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge46: Pacing of the Turtle: Endurance/Recharge/Slow Level 4: Darkest Night A: Cloud Senses: ToHit Debuff43: Cloud Senses: ToHit Debuff/Endurance/Recharge45: Cloud Senses: Chance for Negative Energy Damage45: Cloud Senses: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge45: Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance Level 6: Train Ninjas A: Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) Level 8: Hover A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed Level 10: Howling Twilight A: Absolute Amazement: Stun48: Absolute Amazement: Stun/Recharge48: Absolute Amazement: Stun/Recharge/Accuracy48: Absolute Amazement: Recharge/Accuracy50: Absolute Amazement: Stun/Endurance Level 12: Call Jounin A: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage36: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance43: Blood Mandate: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance46: Sovereign Right: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance50: Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus50: Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets Level 14: Fly A: Winter's Gift: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance46: Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%) Level 16: Shadow Fall A: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance37: Reactive Defenses: Defense37: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime37: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance39: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance39: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime Level 18: Maneuvers A: Reactive Defenses: Defense19: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance19: Reactive Defenses: Endurance/RechargeTime21: Reactive Defenses: Defense/RechargeTime21: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime34: Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage Level 20: Fearsome Stare A: Cloud Senses: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge39: Cloud Senses: Chance for Negative Energy Damage40: Cloud Senses: Accuracy/Recharge40: Cloud Senses: ToHit Debuff/Endurance/Recharge40: Siphon Insight: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge Level 22: Oni A: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage23: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Endurance23: Edict of the Master: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance25: Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus25: Expedient Reinforcement: Accuracy/Damage27: Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets Level 24: Tactics A: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff27: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Recharge29: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Endurance/Recharge33: Adjusted Targeting: Endurance/Recharge34: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Endurance Level 26: Kuji In Zen A: Regenerative Tissue: +Regeneration Level 28: Hasten A: Invention: Recharge Reduction29: Invention: Recharge Reduction Level 30: Dark Servant A: Cloud Senses: Accuracy/ToHitDebuff31: Cloud Senses: Accuracy/Recharge31: Cloud Senses: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge31: Cloud Senses: Chance for Negative Energy Damage33: Touch of the Nictus: Accuracy/Endurance/Healing/Absorb33: Touch of the Nictus: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers A: Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) Level 35: Charged Armor A: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance36: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance36: Unbreakable Guard: +Max HP Level 38: Vengeance A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed Level 41: Electrifying Fences A: Gravitational Anchor: Chance for Hold42: Gravitational Anchor: Immobilize/Recharge42: Gravitational Anchor: Recharge/Accuracy42: Gravitational Anchor: Immobilize/Recharge/Accuracy43: Gravitational Anchor: Immobilize/Endurance Level 44: Stealth A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed Level 47: Grant Invisibility A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed Level 49: Infiltration A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed ────────────────────────────── Inherents: Level 1: Brawl (Empty) Level 1: Sprint (Empty) Level 1: Supremacy Level 2: Rest (Empty) Level 1: Swift (Empty) Level 1: Health A: Panacea: +Hit Points/Endurance3: Miracle: +Recovery3: Numina's Convalesence: +Regeneration/+Recovery Level 1: Hurdle (Empty) Level 1: Stamina A: Performance Shifter: EndMod5: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End Level 1: Genin Level 12: Jounin Level 14: Afterburner Level 22: Oni Mastermind (Ninjas - Dark Miasma).mbd
  8. Ah, no need to post the full build then. That's the sacrifice in building that makes it possible. Giving up a damage alpha is a pretty big deal. It's a perfectly valid choice of course, but also a significant opportunity cost.
  9. If you're willing to share it I would be curious to see what kind of sacrifices had to be made to get perma SE.
  10. This is what I whipped up for someone. It's got all the aura IOs (except taunt/placate, which is whatever), permahasten, solid defenses a procced out AOE knockdown attack and all pets pushed to diminishing returns for Acc/Dam with a KD converter in the Assbot. Battle drones doesn't have full end redux but Energizing Circuit will cover that ezpz. Villain Mastermind Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.6.6 rev. 3 ────────────────────────────── Primary powerset: RoboticsSecondary powerset: Electrical AffinityPool powerset (#1): FlightPool powerset (#2): SpeedPool powerset (#3): LeadershipPool powerset (#4): ConcealmentAncillary powerset: Mace Mastery ────────────────────────────── Powers taken: Level 1: Battle Drones A: Edict of the Master: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance9: Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus11: Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets11: Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets13: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage13: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance Level 1: Rejuvenating Circuit A: Panacea: Heal/Endurance5: Panacea: Endurance/Recharge7: Panacea: Heal/Recharge7: Panacea: Heal/Endurance/Recharge9: Panacea: Heal Level 2: Pulse Rifle Burst A: Thunderstrike: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance46: Apocalypse: Chance of Damage(Negative)46: Gladiator's Javelin: Damage/Endurance/Recharge48: Explosive Strike: Chance for Smashing Damage48: Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge48: Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown Level 4: Hover A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed46: Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) Level 6: Equip Robot A: Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%15: Steadfast Protection: Knockback Protection50: Steadfast Protection: Resistance/Endurance50: Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) Level 8: Fly A: Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%) Level 10: Energizing Circuit A: Synapse's Shock: EndMod15: Synapse's Shock: Damage/Rechage37: Synapse's Shock: EndMod/Recharge37: Synapse's Shock: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy39: Synapse's Shock: Damage/Accuracy/Endurance40: Synapse's Shock: EndMod/Increased Run Speed Level 12: Protector Bots A: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage40: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge40: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge43: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura43: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage/Endurance45: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen Level 14: Evasive Maneuvers A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed50: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance Level 16: Faraday Cage A: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance17: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance17: Unbreakable Guard: Endurance/RechargeTime19: Unbreakable Guard: RechargeTime/Resistance45: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime45: Unbreakable Guard: +Max HP Level 18: Hasten A: Invention: Recharge Reduction19: Invention: Recharge Reduction Level 20: Empowering Circuit A: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff21: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Recharge21: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Endurance/Recharge36: Adjusted Targeting: Endurance/Recharge37: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Endurance Level 22: Assault Bot A: Sovereign Right: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance23: Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus23: Blood Mandate: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance34: Overwhelming Force: Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown36: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Endurance36: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage Level 24: Maneuvers A: Reactive Defenses: Defense25: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance25: Reactive Defenses: Endurance/RechargeTime27: Reactive Defenses: Defense/RechargeTime27: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime34: Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage Level 26: Upgrade Robot A: Regenerative Tissue: +Regeneration Level 28: Insulating Circuit A: Preventive Medicine: Heal29: Preventive Medicine: Heal/Endurance29: Preventive Medicine: Endurance/RechargeTime31: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime31: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance31: Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb Level 30: Assault A: Invention: Endurance Reduction Level 32: Tactics A: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff33: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Recharge33: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Endurance/Recharge33: Adjusted Targeting: Endurance/Recharge34: Adjusted Targeting: To Hit Buff/Endurance Level 35: Amp Up A: Invention: Recharge Reduction Level 38: Scorpion Shield A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed39: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance39: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance/Recharge Level 41: Web Envelope A: Gravitational Anchor: Chance for Hold42: Gravitational Anchor: Immobilize/Recharge42: Gravitational Anchor: Immobilize/Recharge/Accuracy42: Gravitational Anchor: Recharge/Accuracy43: Gravitational Anchor: Immobilize/Endurance Level 44: Power Boost A: Invention: Endurance Reduction Level 47: Vengeance A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed Level 49: Stealth A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed ────────────────────────────── Inherents: Level 1: Supremacy Level 1: Brawl (Empty) Level 1: Sprint (Empty) Level 2: Rest (Empty) Level 1: Swift (Empty) Level 1: Hurdle (Empty) Level 1: Health A: Panacea: +Hit Points/Endurance3: Numina's Convalesence: +Regeneration/+Recovery3: Miracle: +Recovery Level 1: Stamina A: Performance Shifter: EndMod5: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End Level 8: Afterburner Level 1: Battle Drone Level 12: Protector Bot Level 22: Assault Bot
  11. Necro Elec is a great combo and very Frankenstein thematic. I like the way the short CD on both the shield and the damage buff line up so that you can Soul Extraction and them pop them both to be sure the extracted specters stick around and do plenty of damage. Since all the henchies except the lich are melee you can get some good value out of the resist zone and lich has some CC that can actually benefit from Amp Up. I have one at 50 and it was great fun. Nec/Time is strong as well. /Cold is always a fantastic set, the built in heals on the pets help fill that hole.
  12. The only one I know of is the powexec_location me command which is specific to powers and does not work with general reticle targeting.
  13. powexec_location me is a specific command that is different from powexec. I believe that goto would need a new command such as goto_location to be able to use that syntax, as far as I am aware there is no way to make your command work with the current pet commands in the game. I believe the closest you can get right now is the Follow command (numpad 8 with these binds) or just using the reticle to click the location.
  14. I don't know about the most powerful, but (power boosted) Farsight is at least in the running in my mind.
  15. You should be able to use the /releasepets command to force all your pets to despawn and then be able to resummon them as normal. This generally works even in situations where you cannot directly dismiss or TPTarget that pet. That said, I wouldn't be surprised to hear there was an issue that caused it to bug and not work in specific circumstances.
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