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Posts posted by Widower

  1. I'm not totally certain about this, but judging by how the files in the Island Rum download haven't been updated since March of 2018, I'd guess that IR itself is static. IR uses a manifest, much like Tequila, to update CoH, and that's something we control, not Manga. It does not to my knowledge, which is admittedly limited, get updated every time the game needs updating, and the Mac experts I talked to agree with me in this judgment. This isn't going to help you out very much, Ringu, since you're going to be stuck with 10.15, but people who don't want to update to 10.15 should be able to continue playing as they have thus far.

  2. I would note that Manga is not a member of the Homecoming Team in any capacity, to my knowledge, and is speaking solely for himself as the developer of Island Rum and the preeminent CoH Mac guru. If you have a problem with how he's handling the situation with 10.15 (and he is working on a solution, as you well know, given that you've posted twice in his thread), I would suggest taking it up with him. We have, to my knowledge, very little to do with it.

  3. NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This was a temporary fix during a temporary outage at the main patch server.  If the main patch server is not down (and we will announce it on the Discord and here if it is), don't use the linked manifest below.  -- GM Capocollo


    We're aware of a outage at the datacenter where our manifest and patch servers are at. We do not have an ETA at this time but we are working for a solution in the interim.


    Thank you for the patience.


    Two options: either add https://forums.homecomingservers.com/update/manifest.xml to your manifests in Tequila, or make a shortcut to homecoming.exe, then right click to properties and add the arguments

    -patchversion 2019.06.05 -auth -patchdir homecoming
    after the target line.
  4. Not a maintenance notice, but important enough, right?




    We're aware of a outage at the datacenter where our manifest and patch servers are at. We do not have an ETA at this time but we are working for a solution in the interim.


    Thank you for the patience.


    EDIT: the alternate manifest https://forums.homecomingservers.com/update/manifest.xml is functional - add that to Tequila and you can connect that way.





    Cause of the issue has been identified as power loss. The patch & manifest servers are back online now' date=' we'll continue to keep a close eye on it.[/quote']
  5. A bit late in the game (having a hard time getting back to threads I've read), but what I was Trying to get at was something like having you put up say 1-10Gb chunks for people to munch on that would speed up the initial DL and make it easier for those who appear to be using SSDs. Personally, I'm sitting on a good ~6Tb so long as I don't go back to my AV project (been avoiding) in the meantime. I hadn't started anything because I first read this when it was like half a page long. :p


    It's a good idea, and I personally would take advantage, but I suspect it'd be difficult to manage - you wouldn't really want two people grabbing the same chunk. That would be... awkward.

  6. I think you misunderstand. That's the COMPRESSED size.


    Ah, you wound me, friend PK. I was thinking - why decompress the whole archive when I could decompress but a part of it and parse that, then rinse and repeat 'til there are no more files? A lot more work for me, yes, but it should get it done. (Unless, of course, my right honorable friend Cipher gets to it first!  ;D)

  7. Right now, if I've got my math right, I estimate the final file size will end up being a little over 102GB.


    I've got 743 files compressed, and the file size right now is 4026 MB. There's 18,869 total files, so....



    743          18869

    ____  =    _____

    4026            X


    743X = 18869*4026


    743X = 75,966,594


    X = 75,966,594 / 743


    X = 102,243.06 MB, or 102GB



    Let me know if my math/logic seems wrong, but it looks like it'll be less than half the size of the original archive, when I'm all done zipping it up. ^.^


    Now, it MIGHT take longer to unzip, probably... but at least there'll be less chance/opportunity for errors during transfer over the internet for future Contributors!


    Ah, wunderbar. I was thinking of pitching in myself, but I don't have 220 GB sitting around, so this will be most useful to me.

  8. 6/27/19


    All shards will be restarted on Thursday 2019-06-27 sometime between 1200 and 1400 UTC (0800-1000 Eastern US time). Expected downtime is approximately 2 hours as we will be gathering networking data requested by our provider to help them diagnose the packet loss issues a number of our players are encountering. We will also be performing necessary OS updates.



    All shards should now be operational. Please keep an eye out for issues with character transfers. Also' date=' we optimized our LFG infrastructure; please also keep an eye out for issues with that. As usual, server issues can be reported on the forums, by filing a ticket, or in #report-server-issues-here.[/quote']
  9. They all fit I think.


    And this is why we can't have nice things.


    No, we can't have nice things because I was asleep during emergency maintenance and couldn't repost the announcement. Sorry!


    Anyway, with the question having been answered and the thread heading down a dark path, I'm going to close it.

  10. Allow me to put this to rest. Please...hear me out here.


    Somebody had asked if a server was the unofficial pride server. Which was a fine question to ask. One person says, "I'd like to believe that in 2019, LGBT individuals are welcome on any server." That in itself shouldn't have sparked controversy, it was meant with well intentions...but it was responded to with a bit of aggressive debate.


    The reaction to the aforementioned comment was met with offense taken, which in turn...spawned an unnecessary and sometimes offensive debate that spiraled out of control.


    Now, to be fair, the OP already got their answer to their question from a Discord channel that was designated for the LGBT Community. So having said that, the OP knew the answer to their question before making this post.


    Do I feel like the OP was looking to start a heated debate? No, I do not believe so. I believe the OP simply sought confirmation. The only mistake the OP made, was not thinking their question through very well before posting.

    HOWEVER, in all fairness, we have ALL made that mistake on these boards. We are all human. And as much as we would all like to pretend that we are perfect on these boards...we all deep down know better.


    So, if we could all please, cut the OP some slack, and let's simply answer the question and move on, shall we? Not every question asked on these boards has to be a headache by people over analyzing a question and giving an answer that is equally over debated.


    The OP meant no harm, and neither did the poster who said, "I'd like to believe that in 2019, LGBT individuals are welcome on any server."


    Hello. I am a moderator, and I agree with this post. Thank you.

  11. By popular request, I will document impending maintenance periods here. Please note that maintenance periods are currently scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC, usually lasting for less than half an hour. (For those of us who happen to be American, that's 8-10 AM Eastern.)




    All shards will be going down for patches and maintenance during our normal maintenance window on Thursday 2019-06-20 between 1200 and 1400 UTC (0800-1000 Eastern US time). Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.


    Edit: the maintenance is concluded. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.

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