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Everything posted by meyerwolf406

  1. Ok. I think I can make this work... This is not at max settings. More or less half I would say. I can cycle through Melee Core Embodiment and Eye of the Magus (which I just finished getting) for when The shit gets real.
  2. LOL I stand corrected... this is on a whole different lvl . WoW yeah i would have to have +6 on INV to match those numbers just on Mo-minimum. Mo-JACKED just makes my beard hurt. You Da Man well done Sir. Well done.
  3. Been on Beta with a few of my toughest (Inv/SS and SR/MA) Builds only messed around with 1 and 2 star so far. Haven't been able to get past the twins in third mission though. I haven't be able to get a beta team yet to see how they do in that scenario. all my tanks are built for teaming not so much soloing. Mr. ITF Had some help from @Nemu a while back (I think you even help with it to @Hyperstrike) and really got him dialed in with my playstyle. He took a good build and made it great. I guess we will see if its Hard Mode great lol. Mr. ITF build matches (on paper at least) to "Mo Durable" build as far as numbers go and passes some based on my playstyle and the fact that Mr. is a TF specific build. I just don't want to miss something that could be better for Hard Mode teaming by not asking about what other options others have tried and ether have had good or bad experiences with.
  4. Anyone have any good recommendations for solid tank sets for ITF Hard Mode. Currently been running Inv/ss the past year and its a cake walk but I'm not sure if it will be able to handle Hard Mode... I don't not ever plan on soloing Hard Mode at any star lvl. I want to be the strongest team tank. This Char like Mr. ITF will be for no other purpose then to run teams through ITF Hard Mode. seen some ppl talk about SR/DM but dont want to waste the days if not weeks or so it would take to build to find out that its not going to work.
  5. I see what you mean about the Proc's. With your build Dragon Tail is up every 3.5 sec when ever Hasten is on and under 3 sec on a regular basses. with a PPM of only 3.5 you have alot of time with no proc at all. Not yet Fully incarnated but got Alpha and Destiny to their top tiers. Thank you again for all your help. You turned a good build into a great one. I will make sure to give credit where it's do in my Character profile.
  6. Wow. You made spot on points. I started getting that S/L Res over 35% I lost focus on all the others. I agree 100% if I am going to run the Gauntlet of TF's and especially ITF (witch is my favorite) its best to have a more balanced build. Does the +6% Enhancement (Heal) effect regen or the Proc of Panacea?
  7. Been working on this for a several days now and done 2 respects trying out different builds in game and I think this one is going to be the final one. I really don't like doing respects they take soooooo long lol. I know its a fairly expensive Build but that's why we farm right. I already have the 3 D-sync on another character I don't play that I can take from. I found that Dragon Tail does more damage proc'd out then when I just had Superior Gauntleted Fist (witch is what it has in it now). I feel that the build doesn't suffer to much by swapping out for the extra damage but I am by NO means a expert. I am having fun with Fold Space as I learn how to and not to use the ability. I can and have been playing with Sprint on with no issues so my End seems to be fine. One question I have would be Alpha slot for this build? I was thinking Musculature Core for more damage or would the build benefit more from Nerve Total Core For ACC, or would another one fill in any gaps that I'm not seeing better? This is not a solo play character. I will be teaming 99% of the time but unlike some of my other tanks some of witch I made to run only 1 specific TF and NOTHING else. This one will be all over the place doing TF's from all lvl ranges multiple time just to have fun teaming with ppl. Thanks for taking a look and giving me your thoughts and ideas. Super Reflexes MA tank Work In Progress.mxd
  8. I guess that's my ignorance, No clue why I didn't think to stack LF lol. As far as tanking goes I'm a firm believer in if you want to tank make a tank. Not sure what this char role is going to be atm.
  9. thank you very much for your help. Mighty leap just a mule so I could get Unleash potential. my thought (all though may be totally wrong) was to get unleash potential to use around time of light form crash to help recover from it asap. and I did go for the end discount and +def for the set bonus in unbreakable guard. but your way is better.
  10. I just finished a all human build and got him to 50 and am torn between the alpha slotting. I am pretty new and was hoping to get some suggestions ppl who are more familiar with the all human playstyle. ill though my build in post and I know it could use a lot of tweeking but it plays well on teams (Kind of between a brute and scrapper) so far and once i get use to the light form crash that will help. I was thinking agility, muscular, or cardiac. i do have some end issued if there is no support on team but i was thinking of getting Ageless for destiny if that would be enough. Human Only PB.mxd
  11. Awesome work. I actually saw the recruitment for this.
  12. I am not that guy clearly. If you'd take the time to research or learn about someone you would know that. This is the first time I have EVER asked about the authenticity of someone else claims of anything. I only did so because I am genuinely curious about those questions. I have done ITF well over 300 times and I will admit 1:25 isn't a realistic team time for +0 so that answers that question. Thank you for mentioning that Shred Monkey I missed it. I never said I doubted his claim so get your facts straight Errants or shut the hell up. Like I stated I was curious about a few thing and I congratulated him on his accomplishment or did you miss that part Errants?
  13. Found it and just FYI here it is /bind numpad8 "select$$targetcustomnext Demon Prince$$powexec_name "Enchange Demon"" now all I have to do is tap the numpad 8 key and no matter who my target is it will target my demon prince and if I want all I have to is hit it again and it will buff the prince and all my other demons by extension.
  14. This is turning out to be way harder then its should be. Its probably me making it that way lol. All I want to do is hit (for example) numpad6 and have it select my Demon prince. It would be awesome if there was a Macro / Key Bind to hit numpad6 and have it select any demon and use Enchant Demon on said demon. I am new to MM and even newer to macros. I do have a few macros for summoning pets. I looked at the forum with all the text file stuff but I really don't want to mess with all that many because I don't understand a lot of it lol. again learning to have Mad respect for MM archetype and ty all for your help.
  15. PB does effect all secondary abilities of every power. It just does nothing to increase primary effect of powers
  16. meyerwolf406


    Which Mastermind pets have the most DPS either single Target or AOE?
  17. thanks for the help guys looks like I wasn't aware of how all the powers worked that I took. Since some of you have looked at the build is there a way to cap or get closer to the cap then were im at without EM.
  18. No I am not exempting down. the 3 tests I did was on a lvl 50+ ITF team same lvl team for PI missions and I asked a lvl 50+ friend just to invite me. the last one my def did not change until we were in the same zone as soon as he met me in Ouroboros my def changed. here is my build. I did make one mistake and didnt want to redo whole thing. I took Aim and skipped Shock Thong final.mxd
  19. electric affinity / electrical blast i dont have a mids build but i guess if itll help ill make one and post it in about 20 min
  20. I am new to the Defender archetype and just did a lvl 50 respect with set bonuses that cap all my defense to no less then 50 and I mean all of them, even psy and toxic. If i get on a team my defense stat almost drop by half. they are now in the low 20s and low 30s. Ive asked in game about this with 0 help. Anyone know why this is happening? How it works? If I respect my char again and focus less on defense (since I cant utilize it all when teaming) with that make the stats degrees even more when I join full team? I do not solo and 99% of the time am teaming. The teams are lvl 50+ here is a before team and after team Before After range 65 33 melee 50 18 aoe 50 18 S/L 67 35 fir ice 50 18 energy 68 36 N.nrgy 57 25 psi 50 18 toxic 51 19
  21. Thank you very much for your help DreadShinobi Those both have great ideas, I really appreciate you taking the time to help.
  22. This is the best I could come up with and I am in no way a expert at this lol. I would greatly appreciate if some of you could look at it and let me know if I missed anything or just recommendations on how to make it better. I tried to focus on def and res with as much regen as I could as a secondary focus. I've been saving up inf. so go into it with a no inf. limit in mind. I don't care about additional damage although recharge would always be a perk but I generally do the best build I can and then use incarnates to fill any wholes. This is a end game char. lvl 50+ content. Will not be exempting down to do tf or stuff like that I have other toons for that. Thanks for the help. Mohawk Warrior.mxd
  23. Thank you I do think that im going to go with the Hyperstrike inv/SS it is a awesome build indeed. and ty you again for the advice
  24. thank you for the reply and what I'm looking for is damage res and recharge I guess. with shield, deff is pretty much covered. I figured I could use incarnates to fill any holes. I made a build and worked Rune of Protection into it instead of taking a epic. Feel free to make any changes or give any advice and I guess the holly grail is deff, damage res, acc, and rech. At least in my opinion for a tank. you want damage make something else. Dont plan on doing much Psi tanking so not high on priority but toxic would be nice for the tin mage TF. Master.mxd
  25. hello i was just wondering if anyone had a good shield war mace tank build they could share. I'm not very good at making them and never come up with as good of a build then what you guys make. Thanks for sharing ahead of time. I plan on Tanking on teams late game mostly with this char. so not really worried about early on stuff. other then the usual TF's
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