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About Molubdos

  • Birthday 09/10/1990

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  1. I ran this mission last night (Your Personal Blog) and ran into the issues described. The heroes are indeed spawning at far too low a level (below level 30) for the mission due to their limited level ranges, leading them to easily be defeated by the Freakshow tanks if engaged in melee range, as they're not exempt from being valid AoE targets before their rescue. Their ranks are not fixed either - LeoKnight spawns as an Elite Boss! If any of the heroes are defeated before being rescued, then the mission breaks because the objective cannot be completed, but they are also not tagged for failure. The "heroes to rescue" objectives have their objective text change to blank when you're close enough to activate their dialog, leading to the count decrementing and the comma appearing. (If you get in range of 2 of them, you'll have "2 , heroes to rescue" or something like that, because you have two "blank" objectives.) The heroes stand around and do nothing after being rescued, rather than joining forces or running away.
  2. I know the initial upload to the beta server for the office map fix was missing the updated AI pathfinding beacons (which were deployed later) - sorry I didn't get to running them in the last couple of nights to double-check! Two of the afflicted office maps with the tile still appear to be bugged when testing via Architect as of this post, but the rest seem to be fixed (and hoping none of the others broke!) Office_60_Layout_03_02 - End Room V_Office_45_Layout_09 - Floor 2 Side Room (The end room was fine, the side room indicated appears to have the issue)
  3. I've done a quick skim of all 11 of the "offending" versions of that tile I found on live and all of them still appear to be broken, at least when testing via Architect. I don't know if it being Architect Test Mode affects anything with the pathing, but perhaps this fix didn't make it in.
  4. In the Rogue route of "Just How Evil Are You?" Tip ("Help Subdued Heroes"), the hypothetical big neon sign is missing an "I" - it should be "SECRET MILITIA HEADQUARTERS". The Bosses guarding the Heroes are also designated as "Mitilia Leaders" (though the one guarding Desdemona is correctly designated as a Militia Leader.)
  5. The destructible items in Johnny Sonata's first mission are given the faction "Aracnos Storage".
  6. So, I did some digging around in City of Data to try and find something that might cause that level of change in Run & Flight speed, found an interesting result that may answer it, and I've now confirmed it in-game. Do you have the 3-slot set bonus from Pacing of the Turtle on that character, by any chance? This set bonus actually impacts the effect of Swift as well, in the same way as all the "auto-powers that enhance other powers" so far! It also does, in fact, impact Hurdle, but this is less noticeable as Hurdle ticks on a much shorter timer and refreshes sooner, but it does affect it.
  7. I think my hunch was right. The Increase Flight Speed empowerment has its effect combined with Swift, and takes the first tick to reapply, like the Alpha's Enhancements. Why? Because it's a buff to Flight Speed Strength, so its effect is to increase the effect of your other flight speed buffs, not to buff your flight speed directly! So it's doing the same thing the Alpha power is, and not applying for the first "Auto tick" after zoning.
  8. So I'm not sure why you're getting a different outcome. Lv50+5 Flight Speed IO in Swift, and Musculature Core Paragon, and I'm consistently getting +2.99, while my Run Speed is adjusting as per the discussed findings. Unless your empowerment is somehow affecting it...
  9. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it's that the Level Shift isn't the cause. What's happening seems to be that the Global Enhancement Function of the Alpha power seems to "skip" that first tick/cycle of auto-powers on zoning. I've confirmed this with lower-tier Alpha powers as well - T1 Agility does the same thing on my Brute, and the numbers line up, too.
  10. Are you using Musculature Radial Paragon, by any chance? I've just looked at this and it looks like the Global Enhancement effect of Alpha Slot powers, at least when it comes to auto powers, takes a cycle to kick back in after zoning. For an example, when using Cardiac Core Paragon, the resistance effect of High Pain Tolerance in Willpower takes a cycle to kick up after zoning as well. This likely impacts all auto-powers that are enhanced by Alpha Slot Abilities.
  11. Update: As of the October 8th 6346 Patch, only 2 of the previously afflicted maps still appear to have this issue when testing in Architect: Office_30_Layout_04_02 V_Office_45_Layout_09 (in a side room)
  12. Oh boy, this one's an interesting one. V_Sewer_to_Ofc_30_layout_05 This map has an errant Office Entrance Tile at [0, 0, 28.5], located underneath the last tile in the mission, opening out into the void. When loading into the map (at least via AE), it (can) spawn you at this door instead of the correct Sewer Entrance Tile, at [216, 0, 1855]
  13. In Vincent Ross' Story Arc, Lorenz Ansaldo has an incorrectly formatted line break tag in his dialogue when talking to him before the first mission. Likewise, Vince Dubrowski has an errant apostrophe after "don't" after agreeing to work together.
  14. It might be an old report, but can confirm that this mission door still isn't locked to Cap au Diable (at least in Flashback), and doesn't use a "transport door".
  15. Managed to reproduce again in on Floor 2 of V_Office_60_Layout_04. Floor 3 of the same map, which has the same tile in a different orientation, didn't reproduce, but I didn't test that one as much. Floor 2: Floor 3: Edit: 25th September Alright, I've begun systematically running AE missions to find which ones have the issue, and will list them here so long as I can. Where these are not end tiles, a map print from AE will be included. Edit: I'm happy with my tests - Out of the 44 instances of the tile geometry I found skimming over the maps in AE, 11 seem to have this issue. Spreadsheet link of testing linked here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1elGl0Oc9Jpumg2VBR7H3CbzOMARbQ53SkdHPCVHJ4dE/edit?usp=sharing Bugged Tile List: Office Standard - City of Heroes Set (Tested 25th September) Office_30_Layout_04_02 - side tile on first floor. Office_60_Layout_03_02 - End tile. Office_60_Layout_04_01 - End tile. The side-tile on Floor 2 of this map has also been checked does not have the issue. Office Standard - City of Villains Set (Tested 26th September) V_Office_45_Layout_01 - End Tile V_Office_45_Layout_05 - End Tile V_Office_45_Layout_09 - "Side Room" on Floor 2. The end tile on this map does not have the issue. V_Office_45_Layout_12 - "Side Room" on "Floor 2" V_Office_60_Layout_02 - End Tile V_Office_60_Layout_04 - Side Room Tile on "Floor 2" The "End" Tile on "Floor 3" does not have the issue. V_Office_60_Layout_10 - End Tile The Side Room tile on Floor 2 does not have the issue. V_Office_60_Layout_13 - End Tile The Side Room tile on Floor 2 does not have the issue. Praetorian Office Set - Tested 26th September The Praetorian version of the tile does not appear to have the issue.
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