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Posts posted by Widower

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vanden said:

    The new forums seem fine to me. I don't really understand why they are planning to revert them, but I guess that's just because it hasn't been explained in a way my caveman brain can comprehend.

    There were some unforeseen issues, but regardless of what the future holds, we're no longer planning to return to SMF now or in the future.

    • Like 2
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  2. Alright, new new (maybe add a couple of new's...) plan: we're sticking with IPB for the moment and will be making adjustments as needed. We will not return to SMF at this point, but we may migrate away from IPB if things get too troublesome. An official announcement with more detail should be forthcoming.

    • Thanks 3
  3. 7/23/19


    There will be extended maintenance tomorrow 2019-07-22 beginning at some point during our usual window (1200-1400 UTC; 0800 Eastern US time) and lasting for several hours. We will be performing OS updates and other necessary system maintenance.
  4. Rome wasn't built in a day. Our first priority is ensuring that everyone is able to play - and because of some networking issues at OVH, a fair few people, Cipher among them, find it difficult or even impossible to do so. It's my understanding that this issue needs to be resolved in some fashion before we proceed.


    Moreover, any development would be carried out as a side gig. People have actual jobs they need to attend to, not to mention families and other hobbies and so on, and all their hypothetical labor would be unpaid. Labors of love tend to move in fits and starts, and this one, I suspect, would be no different.


    I'm not usually one to preemptively lock threads, but this one has already stirred up fire and fury, so I think I shall. You're all free to start another thread on the topic, just in a, hm, less inflammatory manner.

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  5. 7/16/19


    All shards will be restarted at 1315 UTC (0915 Eastern US time; 1 hour from now). Estimated downtime is 15 minutes.



    All shards should now be fully operational. As usual, the AH and AE may take a few minutes to stabilize.

  6. If you change it to something like this:


    <label>Paragon Chat</label>
    <launch exec="" order="0" params="">Change Your Manifest</launch>


    (Side note:  I haven't actually tested that XML, I'm at work)


    It should show "Change Your Manifest" in the game list, and then they'll come here looking for a replacement manifest URL long before a new patch hits.


    Then just add a link that says "Tequila/Island Rum Says 'Change Your Manifest'" that links to an announcement about it, and you have a self-solving problem!


    A fine idea! I would suggest telling Leo or Cipher, since I have no control over the manifest!

  7. If you would read the post you cite, you would note that using that manifest was recommended because the main manifest server was down, and not because it is what you're supposed to use regularly.


    With all due respect, that's going to bite you in the rear the first time a patch comes along that requires a new "homecoming.exe".  You're going to have somewhere between hundreds and thousands of people posting here about not being able to get into the game.  And most of them won't read the announcements to see that they're supposed to change manifests for the patch.  It doesn't even take a major feature upgrade to require the main exe to patch - it could be a client crash was discovered, and the patch has to be rolled out quickly.


    Being in software, I can tell you that any time there is something that the end user 'should be able to figure out', they absolutely won't, and it will become a huge headache for you at the very moment you don't need one.  Like this thread!


    We know; the download link was removed intentionally shortly after to suggest to people that perhaps they shouldn't use that manifest. (Why we didn't just pull down that manifest altogether, as I was led to believe initially, is unknown to me, but this is what we're doing.)


    I would also note that most people did not see that manifest and have no idea it exists, and those that do, apparently, are aware that it's not the main manifest and that they should switch to the correct one (which is loaded into Island Rum by default as it is in Tequila, yes?).

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