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Captain Yesterday

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Everything posted by Captain Yesterday

  1. They could put Scrapper back on top by raising the critical % to 25% flat. Then there would be a big surge. Scrappers now don't critical even after a lobster dinner and a backrub. What's their crit chance now? like 5%? Feels like it. I remember on live before the Regen Nerf, Scrappers were filling up the beds in Atlas General Hospital. Now you just need a band-aid and some Neo-Sporin.
  2. Thanks. Heightened Senses? What powerset is that in/under?
  3. Trying to get the mobs to aggro from as far away as possible. Any ideas?
  4. HEY DEVS!!! Can you recreate- restore the ORIGINAL fulcrum shift sound? IT WAS AWESOME!!!! It was a multi-hit sounds that sounded like you were ripping the damage potential right out of the enemy!!!! The one that Sounded like Siphon Power on Steroids? It sounded awesome.!! It seems like the old FS sound was just the sound from siphon power with multiple responses. BUT WE NO CAN RECREATE IT!!!! Even Solarverse is met with woe!!! CAN YOU RESTORE IT!? WILL YOU RESTORE IT? PLEASE RESTORE IT!!!! WHY?? The Old generation may remember how awesome it was, but the NEW GENERATION of the may Kins that run around have NEVER HEARD IT!!!! Imagine NEVER seeing the color blue or hearing a song!!! Why deprive those people? Can it be restored/worked around/placed as an optional file download? CAN YOU DO IT? LET'S DO IT!!! DOOO EEEEIIITT!!! GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!
  5. You sure did explain it a lot more elegantly than I did, thank you, lol. Please do this yes! I am in full support. Would the Dev team please be willing to look at this?
  6. Wow, who knew that fulcrum shift was so serious? I'm on my way there. Why does everything I like about this game and want to enhance seem simple, but in reality exists as a semi-impossibility on a road leading to potential/likely bureaucratic/development nightmare? I'm talkin regen, nerfs, farmz, missions, and now sounds? -.- Sheesh!
  7. Yes please. I would love to hear the stacked fulcrum shift effect again. Even if I only hit 1. And I bet the rest of the kin players, (now that there are so many) especially the ones who never heard it before in the original game, would lose their minds to it. Thank you for your offer. And thank you for your prompt reply. Edit: Could you also publish it in .zip? My computer's version of windows has decide not to let the COH mod program function properly.
  8. Hey Solarverse - EXTRA SPECIAL REQUEST, if I may? Can you recreate- restore the ORIGINAL fulcrum shift sound? The one that Sounded like Siphon Power on Steroids? It seems like the old FS sound was just the sound from siphon power with multiple responses. It sounded awesome. I'm thinking it's a simple extract and rename. Any who I looked up the files In the Rosetta stone How do I turn this powers\kinetics\kinsiphonpower.fx = sound\ogg\powers\kinetic2 powers\kinetics\kinsiphonpowerhit.fx = sound\ogg\powers\kinetic 4 into this? POWERS\KINETICS\KINTRANSFER.FX SOUND\OGG\V_POWERS\FULCRUMSHIFT1 POWERS\KINETICS\KINTRANSFER.FX SOUND\OGG\V_POWERS\FULCRUMSHIFT2 How to extract them so that I can rename them?
  9. MY WHOLE point is - maybe this is worth a try. Can the Homecoming team learn to work with the players, where before in COH/COV they went wrong of many? You might not know how many players COH/COV lost because you were one who stayed and/or were not affected. I initially quit coh after the 1st regen nerf. It was my only character I had time to play. I didn't go back till Villains. Did Coh fail because 1 guy left their servers? I think not. BUT now there is NEW freedom and NEW OPPORTUNITY for homecoming to be BIGGER AND BETTER that coh ever was - If they LIsten! Do the New Devs have the flexibility and foresight to put the people who use their product first (within reason) BEFORE their own egos so it can last this time? This post said it best.
  10. THIS is the real point of any of my posts. You the Best.
  11. It is OP. I will admit its OP. And it should STAY OP - why? Because there is no better way for me to have TIME to clean my house and bake a pumpkin pie than to Que up a Titan weapon attack. Thanks to that windup, I can play coh and read, get a nap in, do macrame. ANYBODY, who can tolerate the deadliest "old woman in a rocking chair" powerset of attacks at TURTLE windup SPEED DESERVES the FULL POWER it unleashes!
  12. I'm hoping they're great too, it just seems a casual play might have to log on to these god-forsaken forums every once in a while and brave the troll hate to check in on their next move. So far as a casual player its been 1. Great opening 2. One step back 3. 1/2 step forward 4. Immense forum praise for sucking air and making use of the internet. HOW DARE YOU SIR! Ill try not to fall into this trap but. Negotiations to receive something, or negotiations to keep something already in possesion? See, this is the stuff that needs to be in the "coming up in out next update" forum.
  13. I am a game designer, who understands user agreements, but UNFORTUNATELY expected more flexiblilty - from a stolen game.
  14. I appreciate your points. But I AM a game designer. Published and successful kickstarters too. I guess that is why I have so much to say. I'm digging into the meta. I think the main players of any AT should have a say in the outcome when the Nerfbat (ahem, "changes") comes around for their favorite AT. Those are the people who will care. Everyone it doesn't effect will either not care 30% or 70% say some doofy "I embrace the any changes" crap. The professional forum lurkers and yesmen I don't even think play the game, they are on here so much. What are they, alt-tabbing between missions? And no - I'm not even hinting who I am IRL, its a small brand with some success. I do not give permission to use this post to harm me in any way.
  15. That agreement was made "in good faith" in hopes that the game would improve for everyone, and not be nerfed and ruined for those who have invested, while being TOLD that you having LESS fun is somehow an improvement over previous conditions. And more so, because you can't play the game unless you click the box. Since you are stuck on "agreements", you do understand, that they could just get it over with and stop slow dripping the bad and just nerf it all tomorrow? make everyone do 1 point of damage per attack, and each attack cost 125% end. You still agreed to that. Why you complaining? But then what would they do to spread covert misery? people would just log off. i do not give permission to use this post to harm me in any way.
  16. Boy, you guys latched onto the vote concept to tear it apart like a tick on a hound dog. It doesn't have to be a "vote". Get that out of your head. Generally, I am talking about - Dev's ask what players want first/most - then implement, instead of the more common <slams raw beef on the table> "there's your dinner, eat up, what you don't like raw beef" dev style.
  17. Nope. Can't. Dev's asking for player input, then refining it, and then implementing it base purely on player input and not some dev based plans(nerfs) I have never seen done.
  18. To avoid all these "bad feelings" why not create a format where devs say - "Hey we were thinking of doing this? How many for How many against? Any ideas to change or improve it?" Then you refine that forum around and around (put the forum shills to good use for once) until you get a majority 80%, then you implement that change. But that would be too close to allowing real fun and it would take away the ability to inflict arbitrary and artificial tyranny. I do not give permission to use this post to harm me in any way.
  19. Stick to comments about my content, and do not attack me with orders of what to do.
  20. Or do you mean hidden, ill meaning, and not up for debate while giving the ILLUSION of debate, player consideration and good will? Cause that's what it seems like. Are you one of them or do you read their minds? You are speaking for them rather well for someone who is - separate? If you can speak so well for them - why not tell us the rest - or why not teach them to communicate as good as you?
  21. Then proceeds to completely ignore the exact thing they recognize that people wanted, ignore all suggestions, and talk about all the changes NOBODY wanted. Hope you enjoy your dystopian empty servers, because this is how you get dystopian empty servers. Then proceeds to talk about MORE nerfs that nobody wanted. Stating that they must REDUCE the quality of life in gameplay and change the rules of fun so everybody plays in a muffled way according to their vision, so that "fun" can be had. And completely glosses over the players characters and time invested in them that will be completely ruined by the new changes. The devs seem to be on a misery campaign to evacuate the servers, and/or make sure that any who remain on their servers are quietly suffering and miserable, playing mediocre heroes that have all the feeling of slogging through molasses and fighting foes with whifflebats with every fight or it ain't "their approved version of fun." Half the fun of COH is overcoming it's terrible limitations and and nerfs (i'm, looking at you endurance, hitting vs +4 mobs, and doing 1 point of pet damage vs. +4 unless you slot damage procs) Overcoming is the fun. And the devs keep nerfing, it seems like they want to make overcoming impossible! How to fix the game in the way PEOPLE WANT (not dev want) with these steps. 1. Create new level 50 content - not just missions, but special tf and trials. Have special timed content/stories/etc. Effortlessly enhance said difficulty of said content by doing NO more than limiting all teams to a size of 4, and increasing the aggro cap to 22 or 32. Super mega blaster is going to wait for the tank. 2. Make some new powers first. There are a million ideas in these forums, and if you have to, steal from thunderspy and other servers - they passed you going 80 mph with all the new powers. And all your changes just seem to make people mad, leave, or suffer. That is a sign you are not looking for players to actually have fun, and that you may indeed be looking to accomplish something else. 3. Don't nerf anything anymore - STOP NERFING STUFF. DON'T BRING ANYTHING DOWN! RAISE them UP to level them out with the others - WHO is it that decided video game development = NERFS? ruining stuff other people like? You are traveling the road of Bethesda. This is how you get empty servers. Why? The rules of a game are agreed, now that you have us invested in the game, you "change" the rules, and wonder why people balk? How would you like to wake up one day and you had to defecate out of your mouth and eat with your rectum? You'd have a REAL problem with that. Especially after all this time doing it the other way. Some people would never get used to it and complain forever. That's how some people who aren't you and your yes men feel. That's how beneficial your nerfs really are. Sure you'll have city of heroes. You'll have it all to yourself because people will leave. Leave titan weapons alone. 4. FIX the OLD JUNKY POWERS - every bad thing you know - a. STEAL from thunderspy and fix mastermind pets with auto upgrades, raise all pets to the same level so that there attacks are NOT gentle massages and loving hugs of ill-intent. No-one will complain when pet damage jumps from 1 per hit, to an amazing 2 per hit. No one. Also, REMOVE Mercs redraw animation. If all you have is a gun, WHY do you keep putting it away? b. Forcefield - rework, remove, or replace - personal forcefield, stasis bubble, repulsion bomb, force blast, etc - it's a set with 3 powers, 4 powers max. c. Raise up/fix other under performing sets i didn't mention up to good levels 5. REDUCE animation times globally. If it its less than 1 second, reduce it by .30. If it is more that 1 second, cut it in 1/2. The "grand old oprah hand dance" from dark healing comes to mind about a too-long animation. It's many of the animations that make some sets unbearable, like stone or electrics "air molasses" jumping smash. Just silly. 6. INCREASE drawn weapon time. If all I have is a titan weapon, swords, or guns to attack - WHY do I keep putting them AWAY every 5 seconds if I know I am in a dangerous environment and going to need them? Why not increase that time to 30 seconds? I'm in a building full of carnies! I'd better keep this out, even if I'm not fighting atm! 7. Leave procs alone. Procs are the only way some of this game is bearable. It makes tanks do damage and MM pets tolerable - AND it is already BALANCED because you have to eschew set bonuses and other opportunities just to slot procs. Nearly Effortless Global changes that make the game fun with the most minimal moves 1. Effortlessly enhance current gameplay by limiting team and tf size to 6. (you'll feel the difference) 2. Increase the Aggro cap to 20 or 32. Now super mega-charge ahead guy is going to wait for the tank, cause he can only nuke 16. 3. Give a global 25% endurance discount to all powers overall, or 100% boost to stamina inherent. The amount of super powered beings having asthma attacks after using their powers twice after having 5 toggles, and living on incarnate endurance recovery is too damn high! On every character I play, I have to 4 slot stamina with end and performance Io, then by lvl 27 have 3 slotted health - panacea, miracle, and numina's. If I don't its asthma attack town for me every 2 fights, especially brutes and tanks. That's not super! 4. Change the T9's away from garbage. Give them resistance debuffs, remove the crashes - not necessary. How about limiting MAX endurance for 30 seconds instead of and end loss or crash? You want my t9 to crash because superheroes should have strokes after exerting themselves? How about my guy just gets tuckered out instead? (1/2 max end for 30 seconds) 5. Open up the pool power sets to 5-6 choices, and you will start to get more builds that are concept and would play better in teams and NOT MIN/MAXED def/res capped. Since I only have a few choices of how to fill the holes in old cheap powers, i'm gonna fill the holes first so I can have fun. No one wants to face plant every fight. 6. steal from other servers - Have I mentioned this? Allow people to pick freely the EXACT power they want from any power pool with NO pre-requisites - and you'll see a hole new life be breathed into the game. 7. New pool powers that fill the gaps. Tough mind. Quick on feet. Inexhaustible. Bullseye. Guns. MMA. Knives. Swords. Give us other ways to FIX the holes in powers that can be enhanced, and you'll see different builds, playstyles even. 8. Give people Real gadgets. Make real gun powers that are purchasable, and don't have the redraw - or make guys for sale with influence - and have no redraw. 9. I really appreciate the multi-buffs in the game, any way to make those last 10 mins? Fun New Money Sinks - want to clear out that economy? I got you covered. 1 Guns and Knives and bats! Yes. The same as the free ones, but cost influence, no redraw before attack, and limited number of uses. Fixes controllers, slow levelers, and sucks down money. 2 Better Inspiration Vendors - Make a hot dog stand outside atlas that sells medium and large enhancements for 1000 and 10000, id buy em. Make one in PI that sells Large team and duals for 25000. 3 Make Mission teleporter and TT unlimited purchasable with infl. make teleport 2 mil and tt 20 mil. anyway I'm babbling, and I do not give permission to use this information to harm me in any way.
  22. Is there anyway to change/silence the MM merc pet soldier guns?
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