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Everything posted by rehmus

  1. THE SOVEREIGN SUPERGROUP is hosting a HIDE and SEEK contest in their base, PASSCODE is SOVS-396. There are over 6 BILLION in prizes up for grabs! Enter base by typing /enter_base_from_passcode SOVS-396
  2. The Sovereign Supergroup will be hosting a "Hide and seek" competition inside their supergroup base on 11/20 at 10PM ET / 7PM PT after the nightly Hamidon raid. There will be at least 6 BILLION in prize inf for the top three grand prize winners, so this is a nice way to invite the shard to check out the newly renovated base that we are really proud of. Check it out now using the passcode SOV1-396 to get a head start on learning the intricate sections of the base up until 2hrs before the event start. The updated "competition" passcode will be broadcasted on LFG, TB Watch, here and Discord tomorrow during and following shortly after the Hamidon raid. We will see you there!
  3. I would most like to see these changes: 1. a P2W option that includes a way to pay for a character to be insta-lvl 50 via some donation, time spent in the game or other possibly conditional way besides grinding each alt the traditional way or via farming. 2. Close down or revamp little used zones. Boomtown, Perez, Hollows, Creys Folly, etc. Put them in echo instances from Ouro or make them part of a TF arc. 3. more incarnate content 4. some kind of high level roadmap of changes we can look forward to
  4. This is on Excelsior Steps to reproduce I logged in and did a rename character from the character selection screen I changed the name of an established character who was occupying the second slot After logging out and back in, the character is gone. I was able to figure out that if I drag the order of the characters around I can reveal the "missing" character, but it is temporary. the next time I log out and back in I have the same issue. Sorry if this was already logged somewhere.
  5. ^^^ This. I'd be fine with just removing the damage debuff. I think it gimps the power to have two crashes. It should be an either/or IMO
  6. once you get into Alpha incarnates, you can take cardiac that boosts your resists by 20% across the board. if you're close to the cap with IO bonuses you should have no problem hitting the cap.
  7. Hey, so I've been using the planner to try and optimize the recharge for my inv/ss tank to get perma-hasten or as close to it as possible and can't seem to get there. Does anyone have an optimal build without gimping resistances? thanks!
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