I've looked into making AI apps to work with City of Heroes, and the amount of work to get it to anything is going to be interesting. City of Heroes doesn't have an API. Your first problem, ignoring which AI you plan to use, is HOW you are going to get information from CoH to the AI so the AI can process it, such as providing a translation.
Client-side, I might be able to accomplish this using DLL Injection and API Hooking, maybe. I personally want to try and create a companion app that can tell you about the NPC you are talking to, tell you about your mission, the zone you are in, or any other information that could be scraped from the game. My purpose, however, is to create something that enhances immersion, but I suppose translation could fall into that.
Now I said client side because I am not even sure how the Homecoming Team would approach integrating AI into City of Heroes on the server end. Once again, the game has no API. And then what service do you use? OpenAI is making big strides, but also charging big money for its services. It might be better if they had a model that could be run locally on a server, and fine-tuned to City of Heroes. Of course, then you have to understand what fine-tuning and Loras are.
At the moment, my AI City of Heroes experience is a simulation I made as a json file using KoboldCPP as a back end. I'm limited to story-telling, or text-based adventures ala old MUDs, but I could certainly do things like have a conversation with any NPC I want, so long as I provide information for that NPC. KoboldCPP has websearch, so I can make things easier by pointing it to web pages.
I don't see City of Heroes having such advanced features any time soon. The thing that will revolutionize the game is when we have a language model with a massively huge context, like 1 million tokens or more. Right now tokens for language models run between 16-128, big enough to absorb some books, but not yet big enough to ingest the entirety of Homecoming source code. When we have a model that can ingest City of Heroes and spit it out as something easier to work with, then perhaps we can make the game into something more.