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Everything posted by Heliopause

  1. I stream CoH gameplay to Twitch using OBS and when I alt-tab out of the game to my browser the games audio mutes. OBS has a Beta setting to allow the audio to play directly from the game but it doesn't. How do I get this to work. Does the game have a command line setting to not mute audio when the game is not in focus?
  2. I want to try and create an overlay to speak the dialogue in the game. For example, when the contacts and I interact with missions dialogue. I’m not sure I have the programming chops to do this, but I’m going to give it a try. First off is this permitted? Secondly, if so, the first step is to identify where dialogue is internally so I can grab it programmatically. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Triumph was my main server. The population was a little low so I moved/consolidate my characters over to the RP server, forget the name now. Heliopauses, Eon Recoil, Dark Mesmerize, Xandor, Earth Fury, and many more.
  4. Just got a $$$ premium gaming laptop with RTX 3080. Struggle to get 20 FPS on ultra settings. My modern MMO games easily get 60 FPS on ultra settings. Any know issues and resolution for my situation? Thanks. All drivers are updated and no other tasks are eating up big resources. Please do not suggest I should lower my graphic settings. Thanks
  5. That's what I thought. I'm guessing the combining % chance of success mechanic was thrown out when using the Upgrade button so it's 100% chance of success?
  6. When I click the Upgrade button does it charge me just the differential price between the currently slotted enhancement and the new enhancement level, or does it charge the full price of the new enhancement level?
  7. I’m so out of touch. I didn’t even know HC and NCsoft had formalized an NDA. Thanks
  8. Recipe named "Family_Boss_Defense"? (See attached) This recipe when you hover over it is "Encourage Accuracy: To Hit Buff"
  9. CoX is my favorite MMO of all time and I am beyond ecstatic 😍 the HC team's tremendous work allows me to play it again. However, playing feels somewhat less rewarding than on live. This is in part, IMHO, because the risk/effort/reward balance is out of balance. Rewards for general in-game activity and for accomplishing tasks require much less effort or even no effort (if something requires no effort I suppose it actually can't be considered a reward anymore). I think this is because of power creep and making too many things freebies instead of tying them to in-game activity and tasks. Thanks. 🙂
  10. Yep. That did the trick. So you don't get the Baton power when you get the badge. I logged out in the Police Station for about 24 hours and viola, when I logged in the Baton power appeared in my temp powers. and with 4 charges.
  11. I logged in and received the "Police Chief Badge" Accolade but didn't get the Police Chief Baton power as it says in the text of the accolade description as well as in: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Police_Chief_Badge I scanned all the powers in the Powers menu and don't see it there. I quit to character select and then went back in to see if that would trigger getting the power but it didn't.
  12. Blaster--->Sonic Attack-->Dreadful Wail. Description says "...reducing their defense...". However the Detailed Info says "-Res(All) . . . -13.00% resistance to all damage..." Also, the debuff animation on the foes is the down pointing orange'ish shield -Res f/x. (See attached pics.)
  13. Nicely done! 🙂 I'm particularly please to see you are monitoring and stamping out damaging exploits.
  14. I've a level 12 Bio Armor Scrapper. I find myself not really knowing when best to use which armor -- Efficient/Defensive/Offensive. What circumstance rule of thumb do you find works best for you of when to use which? Thanks.
  15. Devouring Earth "Spawn Chambers" don't spawn any foes. Pretty self explanatory.
  16. Does Sonic attack powers -res stack with either multiple attacks by the same power or by attacks of different powers? The in-game Help channel is giving contradictory answers --some say it does some say it doesn't. I'd love a definitive answer for my Blaster. Thanks
  17. Sounds great, keep up the great work! 👍 Where is the log file stored on my computer? I want to look at what information about my computer is being collected? Thanks. 😊
  18. I have many small rooms and would like to merge them into one big room. Can you merge many separate base rooms into one huge room?
  19. I'm loving Beam Rifle however, is there any trick to getting Disintegrate to "spread"? Spread is so unpredictable and uncommon that I'm finding it almost a useless combo. I currently have Single Shot, Charged Shot, Disintegrate, and Cutting Beam.
  20. Excellent. Thank you. Both of those I find wonderfully amusing.
  21. What is the emote where you stumble forward and fall flat on your face? I've seen it and it is hilarious but don't know what the command line for it is?
  22. SUGGESTION Add a Task Force type "Challenge Settings" (with commensurate rewards/penalties) choice to Notoriety settings. Assuming a team of 8 mission. In my experience, most of the time, foes even in level (+0 to me +1 to teammates) are easily defeated. Also in my experience, some of the time, foes much greater in level (+4 to me, +5 to teammates) are easily defeated. Adding a Task Force type "Challenge Settings" (with commensurate rewards/penalties) choice would add some nice nuance and depth to the games risk/penalty/reward. The Challenge Settings mechanic already exists in the Flashback system and I think adding it for all instanced missions and not just story arc/badge missions would be great.
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