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Everything posted by WarScribe

  1. Fixt for you. LMAO! I originally put walk there actually lol, but didn’t want it confused with the walk toggle power
  2. Out of curiosity, did you not take the nuke for any particular reason? I know I love having it so readily available on my toon
  3. You definitely have a nice build there. Especially without a bunch of super expensive stuff. I personally don’t like exempting so that’s why the clarion route makes more sense to me. But if the off chance I do, 1 purple should soft cap me to everything (foresight being active). I went the soul mastery route to take advantage of perma soul drain, but of course the effectiveness of that is based on how many mobs I can get. Thank you for sharing your build. It’s pretty inspiring, especially if people don’t have their own build.
  4. I’m pretty sure you can’t jump out of it, but with the way slows have been nerfed, you can just super speed/move/sprint out of it.
  5. Was looking to compare my ice/time build to others, and found this. Your build is pretty nice. Only difference between yours and mine is that I have soft cap range, energy, and negative energy Def outside of any buffs, about 20% more rech, 200 more hp, and about 2% more global dmg. I also don’t have powerboost/build up, so I buff the Def with the other Clarion
  6. Fixed. But seriously, I disagree with stalkers being easymode because of the cheese ass T9. I have yet to see anyone be a threat on a Stalker other than UW, Void, Gore, etc. I do agree about the survival tho.
  7. @EN3MY 0F M4N Target Eliminated - Psi/Nin Stalker
  8. I’m down
  9. Not sure what it would take to make a project like this happen, but it would be amazing. I hear a lot of request for this.
  10. Please @ Homecoming Devs. This would be a huge benefit to our community
  11. My guy! I thought that was you, but all these years have gone by and I’m old now, so my memory is all “LOL” Hit me up in game @EN3MY 0F M4N
  12. You're so annoying. No wonder RO kicked you out. That was uncalled for. You have the ability to scroll past posts, maybe you should try that. Yeah but, to be fair to him, the ability to Ignore people on this forum appears to be missing or well hidden, so I feel his pain. Nah, you are pretty annoying. I’m pretty tired of the whole “lolpvp” crap. If you don’t like it, fine. No one needs this passive aggressive bs. Do we know each other Barrier? I feel like I PvPd with you on test/freedom/champion
  13. To be honest neither. If you are stuck on making one of the two, go elec. Psi, Dark, and Fire are the top tiers
  14. Too early. They JUST added 2 additional servers to total 4. As of now, Arena is disabled and most folks are just leveling and enjoying the ride. I’m sure things will change over the next few weeks.
  15. I can’t say that I remember he being verbally abusive. I don’t recall him really saying anything unless provoked, or some generic statement about heroes winning
  16. Played with and against him on Champion. He was hated by mostly every hero and villain in sirens calls who tried to fight club. I thought he was hilarious. He’d tp people into drones and mobs and stuff lmao. Sigh, I’m old...
  17. Yo....... It’s me, Scribe aka EN3MY 0F M4N Welcome back y’all!
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