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Everything posted by Alisson

  1. Hey, @Alisson here! I spent most of my time on Infinity, largely in Raven's Nest and Congo, but I had alts in a lot of SGs. I mostly played as Alisson and Psara but had a zillion alts including Kitten Lost, She Killing and Terra Alisson. Oh and I was Sinful Borealis, but not the original Sinful Borealis.
  2. Tested and sweep is working properly again with AoE knockdown and the extra minor damage. Oh also I couldn't make teleport not work, so that seems fixed too!
  3. cool! with beta cheats i can easily enough get all the powers needed to test all the combos, and will happily do so!
  4. aw shoot. oh well the changes are more than well worth me falling every now and then. i know people could totally just turn off auto powers while traveling, but i also know i’ll never remember to, so i’ll just fall. 😂
  5. This is for a stalker: Activating Kuji-In Rin cancels the post-teleport hover buff now. (It doesn't sound like it should from the patch notes? It's not interacting with any object or mob; just me.)
  6. This is for a stalker trying to do the combos in Dual Blades- using Ablating Strike to finish the Sweep combo within the time limit doesn't completely activate the combo for me. The knockdown happens, but the extra minor lethal damage doesn't, the "SWEEP" floating text doesn't pop up and it doesn't show activating in the combat log. Empower still works properly (i get the dmg bonus, the floating text and it shows in the combat log,) but I don't have all the powers needed to test the other two. ETA: I'm also pretty sure the knockdown is only working single target now where the sweep combo used to work as a PBAoE even for stalkers.
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