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Everything posted by Valverde

  1. Welcome back! Everlasting and Indomitable are the newest shards and I recommend you go on those as they currently have double XP and the lightest load and as a EU player myself I can tell you any of the 4 servers will do just fine though. Everlasting is the unofficial RP server Indomitable the PVP one. Yeah all veteran perks are accessed through the P2W Vendor which you can see on your map. It's mostly free or some influence if you already have a few.
  2. yeah, ... i cant find an alignment changer in Pocket D Op top of a truck on the villian side of Pocket D.
  3. /Dark or /Kin are my current MM secondary favourites. Demons being my pet choice.
  4. That would actually be a really nice change. New players shouldn't be AE farming anyway, lots of good content to explore.
  5. Thanks for the transparency guys! You really are the best!
  6. Gonna quote GM Jimmy on this one as it was just posted. GM JimmyToday at 6:47 PM @everyone Many of you have been asking which server is the unofficial RP server. It currently looks like that's going to be Everlasting, so please go there if you want to RP (and have short/no queues).
  7. Can confirm both Excelsior but also Everlasting are being RPed in. Even in random teams i've been in. Do with that what you will.
  8. Virtue was a home to me as well.
  9. Thanks again for the great work guys!
  10. You guys made a dream of mine come true by reviving this game. Can't say enough thank you's for that! But I will keep trying! I'm so glad just to be able re experience Paragon City in all its glory!
  11. Thanks again for all your efforts!
  12. You are doing a better job then paid teams out there are doing! Thank you so much for everything! You guys basically made a dream/wish of mine come true again by reviving CoH like this I never expected to be able to see to be all cool zones again not to mention actually doing the content! Thank you again! Maybe an option to kick people afk for at least 20-30min to reduce server load a bit?
  13. Blappers were awesome! You really felt strong in some way.
  14. +1 for Galaxy City.
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