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Everything posted by RelativeQuanta

  1. If you have some money to burn, you can buy defensive IOs. They stack up pretty fast. I have a blaster that did exactly this. Most of the defensive stuff can be pretty cheep. Here's a data chunk for a lvl 40 build with a bunch of defensive IOs you can play with. I intentionally only picked yellow sets (except for the snipe, but I don't think it would be too expensive). You're not softcapped or anything, but it should be extremely noticeable over normal IOs. G2xiACwK7MbihKA+dULzvrMD/3AodS1UdgTOPaNNcm2r9JhSb+mm8iiSR63471xXqJFQpUfa+AAt+Qsd11c1/Wk1tLj5h7N7mf6BXaCll5goRRoUlbMtEBH/aZmzkQiPwyhs3XVohEL4zM7+tNYV7U9gsvS9ozRbSvGoUjVOEE0TCuXvDW0npapIInHBnZcxf+ge+0T/GrhyAmkKR9o/it6NWCRIRe+ResHHkULm2uc3ALImgcwDUri+dWgVgIdUmQIUeSfw09jlhCvOHfntbHxgIaXGrnsBhbs49XVhFrC74Qn+lyJKQp5UJaCfNTZo3GgF3JK9ulcamFyD/g7SoGsusXbmqu1AQdnlP6KnfriVrMyqKqsL4UzefFlyJr9g8Tg0k/IxJKE4ufZqk8WBEz17LC2aiKdFj4zvRVfUpQ8uC5ErOztkGvBMB+lbz71dTTQI36lY6mP2myjx64B601IwwlktC5NIGTAynwgKb1dFqdrWu7mVZL8e5+a/ea78nl88ve5waPwXi8488x7PhbHJWvmHs3HhuQSlvl9V2q35bsFk5h3kTcpFY+xrFS5MGpMgd7piXVd49tmnVlWCX+jFulBMS7zddJ33KS5UEBv0DXok1p0v0Di/wQgfB6okQjWWfYMSGQWJoPo8oH+ErjAwHJ4rwLgie0OF1pq2uNDyhpllkemg4Cg+k6e7xMaTeUdVP+vPTwYuBVcKP2W5hlDT00VWMK5yzedBOH9q6Ag0COnA0bPHkxca9Z31OuFxeNPI+zR7oQ1eGEvZBfFcUNpR5P+ITJ82j+DIhJL/giWpfCTETnJ6OcWZ0eszFJKfDxQ7FKL07/NxwlAQPbtiSIdaMWiiHYqi1TeCq7x76n5QrvYyOMyyuq2GSqnSMFUgfIlN1gWQ/K5ePhczPxDV4gOE5Grjz5hPsRlz9GooR0cih3LoHeylsbq2WedtJETsdXDRS78g7IxT7YtFdCJ8qsXV7vPotjkVIFp5WmdTLtHh+jYUDDflMmEfUe2ub7YzdEmxUbfa5jC6yaTWeoMhUuvMfQa6QTh7ltK0RzkLf+AEuqBKC0lB6mHeoLzTIq1tFDmFKVt7Kzhcgj7q93nuYqltAl+9d+WdyZCSXEHmiLelQyYzcj8AO0PqtEhkRQN92icEh3kD/9CTDz1nOnGussxO9AvVGUaeRcneCQ6P/H9Yy9zGP2WuHn8Zi/bftJ9xTi18V3pTfi2BxmdEeev8mbIlIdv2jnbEwTR6Z9Jd11PL7rBG1smw43evqDqn86jNC8t7tAg0NLdIuPIzEdSK+ZuMpzgZV3F8WCF5Hh2tAiG30Pwl9zwThoHh4hpbftR+rNPGfNJoSkUEYv4dZzDceXHUA6ohLXYIzz0gVFnTNqsN6X0BoDAAmDxPEwjKCoVmsa6U+xleZQKpStBSlCKTgQjeQOsnrTcuCWuG8yeLJ4Q13AQfdJKdZznF3iU+RygssJ06TlM3T34sQMHaedHvZ8owI8PjyxHcGBQjgCVcMzVrjCMjaDPhkh0m8k52iyMe5Yh8LIrnQDIebqP/NaS1ljWH93tcRmOleaTpjQQdWrByIKkuE5RgnEEDlPfSM3n8RMmTuaMMhpaeqWDj46C6YRLqEnH3RcqZ1jblajGDwxQgKsnrhNZYedolqenZmOLj27dzUcbBqrExEZnU1OvisJY5VrFwPWSxg8NuM8OfXdFEAsAdPZQgQFAreAQrN+Szh8rAiAAWVjGeueYSjIYVRmEblwsch/srzGVnEfT5OUBw2JeGn1C6xVwS+M7iCg5XIXstmH+1UtZPm1po6A7q4GHgyu/aBjDhP0HaeCoINHWJa6fyFftkZeIt150WT5gkDAva4uCno0MqetVRh/Cuo/wykpYFYo3RKJOAGAcR8sXClyfEOpLMRZegITVXccmGrb75qwhbWZHUHAqFte1wmkyRA3zBB4ErvUsKwNpDf8ImIhIMyIHpgMvHsdyU5IaUNwnzPOGT1rc3D1T0A9Bk55O8tQXy+97mGyYRdxySfraIFY3umr3ehijcdd76wEs6TqtkwEnlHdib+TqcB4aiMFd8hacZmbFhAPBE9EarDdI36nyrAXdWjBu8jzW3ODXQosYZVM+FDYuwx5c8D2x22AITtoBQXzltXPe9xe3dYMwJh40Bql6MmR9WtaY/WFK4TNeZJhAO1SZtFTv/wGqc6DpVicbXmhQQzxToin7lAt2wt3iLvf2rZvEbuPgcmyDldXCGFX4kCgnrtfhj8l8IS97yzQ0Jp7u4XiTI+M8cXICwpc/M+VzgcFJX2iy4vP6ByqH4AQoAMOqoMvj/OdjLIu58cVAd/JPcjEtTTqMPmXgmKRXQihzHb58TozFX/17ebsOrwOjl6v8ZQY2VIv44HH0dncnSidVZKNRY+0ZV60qcXA31yFA+LH16KrwP
  2. Absolutely, this would be a great change.
  3. True, but they're not exactly attack sets either, in the same way gravity control, mind control, and illusion are not attack sets despite stuff like lift, levitate, and spectral wounds existing.
  4. I know it has been said before, but why is the dominator the only AT with an attack set, primary or secondary, that does not have an ATO that slots into attacks?! Even Defender ATOs slot into their attacks. However, Dominator ATOs are almost a clone of the Controller ATOs. This is... unfortunate. As an AT with "two primaries" this would have been a great opportunity to do something a bit more unique and have one control ATO and one attack ATO. Ideally, Ascendancy of the Dominator and whatever replaces the lame-o Dominating Grasp (why doesn't this have +Recharge?!). Anyway, thanks for reading my complaint. Posting it makes me feel a bit better as I stare at Mids. 😆
  5. I remember this always being a thing on Live too. I think that what is happening is once the interruptible period of AS ends the power rolls the to-hit calculation. This notifies the enemy who can start their own attack before the damage is applied from AS. As long as their attack starts before they're dead, they'll get to complete it. This happens with normal attacks too.
  6. Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when Gather Shadows just looked like Power Boost rather than the name suggested, pulling a bunch of darkness onto myself.
  7. Oh, sorry! I just assumed since you did things like split the ATOs to get more global hold you were prioritizing more supporty stuff. I did swap Positron's Blast into Umbra Torrent, so at least that cone actually had more range at the end. How about the attached? I swapped Ragnarok for Bombardment + a range enhancement. This loses 5% recharge, but gains back the 5% global range. Both Umbral Torrent and Night Fall have greatly increased range this way. I'm sure more cleaver slotting could regain the 5% recharge too. Snarky Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault) 2024 v 1.1.mbd
  8. So, I always found that the pets make good hitpoint buffers. If they've died it usually means I need to use defense inspirations or get out of dodge (when I'm solo). I like to think of the pets not as summons but my character actually building them out of shadows (even if the game says otherwise). It makes them more palatable for me. You seem to play your dominator more as support than I do, which I find pretty interesting. I play much more like a blaster. What do you think of the attached build? I tried to rearrange your build to include both Haunt and Umbral Beast, stay completely ranged, and add a bit more DPS. I dropped Midnight Grasp and Engulfing Darkness for the pets. The idea is your ranged attack chain would be Dark Grasp → Moonbeam → Gloom → Umbral Torrent / Nightfall. Haunt should hit pretty hard in this build too. Though, I admit I took out the +Range set bonuses which may be a non-starter... Snarky Dominator (Darkness Control - Dark Assault) 2024 v 1.1.mbd
  9. Hi @Snarky, this is really interesting! How does it play? I'd love to have a build that doesn't need the fighting pool. Do you use fearsome stare enough to maintain stacks of +Damage from Superior Ascendancy of the Dominator?
  10. Thanks! How'd you get Mid's to place individual +5 enhancements? I hadn't managed that which was why haste just had 50s in it (and a few other powers). I do like how you moved enhancements from Life Drain, though I think dropping Kismet is a mistake. Soulbound Allegiance proc doesn't affect the caster, just the haunts. The bonus to-hit from it in Mids is a mistake. Although, perhaps a Gaussian Build Up proc would be better than Kismet?
  11. Yes, exactly how controller shadow field and dominator shadow field work.
  12. Title says it all. It should function the same way Shadow Field does when under domination where a different pet is summoned that does the extra Mag3 fear with 50% longer duration. Like other powers, the base mag 3 fear would also have 80% duration of the controller version. I have seen this mentioned in multiple places but couldn't find it in the Suggestions forum so I thought I'd add it.
  13. I didn't know this... I may have to try taking tactics with my Illusion dom!
  14. I have come to understand this is probably incorrect. It only affects the -Res amount, not the duration (thank you @EnjoyTheJourney).
  15. Oh, one note. I forgot I had Superior Dominating Grasp: Fiery Orb in Mass Confusion. If you want to use Mass confusion from stealth that's probably a bad idea (my bad). 😳
  16. Hello! Welcome to dominators which has quickly become my favorite AT. Some quick notes on your build: You want your Ascendancy of the Dominator chance for +damage to be in one of your primary attacks in your rotation. It procs a lot in fast charging attacks, enough that you can think of it giving your dominator Defiance like blasters have (if it's in your attack chain). Subdue is the proper location for it. Terrify is an AoE attack for Mind dominators, take it over psionic tornato. It does more damage and has a target cap of 16 instead of 10. It may be a cone, but it's a 90 degree cone. You're gonna hit everything in front of you. I wouldn't take World of Confusion unless you're going to slot Coercive Persuasion: Contagious Confusion in it. IMHO, that set is better in your main confuse power I'd actually suggest the Concealment pool instead of Leadership for LoTG mules. Stealth is extremely useful for ATs with a confuse since it doesn't break stealth and will allow you to cheese missions easily. Or, just use it to confuse all the bosses before taking down a group I've included an example build below. It's not the most optimized, but it has both more ranged defense and S/L resistance. Hopefully, you'll find it helpful!
  17. Anyone know if purple patch combat modifiers affect debuff duration? I created a simulation to test the effectiveness of Achilles' Heel -Res and I had set purple patch to affect debuff magnitude AND duration. This may have been overkill and it pretty heavily neutered the -Res proc effect compared to a replacement +damage proc.
  18. Hi Rambolazer, do you have a build you're using? Your best attack chain will depend heavily on that. You appear to have the main idea down: press your highest available DPA power. Optimizing stuff like Power Up and poison ray are a little trickier. For example: Power Up is a 34% damage enhancement for 10 seconds with an activation time of 1.17 It does not affect proc damage It's worth pushing for extra damage if: Your powers are recharging and you have an open 1.17 seconds (likely not the case) The damage you gain to the powers you could fire off in the 10s window is greater than firing off another buttstroke or elbow strike (I suspect this won't be true) Poison Ray is probably great to use on cooldown as it lasts 30s and it also will increase your proc damage. Though, be aware that its value is severely limited if you're fighting +4 enemies as its duration AND -Res amount are reduced by more than half. You'd have to math it out to be certain it's better than an extra buttstroke & elbow strike in that case.
  19. Hi @WuTang, welcome to dominators! In addition to what @Dauntless said, you can find details on all the different control effects here. I put together build you might find helpful. It has enough recharge to make Domination permanent Domination gives status protection, so I swapped indominable will for link minds I admit that I swapped Mystic Flight for Fly so you can take Stealth to carry another LotG I also took Psychic Shockwave instead of Psionic Tornado since it does much more damage (though, you can interchange them if you really want Tornado just use Ragnarok) I took Drain Psyche as it is a huge recovery buff I put the Ascendancy of the Dominator chance for +Damage in subdue so it will get used frequently in your damage rotation (though you can put it in Dominate too for more range defense) Basically, think of a dominator more like a damage AT than a support AT. Dominator (Mind Control - Psionic Assault).mbd
  20. Hey! Welcome back. Can I ask what you're looking for exactly with this build? There's definitely stuff you can do to improve the damage you do as well as your defense/resists. Here's some quick thoughts: You don't have Moonbeam which is one of your very high DPA attacks. Maybe you built this before quick snipe was a thing? You definitely want snipes on your dominator as they are a major part of your attack chain. I'd swap Dark blast for it Possess definitely deserves 6-slots with the Coercive Persuasion set. It gives you a huge bonus to ranged defense, 10% global recharge, and its proc will spread your confuse to multiple enemies. Procs go a long way in your powers to up the damage, especially in Gloom and Smite. I know people like to skip Shadow Field, but IMHO that's a mistake. Yes, it's a bit shorter of a hold than some of the other control sets, but the darkness bubble lasts for 45s and reduces the to-hit of all enemies within it by 18% which substantially increases your survivability even once the enemies are no longer held. I've also got a Dark/Dark dominator build I got some help fleshing out. Feel free to take a look to see how you can proc up your attacks for more damage. You can find it here.
  21. I actually used to have it frankenslotted for pure damage earlier and it hits quite hard! Average damage quoted in Mids with all the procs was around 383. The cast time just wrecks its dpa though. I just found I was better off using it for healing than killing things. I will say, that with 183% recharge, I could use it for a full ranged damage rotation with gloom and moonbeam. That was sometimes really nice to have.
  22. Vigor Alpha may be just the thing I need, thanks @EnjoyTheJourney. I just don't have the threads or merits right now to build it out. I've got a few other things to build out, like Hybrid Assault. Looks like Assault Core and Radial are roughly the same (just looking at the pylon times in Koopac's clear speed leaderboard)?
  23. Well, I can confirm that with Cardiac Core I don't run out of end. Using the Midnight Grasp → Smite → Gloom → Moonbeam → Smite rotation (ish, still working on when to properly add in Midnight Grasp). I had a pylon defeat time of 3:18, not too bad. Edit: forgot to use pets...
  24. Thanks! I actually had it 6 slotted as an attack earlier based on one of your builds. I only moved away when trying to maximize my dpa. I like the D-Synch idea, I'll try that out in addition to Mekomancer's use of preventative medicine proc.
  25. Yeah, I wanted the heal enhancement and the regen bonus was just gravy. I'm still really slot restrained. The easiest one to give up would be from Haunt where if I match your slotting I nearly gain back. I lose Numina's but, I think your suggestion of Theft of Essance is better. I also really like the absorb shield, that makes it better than what I had with the extra heals. Thanks! Do you place a high priority on life drain or just use it as needed?
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